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Thread: Wieght gain ?

  1. #1

    Question Wieght gain ?

    is it normal to gain weight on Testosterone Cypionate 200 mg per week ? i have been on it 9 weeks have gain weight 7lbs while try to loose ? i do not lift weights at min only run an cycle

  2. #2
    to open ended, what did you eat and what did you try to accomplish.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    agree with above

    you can gain lbm as well as water weight which obviously the latter is what has affected you...check your estrogen, thats a high dose of test and a lot is most likely converting to estro

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    200mg test cyp per week is probably outside the range of "replacement" therapy. I doubt the test cyp, in and of itself, is directly responsible for the increase. However, if this triggered your appetite?

  5. #5
    what i am trying to accomplish is lose the fat and regain my spark , which has worked well ,apart from weight gain , i have been following the palao type diet
    i fast from 8pm till 12.00 pm the following day then its fish/salard or eggs an bacon , then evening meal meat an veg, that about it abit of fruit thats about it , my goal is to loose weight, i am 53yrs old ,16s 9lbs, i am going to cut my dose down to 100 mg per week to see how that goes ?? i hope this gives more details
    yes i do think my appetite has been trigger

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Bloke View Post
    what i am trying to accomplish is lose the fat and regain my spark , which has worked well ,apart from weight gain , i have been following the palao type diet
    i fast from 8pm till 12.00 pm the following day then its fish/salard or eggs an bacon , then evening meal meat an veg, that about it abit of fruit thats about it , my goal is to loose weight, i am 53yrs old ,16s 9lbs, i am going to cut my dose down to 100 mg per week to see how that goes ?? i hope this gives more details
    yes i do think my appetite has been trigger
    not much more detailed

    only know what your eating not how much...sound nice and low carb...i know i would prolly lose weight if i stayed that low carb...

    i disagree with TR and believe that you could be holding water even on 200mg of test

    just my .02

  7. #7
    i am eating under 2000 cal with the sole intention to lose weight, i will drop my dose down 100 mg ,see what happen ??
    what sort of a diet should i be following on hrt ??

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Bloke View Post
    i am eating under 2000 cal with the sole intention to lose weight, i will drop my dose down 100 mg ,see what happen ??
    what sort of a diet should i be following on hrt ??
    your diet is goal i said above...if youre eating what your saying you are and under 2,000 calories and your a grown man and your not sleeping all day i dont see how u could gain 7lbs...idk wut else to tell u bro...did u weigh yourself at the same time of day and not just after eating a mexican buffet?????

  9. #9
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    Apr 2008
    Try doing the opposite. Make sure what you are eating is good healthy food and get out and exercise 1 1/2 hrs ever day. Get your body and blood moving. All those low carb low calorie diets are crap IMO. I eat a lot more than I did 3 years ago. I went from 210 lbs down to 165 in just a few months by eating 6x a day and getting active again. The best motivation/spark is to get started and dont look for something to make you feel like doing it. Doing it makes you feel like doing more.

  10. #10
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    Apr 2010
    When I first started TRT, I gained over 10 pounds QUICK. I was already pretty active in the gym, and my diet didn't change, so I can attribute it directly to the testosterone (I went from below the normal range for testosterone in males my age, to towards the high end of that normal range on about 150mg/week). People were commenting like crazy on how much I filled out, so it wasn't water weight or bloating. My upper body just got thick all of a sudden.

    So yes, I definitely think it could just be from the test cyp.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Washington, USA
    jpkman noted above that you are likely to be retaining water. The testosterone will aromatise to estrogen. Excess estrogen will result in retaining more water. A blood test to determine your estradiol (E2) level will tell you if your estrogen levels are too high (upper third or above the reference range). The general recommendation is for your E2 to be in the lower half of the reference range. Aromatase inhibitors can be used to balance the E2 level. But also be aware that E2 that is too low is also not a good thing.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    remember, doing TRT alone won't do the trick, take advantage of it by exercising and proper diet is very important to achieve your goals. read this,

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    remember, doing TRT alone won't do the trick, take advantage of it by exercising and proper diet is very important to achieve your goals. read this,
    Good link and good advice. It's not only a physical but mental change. You cant expect the TRT to do it all, it's only part of the missing pieces of the puzzle but a big piece.

  14. #14
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    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    All good points that can't be emphisized enough! I was lifting and doing cardio before starting HRT. Had little gains in both departments between the start of my training regiment and after doing it for 6 months. Even my cardio had not improved! My heart rate went to 156 on the stair climber on day one and was still hitting 150 after six months (all at the same settings).

    The HRT made a big difference. Started adding muscle right away. Heart rate on the stair climber was only hitting 140 after just 6 weeks of HRT! I didn't lose a single pound. Probably gained a few. But the important point in all of this is I was working out hard for my age (52). My body fat went from 25% to 19% in 10 weeks. Didn't lose a single pound.

    So Bloke, fist thing is you have to get your body fat % taken. Forcus more on this than the scale. Use the scale, mirror, and your belt tightness as extra tools because body fat % changes slowly. Don't worry so much about the scale if your pants are getting loser. And check out your E2, it may be a lot of water weight gain. Was your E2 very low before you started your T? If so, then this is even more likely the issue.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    and take BEFORE PICTURES - and look at those bad boyz EVERY DAY!!!!!!!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    ^^^^ dito on the pictures!

    I really wish I had done that. Fortunately, I do have some lard ass pics of me sitting on the couch when I was 29% bf.

  17. #17
    Thanks for the help guys ,i have taken some pictures , 23 % bf ;(

  18. #18
    Thanks for the help guys ,i have taken some pictures , 23 % bf ;( was 30%

  19. #19
    ok i am going to lower the dose to 100mg is that better , would i do better to lift weights or do some bodyweight training ??

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat Bloke View Post
    ok i am going to lower the dose to 100mg is that better , would i do better to lift weights or do some bodyweight training ??
    all that sounds like a good idea bro

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    all that sounds like a good idea bro
    thanks , now i will have alook for a program 4 a old bloke

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