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Thread: Need help from Vets

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Need help from Vets

    OK. I am 39 and this is my 5th cycle. Have things pretty well dialed in. My current cycle in 750 mg Sust and 500 mg Deca per week. Was doing 40 mg of D-Bol per day, but was only using to kick start cycle weeks 1-5. Have about 1 month left on cycle. Making great gains...however my issue is that I was having problem in the sack with my wife. I have no issues getting hard, my problem is staying hard and "finishing". My wife suggested that I go get blood work/phyisical done and even said I should look into "low T" (she saw the commerical on TV). I am pretty sure that the Deca is the problem, but I can't tell my wife that b/c she has no idea that I am on gear. Also, There is no way I want to get blood work done for Test on cycle because I am sure my levels would come back sky high, but I wouldn't mind having my insurance pay for some of my Test. My question is how can I "sandbag" my blood tests to get the doc to write a precription? I am pretty sure that if I go in right before I start my PCT 2 months or so from now, that my levels would be very low. Any suggestions? Or should I not even mess around with this?
    Last edited by Bigdog99; 04-10-2011 at 04:20 PM. Reason: add info

  2. #2
    up test, lower decca, It may get worse in PCT, keep that in mind.
    You might drop Decca now and add the Dbol back in that last 4 weeks
    a few options, but i would look at shifting the cycle around vs going to doc, as i believe you are exactly right it being the decca causing the prob

  3. #3
    Your dick is going to be out of commission for a couple months if you keep injecting 550mg of deca a week because it will stay in your blood for that long. Prolactin dick worky. Look at the half life of deca. It's like 7 days. Once prolactin raises(usually about 4 weeks into a deca cycle) sufficient enough to cause limp dick, it won't go away until the deca is like completely out of yours system. So compute the number of half lives and whatnot to find out how long you are going to lose your manhood. Drop the deca ASAP. Alternatively, use dostinex. As far false labs, that is illegal and I have no knowledge on that.
    Last edited by prop402; 04-10-2011 at 07:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Just curious why you would bring up the legality of something, when the main topic of this board is Steroids??! No offence, but I am looking for some better advice (from a VET). Anyone?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    I should have said that I KNOW the Deca is the problem

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdog99 View Post
    I should have said that I KNOW the Deca is the problem
    i picked up on that, what is your ideas??

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigdog99 View Post
    OK. I am 39 and this is my 5th cycle. Have things pretty well dialed in. My current cycle in 750 mg Sust and 500 mg Deca per week. Was doing 40 mg of D-Bol per day, but was only using to kick start cycle weeks 1-5. Have about 1 month left on cycle. Making great gains...however my issue is that I was having problem in the sack with my wife. I have no issues getting hard, my problem is staying hard and "finishing". My wife suggested that I go get blood work/phyisical done and even said I should look into "low T" (she saw the commerical on TV). I am pretty sure that the Deca is the problem, but I can't tell my wife that b/c she has no idea that I am on gear. Also, There is no way I want to get blood work done for Test on cycle because I am sure my levels would come back sky high, but I wouldn't mind having my insurance pay for some of my Test. My question is how can I "sandbag" my blood tests to get the doc to write a precription? I am pretty sure that if I go in right before I start my PCT 2 months or so from now, that my levels would be very low. Any suggestions? Or should I not even mess around with this?
    Try some caber for your apparent prolactin issues if you still choose to run the deca, although 750 sus/500 deca you should still be able to perform with the woman.

    Have your E2 levels checked, they may be sky high. If that is a current picture of yourself, your high bf is not your friend right now and is prolly the root of most of your problems.

    You are correct that at about weeks 4-6 of being off this cycle, your levels should be in the tank. And you may qualify through your insurance for low t treatment. (which may be exactly what you need anyway).

    You may want to post your stats.

    Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanks guys. That pic is pretty old....I have lost about 20 lbs since then and gained muscle. I will get some Caber and dial down the Deca. Anyone else got any advice with getting a doc to prescribe Test?

    39 yrs old
    BF not sure but around 20%
    Diet is good 250-275 grams protein (mainly from Chicken, lean Beef) only 1 shake a day. Moderate carbs and Fat
    Training since I was 15. Former competitive powerlifter and Football player

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