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Thread: First HCG shot today

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    First HCG shot today

    OK first let me say I was impressed with myself I only stared at the needle for about 8 seconds then went at it like a pro. The shot didn't hurt at all didn't even feel the needle to my relief. So Just when I was thinking this is gonna be cake about ten minutes after the injection I felt a small stinging at the site. This sting wasn't that bad not like a bee sting maybe like a ant bite it lasted about a good 45 minutes. Is this normal? Is it the HCG stinging or just the injection site itself?

    I am thinking this was my first HCG shot and maybe my body just has to nut up and I won't notice it. Also I have been on Test Cyp 210mg e10d for 30 days so 3 injections so far. Now Do you think the 250iu 2xweek will start the boys up or do I need to kick start them at first. I am thinking just stay with the 250 2xw and they should hopefully start firing on all cylinders?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Oh Yea I am pretty sure I did it right but would just like clarification. I mixed 5ml water with the 5000iu powder that makes 1000iu per ml so I used the insulin needle to draw out .25cc which I think it is also .25ml it goes up to 100 on the syringe that should be 250iu correct?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by streeter View Post
    Oh Yea I am pretty sure I did it right but would just like clarification. I mixed 5ml water with the 5000iu powder that makes 1000iu per ml so I used the insulin needle to draw out .25cc which I think it is also .25ml it goes up to 100 on the syringe that should be 250iu correct?

    you are using insulin pins correct? Yes, I remember experiencing a stinging sensation before, but not normally - wouldn't worry about it unless you get a rash etc. Pretty soon, all injections will be 'old hat' and you won't even think of the steps required - it'll just take a few minutes and you'll be done with them. As far as HCG dosage, I would hesitate to do any front-loading just to make sure you don't damage anything. Be patient and you should hopefully see/feel changes in a week or two...
    Last edited by subnet; 10-26-2010 at 02:10 PM.

  4. #4
    I'm on 250IU/ED (Novarel) and on day 9. I noticed that sometimes the injections sting afterwards, other times they don't. Starting to get a couple zits on my face which is very unusual for me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    what was the location of the shot?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by pittbulldad View Post
    what was the location of the shot?
    The location was in the belly fat. I gave myself my second HCG injection with no sting so I guess it was just because I had never had one I was overly sensitive to it...? So far so good. Tomorrow is day 8 since last Test Cyp and I don't get another one till Monday day ten. I think the HCG has helped I feel OK of course my wife thinks it's all in my head

    Subnet yes I am using insulin pins. Sorry I didn't reply sooner.
    Last edited by streeter; 10-30-2010 at 12:13 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    Depending on how long you've been on TRT I would shock the balls with a jump start. In particular, if you've had noticeable testicular atrophy then an initial dose of 1500iu's or so would be a good start and then go with 250 - 500 iu's 2x EW.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    Depending on how long you've been on TRT I would shock the balls with a jump start. In particular, if you've had noticeable testicular atrophy then an initial dose of 1500iu's or so would be a good start and then go with 250 - 500 iu's 2x EW.
    anyone else second this?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Surface-of-the-Sun, AZ
    IMO the "jolt" dose would be unnecessary if you're on hCG from the beginning or nearly beginning and your testicles haven't had any significant atrophy yet.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Epic Ed View Post
    IMO the "jolt" dose would be unnecessary if you're on hCG from the beginning or nearly beginning and your testicles haven't had any significant atrophy yet.
    ok i wanna hear opinions on the jolt theory if on for a while and the grapehood has come into play

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