I've been doing a lot of reading on aromatase inhibitors lately. Regardless of what type of treatment or therapy one is on, I am a firm believer in taking as few and as little medication as possible.
I agree with this.
First off, I don't like the idea of using a compound for something it wasn't intended to be used for. These are powerful drugs. They were produced for cancer patients.
It was developed to lower E, which it does well. This is a treatment for female cancer patients that need to lower it. It makes no difference if a female or male uses it.
I also don't like to use drugs to combat another medicine's side effects. Arimidex for test's conversion to estrogen, a blood pressure med for test's increase in BP. Where does it end?
Good points, but I don't think I would have had the success I have had with my replacement program without it.
Not to mention their own side effects. Arimidex is somewhat hard on the liver, plus it can cause joint problems, among other things.
Anyone ever notice that only anti-aging clinics "prescribe" an aromatase inhibitor? Anyone that gets TRT from a physician is only prescribed testosterone. Is this because of lack of knowledge from the doctor or because the drug is not necessary?
I think this statement is wrong. My physician prescribes it. But your take is interesting, as most of the time when a doc does not address E2, we call him/her a quack because of their lack of knowledge.
True, high estrogen can cause a few problems itself. Elevated PSA, water retention, high blood pressure, gyno, etc.
Estrogen feeds off fat, in a sense. A lot of the people I see with high e2 levels are generally overweight. Therefore, a lot of the above symptoms can be reduced with diet.
Heard this somewhere before
A while back, I had an e2 level of 72 out of a range of 0 to 54. My "doctor" wanted me to start taking 1mg of Arimidex 5x a week! Everywhere I looked, this was said to be an outrageous dose, which I agree. I opted for .5mg EOD, because my PSA was 1.4 out of a range of 0 to 4.0 and was a little worried.
It always seemed like I felt better when I didn't take an anti-estrogen medication. A better sense of well-being.
So I'm going to cut out an anti-estrogen completely. Here's my new protocol:
* I'm going back to bi-weekly injections (went to weekly because I was getting a little burned out on injections).
* My bodyfat was around 15% when last bloodwork was taken. I always lift for strength and bulk. I've increased cardio to moderate intensity, 5x a week for 45 min. I started this weeks ago and have felt a huge difference.
* My diet is always on. I was raised a healthy eater and always have been. I watch everything from sodium to fat. Eat only complex carbs and lean protein. However, regardless of what you eat, you can still gain fat if your calories in are way higher than your calories burned.
* I'm going to start taking a zinc or ZMA supplement. I've read that zinc helps limit test aromatization, plus it benefits testosterone. Overall good vitamin and mineral to add with the others (fish oil, multi).
* Lastly, if nothing else works and e2 is still high, I'm going to take a good look at my current test dose. It is at 200mg a week. I have talked about lowering it in the past and I did. I lowered it all the way to 100mg a week. After a while, I went back to 200mg a week because I didn't "feel as good". Obviously, you are going to feel better on 200mg than 100mg. And 300mg may feel better than 200mg. However, when I was on 100mg a week, I still felt great. Libidio was still at full impact, strength and motivation were still kickin'. It was just that 200mg a week, it was more noticable.
True, I may need to be at 200mg. But if being lower will still do the job, not require me to need ancilliary drugs and make me overall healthy, then its worth it.