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Thread: Heart Disease Shock

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    among the trees

    Heart Disease Shock

    I'm 39 years old and was diagnosed with Cardiomyopathy, a dialation of the heart muscle which causes it to underperform. The heart and arteries are clean. I told them I take 500mgs of test and hgh about 3iu a day. They didnt say much about that but im concerned about usage. The heart disease runs in my family and I had some drug use (cocaine) when I was younger. I've been clean for a long time (15 yrs) from that. I started test and hgh about a year ago when I found out I needed TRT. Should I be concerned about TRT and HGH? Im a bit scared but I feel those things at a moderate level are healthy. Please if anyone is in same situation or has some knowledge on this I could use some feedback,Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    among the trees
    by the way the 500 mgs is weekly,150 prop eod. didnt want you all thinkin i run 500 daily.

  3. #3
    500MG a week is still a lot bro. You might want to get the ok from your doc if you should continue running that high in your condition. Are you seeing a doc or an AA clinic?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2009
    His doctor is not giving him 500 per week of prop for TRT.

    500mgs per week is not moderate
    Last edited by terraj; 03-27-2011 at 11:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    saw this post in marcus's thread as well

    another one with 500 plus a week TRT? and now prop?

    should you be concerned about trt and hgh with a bad heart?

    are you?

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia

  7. #7
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    among the trees
    I could def drop down to 300mg a week,im 290 and when i first started last year my doc put me on 300mgs of cyp a week. honestly all the juice boxes at the gyms i go to say what i take is nothing. but thats why im looking for help here. im going to see an endocrynologist this week and also my heart doc again. i read that hgh is used to help with the effects of cardiomyopathy so im happy about that. just dont want to end up like all the mortals out there, i dont want to be "normal" ive been a freak all my adult life and would have a real hard time letting it go....

  8. #8
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    among the trees
    Just another quick note, I understand I must sound a bit crazy having a heart condition and continuing my trt. im willing to lower the dosage but not going completely off. Im not gonna be one of those old useless peices of crap holding on to the glimmer of life. Im going down swinging. Im sure alot of guys who read this feel its easy to say how crazy i am but if you are like me then in your heart you know how i feel.

  9. #9
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    Mar 2006
    i think you'll get mixed feelings on your "goin out kicking" motto...

    to me it sounds a little scary...even though i still try to lift as heavy as i can i think in the back of my mind that one day its going to be lifting light to moderately just to keep as fit/healthy as possible(longevity/anti aging)...

    tbh...i believe that a healthy ratio of hormones is the key to that but i havent studied much with the organs involved(or seen many posts of the such...marcus's recent thread that you posted in is the only i can remember)...the little readin i've done show that like i stated keeping estro low normal and test high normal is the key..

    are u going to tell the endo about your gram a long have u been doing that and the hgh and why and who put you on that protocol

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by BigMyke View Post
    I could def drop down to 300mg a week,im 290 and when i first started last year my doc put me on 300mgs of cyp a week. honestly all the juice boxes at the gyms i go to say what i take is nothing. but thats why im looking for help here. im going to see an endocrynologist this week and also my heart doc again. i read that hgh is used to help with the effects of cardiomyopathy so im happy about that. just dont want to end up like all the mortals out there, i dont want to be "normal" ive been a freak all my adult life and would have a real hard time letting it go....
    chances are even if you drop your testosterone level back to the middle, or top 1/3rd of the normal range, you will still be able to maintain a lot of your size.

    Think of it being a good pct, where your normal levels get up and running again so fast you keep most of your gains.

    In this case however the goal is to get your testosterone level back into the normal range, and I think 500mg a week is simply cruising.

    I don't see how you can cruise like that forever.

    I was using 300mg EW of cyp for a long time. Then my Blood Pressure got high, had trouble with ED, high LDL cholesterol etc...

    I've decided that the best thing for me to do is to drop my test all the way back to the normal range. 50mg 2x EW of cyp. I might even drop it down to 40mg 2x EW.

    Losing size is a great fear for me too. BUT So long as I still look like I obviously lift weights, I can live without being a freak.

    Be nice to wake up with morning wood every morning, have low Blood Pressure, good cholesterol values and not need any other drugs or supps to manage it like AI's and BP meds or PDE-5 lowering drugs and such.

    I'm going all the way down to 50mg 2x EW, and will see where that puts me on April 18th.

    I might blast a cycle of steroids now and then, for size, but for the rest of the time I think I'm becoming an advocate of sane dose TRT in general.

    There is one member here who was on 40mg 2x EW, (so only 80mg EW total) and he had a blood level of 720 ng/dl test, with FreeT in the middle of the range, and E2 was under 30 pg/ml with no AI. He had morning wood, good BP, and cholesterol too. In short he was healthy, and only taking one drug, not playing Elvis pharmacy. - this too I want for myself.

    I suspect for a lot of guys it does not take that high of doses to keep us there, and I know there are a lot of guys who do stuff like taking half their prescribed dose to get the docs to increase the dose, so they can cruise at higher levels year round. I admit, I did this too.

    Eventually health problems will come in, as what we are doing is cruising and not giving our bodies a break.

  11. #11
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    There was a pro bodybuilder in the 70's-80's who competed on the Mr. Olympia level. If I remember the name correctly, it was Robby Robbinson. He had a heart condition that he even wrote about a little in Weider's magazine back then. His issue was a swollen heart that affect circulation. Of course I didn't know what I know today. The swollen heart was from massive amounts of steroids and his heart was growing too big. Robby is still alive today. He even competed in the Masters tournament a few years ago.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    among the trees
    Thanks for all the feedback, I saw my Cardiologist today and he told me doing trt will not kill me in fact it was good for me,My GP put me on 300 mgs per week of cyp a yr and a half ago
    because my test levels were 150. I switched on my own to prop and i love it. Im going to cut my dosage down to 100 mg 3x per week see how i feel and drop down again if my levels dont go too low. Im also going to see an Endocrynologist about Hormone replacement therapy. I googled Cardiomyopathy and HGH and found its used in the treatment of Cardiomyopathy!! Ive never really gone over 4 iu ed so I feel ive been safe with that. The docs def frown on nolvadex tho as a matter of fact any anti-estrogen because of effects on the heart. I dont want to drop dead in the gym but I also want to stay there and was freaked out about possibly losing other than sex my most favorite thing in the world,and that is to train. I will update in a few weeks and let you guys know how im doing,Thanx!

  13. #13
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    My dad (78) has some mild heart issues, diabetes, and had his prostrate out because of high PSA. It wasn't cancerous, just high PSA it turns out. I asked my doc if my father would benefit or it would be a bad idea based on his current health. The doc said the HRT would help his heart get stronger, probably help with the diabetes too if he isn't on insuline (he takes pills only). The doc also told me if my dad had gone on HRT before he had his prostate out he probably would have been spared that issue too, despite the misled pubic opinion that Test increases prostate cancer. Turns out it's "some" forms of Test but not the stuff most of us is on.

    I think him going on HRT would be benefitical, but I don't know if he would ever do it. Maybe if I tell him it will give him great wood he will do it. I haven't even made up my mind if I should bring it up with him. There is also something to be said for just letting a person live the life they decided on. He lives in Florida, I can't imagine he hasn't heard about HRT but I could be wrong.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    My dad (78) has some mild heart issues, diabetes, and had his prostrate out because of high PSA. It wasn't cancerous, just high PSA it turns out. I asked my doc if my father would benefit or it would be a bad idea based on his current health. The doc said the HRT would help his heart get stronger, probably help with the diabetes too if he isn't on insuline (he takes pills only). The doc also told me if my dad had gone on HRT before he had his prostate out he probably would have been spared that issue too, despite the misled pubic opinion that Test increases prostate cancer. Turns out it's "some" forms of Test but not the stuff most of us is on.

    I think him going on HRT would be benefitical, but I don't know if he would ever do it. Maybe if I tell him it will give him great wood he will do it. I haven't even made up my mind if I should bring it up with him. There is also something to be said for just letting a person live the life they decided on. He lives in Florida, I can't imagine he hasn't heard about HRT but I could be wrong.
    my understanding and there have been posts here on this board about prostate risk-its more of an elevated estrogen to blame than testosterone or should i say poor test-estro ratio

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    USA, In the Tundra
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    my understanding and there have been posts here on this board about prostate risk-its more of an elevated estrogen to blame than testosterone or should i say poor test-estro ratio
    You are probably right. I haven't paid much attention to that issue for a number of reasons, but mostly because my PSA # is at the bottom range, and it went up none on HRT.

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