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Thread: Adding HCG to Test/Arimidex TRT. Please help me with dosage balance.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010

    Adding HCG to Test/Arimidex TRT. Please help me with dosage balance.

    I am 6'0 207lb 49 years old, I started with a T baseline of 160. I am on test and Arimidex, I am adding HCG soon and I trust the information of many of the people here more than that of any doctor I have seen so far. I could use your help balancing the three elements.
    I have been on TRT for a year (still tweaking my protocol) and largely love it. I had been taking .5 of T-Enanthate twice per week for the last 5 months. My E2 was up to 102 and my test was up to 1400 (<1200 range) so I recently dropped to .4 Test and added Arimidex. I am taking a pill every other day for a while, than I will taper off when blood work E2 looks in range.
    I have SIGNIFICANT testicular atrophy so I have located a doctor (in network) to administer HCG as I wish to remain fertile.
    How should I adjust my test dose to make 'headroom" for the HCG test boost? What dosages/schedules should I start with on the HCG? dunno how much this new doctor knows yet, but I want to have enough knowledge of smart plans so I can detect a bad one. Surely I will trust him if he seems to know his stuff.
    I basically would love dose suggestions from the experienced, on a great protocol for test/arimidex/HCG.
    Is HCG also for life with TRT? Do I cycle the HCG to give the upper parts of the Axis a break?
    Can anyone suggest a tutorial on balancing all three?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Los Angeles
    You can find the Dr. John Crisler hcg protocol here:

    And you may find value in checking out:

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    In my personal opinion you should have been on hCG from the start. I don't know what .4 of test means but for the most part hCG is independent of the normal amounts of Test that men take for TRT. The fact that your MD has not put you on a hCG protocol when you started really makes me wonder about what he knows about TRT. Without hCG the LH recepetors on the leydig cells in your balls will stop working...not good for a lot of serious reasons as you are experiencing now!

    Your balls and sack will get seriously small and tight over time...and you will end up looking like a little boy. The degree of shrinkage probably depends upon a number of things as everyone is different but age seems to be the big player here; meaning, the older the man the more likely the higher degree of atrophy. Your balls won't hang anymore and your sack will pull really tight against your body...all the time!

    When your balls shrink they can hurt.

    If a decent amount of ejaculate when you orgasm is important to you then hCG is needed when it comes to this.

    And remember, your balls produce pregnenolone. You need this for mental functioning and to feel good plus it is the mother of all other hormones in your body and you must have it! You can always supplement Preg/DHEA as an option but you will need to test and constantly evaluate levels just like T.

    Typically, you want to inject 250 iu's every other day using a insulin syringe and inject about 4 inches to the left or right of your belly button. You can also inject into your love handles as well. I started doing that after a post I read on here and there virtually no pain whatsoever.

    Some will tell you that you don't need hCG but you can already see the side effects of not using it and it won't get any better. In fact, your balls can/will eventually turn into tiny lumps of flesh and they will never work again. Not for me man...

    Hope this helps.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    In my personal opinion you should have been on hCG from the start. I don't know what .4 of test means but for the most part hCG is independent of the normal amounts of Test that men take for TRT. The fact that your MD has not put you on a hCG protocol when you started really makes me wonder about what he knows about TRT. Without hCG the LH recepetors on the leydig cells in your balls will stop working...not good for a lot of serious reasons as you are experiencing now!

    Your balls and sack will get seriously small and tight over time...and you will end up looking like a little boy. The degree of shrinkage probably depends upon a number of things as everyone is different but age seems to be the big player here; meaning, the older the man the more likely the higher degree of atrophy. Your balls won't hang anymore and your sack will pull really tight against your body...all the time!

    When your balls shrink they can hurt.

    If a decent amount of ejaculate when you orgasm is important to you then hCG is needed when it comes to this.

    And remember, your balls produce pregnenolone. You need this for mental functioning and to feel good plus it is the mother of all other hormones in your body and you must have it! You can always supplement Preg/DHEA as an option but you will need to test and constantly evaluate levels just like T.

    Typically, you want to inject 250 iu's every other day using a insulin syringe and inject about 4 inches to the left or right of your belly button. You can also inject into your love handles as well. I started doing that after a post I read on here and there virtually no pain whatsoever.

    Some will tell you that you don't need hCG but you can already see the side effects of not using it and it won't get any better. In fact, your balls can/will eventually turn into tiny lumps of flesh and they will never work again. Not for me man...

    Hope this helps.
    Do you think taking clomid is an acceptable substitute for hCG?

  5. #5, negative feedback will still kick in. You should be fertile if you get off the test. E2 of 100 is insane. I'm surprised you could even get it up with E2 that high. I don't use HCG. If I want kids I'll just get off the test for a month and knock some girl up.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    thanks to all so far..
    Beast, at this point, i doubt i will knock anything up if i get off the test. I will probably just go sleep for a month. I am likely pretty well shut down after a year on TRT.

  7. #7
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    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by BeastintheSheets View Post, negative feedback will still kick in. You should be fertile if you get off the test. E2 of 100 is insane. I'm surprised you could even get it up with E2 that high. I don't use HCG. If I want kids I'll just get off the test for a month and knock some girl up.
    good luck with that -

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by BeastintheSheets View Post, negative feedback will still kick in. You should be fertile if you get off the test. E2 of 100 is insane. I'm surprised you could even get it up with E2 that high. I don't use HCG. If I want kids I'll just get off the test for a month and knock some girl up.
    Why not just store some sperm at a cryolab, and cost me 40$ a month, but cheaper than the HCG out of pocket.

    That and no risk of accidental pregnancy after I had my count checked while on TRT is was at ZERO, which makes me happy.

    My ball size? screw it, got stored sperm 16 vials, TRT, balls are useless.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Why not just store some sperm at a cryolab, and cost me 40$ a month, but cheaper than the HCG out of pocket.

    That and no risk of accidental pregnancy after I had my count checked while on TRT is was at ZERO, which makes me happy.

    My ball size? screw it, got stored sperm 16 vials, TRT, balls are useless.
    good post

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I currently run 150mg/wk of test C, 250iu HCG 3x/wk and .5mg adex 3x/wk. Some guys just do HCG 2x per week at 250-500iu per injection. HCG doesn't last more than about 8 weeks once reconstituted (I don't think it is as effective after 6 weeks) so try to get bottles smaller than 5000iu. Your doc may want to "kick start" your nads so he may prescribe a few thousand iu a couple times a week for a few weeks but ultimately you should be on 500-1000ui per week in divided dosages.

    Good luck.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    Why not just store some sperm at a cryolab, and cost me 40$ a month, but cheaper than the HCG out of pocket.

    That and no risk of accidental pregnancy after I had my count checked while on TRT is was at ZERO, which makes me happy.

    My ball size? screw it, got stored sperm 16 vials, TRT, balls are useless.

    Brilliant !
    I am still not loving my balls vanishing, but this is an ace in the hole.

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