OK first let me say I was impressed with myself I only stared at the needle for about 8 seconds then went at it like a pro. The shot didn't hurt at all didn't even feel the needle to my relief. So Just when I was thinking this is gonna be cake about ten minutes after the injection I felt a small stinging at the site. This sting wasn't that bad not like a bee sting maybe like a ant bite it lasted about a good 45 minutes. Is this normal? Is it the HCG stinging or just the injection site itself?
I am thinking this was my first HCG shot and maybe my body just has to nut up and I won't notice it. Also I have been on Test Cyp 210mg e10d for 30 days so 3 injections so far. Now Do you think the 250iu 2xweek will start the boys up or do I need to kick start them at first. I am thinking just stay with the 250 2xw and they should hopefully start firing on all cylinders?