First I am so new so Thani younso much for any input. I was in really good shape but needed ankle reconstruction. It went bad I had staph plus ended up with tons of arthritis in my ankle. So a year with nothing but sitting on the couch while they pumped me with MorPHINE perks and other bad things. I'm on the mend but still on crutches so I do what I can at the gym n diet. I went to a wellness center I really like and they did a ton of blood work and prescribed a lot of things. First omnitrope it's says .6 at night in a insulin needle but I don't know what .6 Isis it where the 5 is? Second they have me om 5mg? A day on cipinate, hcg every 3 days, t3/4 5days a week vitamin b12 with mic shoot 3 days a week, citidan, 50 mg dhea every morning n take the omnitrope at nigh oh yeah vitiman d3 50,000 twice a week and 2 cholonics a month. I feel better enough to get off my pain meds my goals are to loose 4 inches waste size I'm a38 and was a32 before. I diet drink my shakes n bars. Oh yeah and deca once a week. Is this a good program should I take anything else? I'm so lost n confused and I know you are all well knoledged. I'm 36 5"8 n 224 pounds with a nice belly but some muscle. Thank u tank u thank u also y do they have me take omnitrop (hgh) at night? Anything would be a huge help when will I notice a change using omnitrope thank u again