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Hello, I'm new here but have really enjoyed this forum. Thank you to everyone who contributes. I'm in my early 40's, weight train daily & have been on HRT for 8 months and am doing very, very well. Somewhat similar to what talstar posted, I started at 100mgs every 6 days and after 4 months went to 200mgs ew. I inject .5ml 2 x week. My Total Test was around 800 @ 2-3 months after starting, but I still did not feel good. Dr. then OK'd going to 200mgs and I have felt so much better over the last 4+ months. I am also on HCG 250iu, 2 x week. I agree it will take some time for "you" to determine what the proper dosing should be (with rational judgement of course). Everyone is different. I am fortunate that my Dr. is more concerned with how I feel & perform, than with figures that appear on a piece of paper. However, a couple numbers did come back higher on my last BW. Test was 1400+, TC 212, LDL 141, E2 49.2. My Dr. was not too concerned though. He just asked that we move dosing to every 4 days, bump up the Arimidex, cut down on the Red Meat (I Love Steak), add more Chicken and do more cardio. We will then retest in 3 months. We are thinking the Test figure was partly from when I did the BW anyways. Hope this helps...