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Thread: Com in off major injury of ankle n ready to go wellness center has me on program

  1. #1

    Question Coming off major injury of ankle n ready to go wellness center has me on program

    First I am so new so Thani younso much for any input. I was in really good shape but needed ankle reconstruction. It went bad I had staph plus ended up with tons of arthritis in my ankle. So a year with nothing but sitting on the couch while they pumped me with MorPHINE perks and other bad things. I'm on the mend but still on crutches so I do what I can at the gym n diet. I went to a wellness center I really like and they did a ton of blood work and prescribed a lot of things. First omnitrope it's says .6 at night in a insulin needle but I don't know what .6 Isis it where the 5 is? Second they have me om 5mg? A day on cipinate, hcg every 3 days, t3/4 5days a week vitamin b12 with mic shoot 3 days a week, citidan, 50 mg dhea every morning n take the omnitrope at nigh oh yeah vitiman d3 50,000 twice a week and 2 cholonics a month. I feel better enough to get off my pain meds my goals are to loose 4 inches waste size I'm a38 and was a32 before. I diet drink my shakes n bars. Oh yeah and deca once a week. Is this a good program should I take anything else? I'm so lost n confused and I know you are all well knoledged. I'm 36 5"8 n 224 pounds with a nice belly but some muscle. Thank u tank u thank u also y do they have me take omnitrop (hgh) at night? Anything would be a huge help when will I notice a change using omnitrope thank u again
    Last edited by Jjcp50; 03-07-2011 at 11:38 PM.

  2. #2
    Wow....the wellness clinic has you on a lot of stuff. It seems like you need to get better instruction from them on how to administer the meds...particularly the injectibles that they want you on. You sound a little confused about the protocol. Good luck. With all of those meds., you should feel better soon. Welcome to the Forum!


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Like Sirupate said they sure loaded you up (maybe not a good thing). I think you need to really educate yourself on what all this stuff does. This site has a ton of info on it, and there are also other sources on the internet. I personally don't like starting out with a bunch of compounds, because if you have a problem it can be hard figuring out which compound is the problem. As far as your shots try going in to the clinic for the first time so they can give you some instruction. By the way do they really want you to pin daily 5mg of test C, thats the way I read it..... Very confusing post

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