Just got my arimidex today, need some info on starting dosage. Been on TRT for nine months. ON test 150mg a week, HCG 500iu 2x a week. Test leval 720ng/dl estrogen 56. Thanks for the help.
Just got my arimidex today, need some info on starting dosage. Been on TRT for nine months. ON test 150mg a week, HCG 500iu 2x a week. Test leval 720ng/dl estrogen 56. Thanks for the help.
I'd take .25mg a couple of times throughout the week just to make sure it agrees with you. If all is OK, I'd run .05mg x 3/wk, retest your E2 in 6 weeks and adjust for a maintenance dose from there. When you say 56 on the estrogen, I presume you're talking about the estradiol? If so, it will come down to the 20's/30's pretty quick.
^^^^Agreed. I do think you meant .5 mg 3/wk for a total of 1.5 mg/wk. That would be a consistent starting level for 150 mg of Test per week.
Just my opinion, but I'd spread out your hCG injections to 250 iu every other day. Easier on the boys, controls E2 in the testes better and is more consistent levels. Yea, you have to pin a little more but it's a more ideal protocol. Are you injecting into the fat around your stomach with an insulin syringe?
Yes, less painful and provides for more consistent absorption over time. I pinch what's left of my love handles and inject there. Here's tip I got some time ago that really works. When you inject in the stomach fat you might notice a little bruising the next day; nothing bad, just a small spot. Try this; when injecting, before pushing the plunger, let the syringe sit for 15 to 30 seconds. This help seal off broken blood vessels before injecting. Works like a charm.
Remember, when drawing hCG and injecting you want to do both slow so as not to harm the hCG molecules and damaging them.
Keep us posted on your progress and good luck friend.
So if I'm on 750 Test E, I should be using 1 mg a day?Am I ****ed up on that?
Appreciate it, yeah getting that done for free tomorrow as part of this study I signed up for in NYC...I'm really ****ing annoyed...It's Day 18 now and still really not feeling to hot. My workouts are tough as shit, but my appetite is suppressed....
Maybe I took Arimidex prematurely? Thinking I have a few days for anabolica...unless I shut my estrogen down....ugh...
or maybe I'm just a 40 yr old in pain b4 test kicks in...lol
if it were only an exact science as you make it sound...you yourself have shown to be a perfect example of TRT being an individual treatment where doses can vary in large from person to person....
as vette and gdvine suggested to the op you could follow and since yours is so high maybe take 1mg 3x(3mg total) that first week but also taper back down and get tested asap ....what are you taking now, i know you didnt just recently get that level and also how are you feeling
Also got my adex from India, hope this stuff is legit.
i started taking 25mg of aromasin on the 20th of april and i friend of mine who is on trt told me to take that dose for 7 days,depending on how i feel,then taper the dose next week to 12.5mg ed and get a blood test after the second week,after being on the 25mg for 6 days,i still feel like crap,the same way i felt before is i started taking the aromasin,ive got a appt with my Endo tomorrow and we are gonna get some things straight before i leave his office
When I started HCG my endo told me to use 2500iu 3x aweek, and with adex he said use 1mg a day which is way over kill for both drugs. My endo is just for scripts and bloodwork. I use this board and trust the guys on here far more than my endo. Unless I read a typo you are using 25x as much adex as I am. Be careful.
by the way my brother,my endo reduced my dose of test today to 200mg/week,so my estrogen levels were so high,and he wouldnt even presrcibe me an A.I.!!!,but i have aromasin anyway,my endo is a quack,he said the reason my estrogen level was so high was that my trt dose was high,and i said duh,you are the one that put me on that dose and he aid yea i did....it was my last visit to him btw lol
IMO and experience, I wouldn't go over anything more than 2mg/wk on the Arimidex product. Aromasin is a little different, and you probably need to pay even closer attention to it than the Adex. Even if you had a 125 E2 score, 2mg of Adex/wk will get the levels down just fine;usually even over the course of a few months. The score didn't go up overnight, and too many people tend to worry about getting it down to the proper range right now. I know several guys from this board who did 3mg, 4mg + per week and they had terrible sides with ALT/AST enzyme scores, lipid problems in general, and just plain felt like crap! I believe Forrest and Trees is one member who can attest to having an out of this world E2 score coming into it, but didn't go crazy on the AI, and he had it under control within a few months. Forrest, correct me I'm wrong, I'm just going off of memory from last year.
The trick is balance, and having control of it. Just like getting in shape, it should take a little time to get things in order. Just my .02
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