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Thread: New to the world of TRT - difficulty voiding 30 + hours after Cypionate injection??

  1. #1
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    New to the world of TRT - difficulty voiding 30 + hours after Cypionate injection??

    I 'm new to TRT, I just turned 59 in Feb, never felt any symptoms until i would say December 2010. I decided to consult with my physician in March. The blood work showed low testosterone with a level of 299 (Quest did the lab work). Physician talked to me about TRT and recommended Testosterone Cypionate. Loading dose as 200mg it weekly injection of 100mg. I am scheduled to get blood work before my 7th injection which should be on May 25.
    From memory, i think that test should be for total testosterone, free testosterone, high sensitivity estradiol for men, PSA and DHT. I had two PSA tests done and DRE before starting the treatment. My PSA level was 1.5 - it was 2.1 last year - I had bacterial prostatitis 10 months ago this might have something to do with it, i dont really know but it went down. Urologist told me my prostate seemed to be in excellent condition, barely enlarged. I was told i had mild BHP and as far as i can remember, this "condition" never affected me.

    Now, here is my "problem" if i have one... Since I started TRT, three weeks ago, i usually inject myself on a Wednesday and i would say 30 + hours after injecting, i start experiencing difficulties urinating and i could last 1 1/2 day then goes away.

    i must say i also feel that i might have a come back of prostatitis, not sure yet, i will consult next week Never the less, this difficulty voiding happened 30 + hours after injection after each injection.

    Has anyone else ever experienced or heard of something similar? Any comments or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

    Thanks a lot guys


  2. #2
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    welcome to the TRT world Joslan! never experienced anything like this but i have to say that my stream is a little thinner than usual even though my PSA is at 0.6, so not sure if test has anything to do with it. i am curious as to what others have to say!

  3. #3
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    i urinate more frequently while on test as it does enlarge the prostate, which in turn presses against the bladder.. so i have the opposite problem of what you are describing. Consult your doctor, as he will know more than anyone on here about that.

  4. #4
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    I had a problem before trt and testosterone did seem to make it worse although I didnt pay attention to the timing of it, 30 hrs? I dunno for sure but I take a little saw palmetto each morning and about 30 days later I noticed that I didnt have a problem anymore. Simple fix.

  5. #5
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    I got a prostate infection many years ago. As a result I have had some trouble turning off the flow, the dripping goes on for a minute and I have to shake and shake (my wife thinks I just like to play after I pee). Skipping forward many years to now and being on TRT, that problem comes and goes now. MY PSA has been good and unchanged. I thought my flow change was related to E levels, since mine would fluctuate due to the AI and trying to zone in on a good level. Of course, it may not be E at all.

    The prostate is called a gland but it has muscle associated with it or it could not stop urine flow. T will increase the strength of all muscles. My heart got a lot stronger after 10 weeks of T! Yeah T!

    In summary, my flow has changed too. Haven't noticed it tied to an injection schedule but maybe I just didn't notice that. My change seems more erratic than that. Again, no PSA factor associated with this. Discuss it with your doctor, but don't give it too much worry time. If it is causing you serious problems during then don't wait for your next appointment.

  6. #6
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    First, thank you guys... I really appreciate your support.

    Machine5155 - i also go way more frequently but i am experiencing difficulty starting it (so to speak) and stream is weaker then usual ... and it last about 1 1/2 to 2 days
    JD - i did not had "problem" before starting TRT and yes, a week ago, i started taking saw palmetto and nettle extract hoping this could help
    As far as my physician, he is a really good doc but i am not getting he has little experience in TRT. My urologist seems to be more knowledgeable; last time i saw him socially, i mentioned this problem and he said TRT should not cause that or at least he did not remembered someone mentioning it.
    How are you doing guys with TRT? For me guys, and in understand it's been only 3 weeks, i have more difficulties then before i started try to feel better. If i dont get resolution or hope of a resolution, i am considering stopping while i am only 3 weeks in treatment. There is 7 days in a week and so far i am spending 2 days feeling sort of miserable, going to the bathroom every 30 - 45 min.

    i am also thinking going to see one of these expensive anti-ageing clinic, the closest is 120 miles away from where i live

    any advices?

    Again, thanks you guys - Joslan
    Last edited by joslan; 05-01-2011 at 07:47 AM.

  7. #7
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    I do 100 mg/week of Test Cyp. I am starting to develop some sensativity to the cotton oil base, I think, because the last three weeks I got some itching and swelling in the injection site. Never had this before.

    You could consider changing the form of Test. You could try Sus, or gel. Some people love the gel. Many people hate it because they dont' get the results they desire fast enough. The gel seems to be a lot slower in bringing about the changes and kicking in. And yes, you could stop now, do HCG for a few weeks just to ensure the boys are working. Which brings us to another option of just doing HCG for TRT. Some people do this and have good results. There are other options to consider, do some research and discuss them with your doc.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    I got a prostate infection many years ago. As a result I have had some trouble turning off the flow, the dripping goes on for a minute and I have to shake and shake (my wife thinks I just like to play after I pee). Skipping forward many years to now and being on TRT, that problem comes and goes now. MY PSA has been good and unchanged. I thought my flow change was related to E levels, since mine would fluctuate due to the AI and trying to zone in on a good level. Of course, it may not be E at all.

    The prostate is called a gland but it has muscle associated with it or it could not stop urine flow. T will increase the strength of all muscles. My heart got a lot stronger after 10 weeks of T! Yeah T!

    In summary, my flow has changed too. Haven't noticed it tied to an injection schedule but maybe I just didn't notice that. My change seems more erratic than that. Again, no PSA factor associated with this. Discuss it with your doctor, but don't give it too much worry time. If it is causing you serious problems during then don't wait for your next appointment.
    your symptom(s) sound possible bladder related

  9. #9
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    Apr 2011
    Thanks for the advice GNBM - i have no soreness on the injection site but i think i am too new to TRT to identify "what could cause what" this is why i join the group. I heard of HCG not quite sure my doc knows about it or how to use it if i should decide to stop. Do you really think i will need it after only three weeks? Trying to educate myself, I read Nelson Vergel's book "Testosterone a man's guide" that gel can aggravate BPH symptoms. This is what made me opt for injection. Again what do I really know? I found excellent reading on the site, a little bit "dry"at time for me, i guess its part of the process of learning how this is all glued together..

    Thanks JPK, it's very possible because, and i might be wrong, but i suspect a prostatitis. One year ago, I was affected with a bacterial prostatitis and i what i am feeling is very similar- but i am not sure it is related because the strangest thing is that the symptoms i reported to the group start about 30 some hours after injecting, it last 1 day maybe 1 /1/2 and goes away. I injected Thursday afternoon 4:50 PM, I started feeling "better" mid-afternoon next day Friday. I woke up Saturday and by 10:00 AM, I started experiencing the problem reported. Today Sunday, it seems to better already. This is the first time it resolves itself in 24 hours, usually it last another half a day i would say. Some time this week i will see my urologist who will probably put me on antibiotic. but still... we'll see

    Besides all this, i eat healthy, organic, beef once a week, chicken, fish, multi-vitamins, protein supplementation, l-glutamine, BCAA, vit D, A, C, E, B complex, whole food, i hit the gym 5 days a week. i do my part...

    Hey!!! thanks for your time and precious advice guys, it is really appreciated

    Last edited by joslan; 05-01-2011 at 10:52 AM.

  10. #10
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    USA, In the Tundra
    I, and a few other regulars here, think TRT w/o HCG is foolishness! Others disagree. I can tell you that longterm T usage will shutdown your boys. And your boys produce more hormones than just T. So keeping them functioning has other benefits than just producing T. HCG is reported by many to enhance mood issues.

    I also know some protocols that only use HCG. I could have easily fallen into this category had I known what I know today. I had low LH and FSH and low-end T (but not clinicaly low), so boosting LH and FSH would probobly have done the trick for me in the T department. HCG would have accomplished this end.

    Since you are "doing your part", you will expereince much better benefits from HRT than the guy who does not hit the gym. Getting muscle mass higher will be a huge benefit to overall health and wellness. I added 10 lbs of muscle in 12 weeks after starting HRT. I had been lifting and working out 6 months prior to starting HRT so the gain was 100% HRT related.
    Last edited by GotNoBlueMilk; 05-01-2011 at 12:17 PM.

  11. #11
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    Joslan, hang in there, i had the same feelings when i started and had second thoughts about TRT, but it take a while to dial in you dose and you need time to know what that is. three weeks is too early to notice much, so give it some time and get your urinating problem checked! also in my case, since i was on drugs (testosterone and AI), i started paying closer attention to any symptoms, and the slightest itch made me nervous! but i am getting used to it now and feel much at ease doing TRT. i believe sine you had a previous problem with your prostate you maybe more aware of the slightest change. when the doctor told me my symptoms were more psychological i thought he was crazy! but he was right! anyway, just follow up with your doc, you never know it could be something simple! good luck!

  12. #12
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    GNBM, in your opinion, do you think it is too late to consult with a specialist (or the urologist to see if he knows about it) and get HCG added to the protocol, so to speak?

    what is considered "long term usage"? GOD, for something so important to a man, there are so few, real and/or information that actually addresses the basic question or that could raise awareness. I read a lot about LH, FSH (as you mentioned) and other rather more advance stuff if you want, but i have not found anything addressing the very basic of TRT in regards of, for example "what is considered long term" - TRUE benefit of HCG - what exactly to expect from TRT etc etc... I also think that MD writing scripts should have additional 'training" or "credits" before proceeding. This could avoid researching on your on, frustration and following thread of ideas that otherwise you would not follow.

    Thanks a bunch, i will contact my urologist tomorrow and ask him what he knows about HCG. My regular doc does not seem to know much; if it as not from me who sort of told him what blood work i would like to see done and exactly when, i am pretty sure i would not hear from him. I also need to have him checked if the bacterial prostatitis is back.

    I am not worried about having started TRT, but i placed a lot of hope in it and would like this to make a positive change in my life. I was not really suffering before starting TRT, i had what i would consider the basic symptoms of low energy, difficulty focusing, not at peace inside, libido was declining, my answer to pretty much everything was "hummm, le me think about it" instead of welcoming the idea of having some fun. Gym alone was no longer doing it as it used to. I felt good that day but tomorrow was another day. I had the normal symptoms of "aging" but not yet to the point of being completely depressed and impotent. like everybody else, i guess, i want to find my groove again

    i will certainly keep you posted on my coming conversation with the urologist - if he does not know about this either ( i live at the end of the florida keys, there is nothing here...) i will have to think about making an appointment with one of these anti-aging clinic up North, in Miami.

    Thanks kindly - Joslan

  13. #13
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    Thanks Bass, you are a bunch a great guys....

    God bless


  14. #14
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    You live in Florida? That is the best place to live if you need HRT. Lots of docs down there deal with HRT.

    It is never too late to change any protocol. Adding/removing/adjusting what you take is never going to end. What will happen is the changes and adjustments you make become very small and last a long time before making more adjustments. The beginning is usually when you make the most adjustments because you have to find what your body responds to and what makes you feel best.

    HRT is for life, and you want to adjust it throughout your life because your body changes, treatment protocols change, and most importantly a single treatment will change your body and may demand adjustments. So you will be in this for the long haul. Or you go on with the way your life is now.

    Spend a lot of time readying and researching, don't get married to a single doc unless that doc is helping you! When you find the protocol that makes you feel like a horny, young buck then stick with that because it is working really well! Good luck.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by joslan View Post
    Thanks for the advice GNBM - i have no soreness on the injection site but i think i am too new to TRT to identify "what could cause what" this is why i join the group. I heard of HCG not quite sure my doc knows about it or how to use it if i should decide to stop. Do you really think i will need it after only three weeks? Trying to educate myself, I read Nelson Vergel's book "Testosterone a man's guide" that gel can aggravate BPH symptoms. This is what made me opt for injection. Again what do I really know? I found excellent reading on the site, a little bit "dry"at time for me, i guess its part of the process of learning how this is all glued together..

    Thanks JPK, it's very possible because, and i might be wrong, but i suspect a prostatitis. One year ago, I was affected with a bacterial prostatitis and i what i am feeling is very similar- but i am not sure it is related because the strangest thing is that the symptoms i reported to the group start about 30 some hours after injecting, it last 1 day maybe 1 /1/2 and goes away. I injected Thursday afternoon 4:50 PM, I started feeling "better" mid-afternoon next day Friday. I woke up Saturday and by 10:00 AM, I started experiencing the problem reported. Today Sunday, it seems to better already. This is the first time it resolves itself in 24 hours, usually it last another half a day i would say. Some time this week i will see my urologist who will probably put me on antibiotic. but still... we'll see

    Besides all this, i eat healthy, organic, beef once a week, chicken, fish, multi-vitamins, protein supplementation, l-glutamine, BCAA, vit D, A, C, E, B complex, whole food, i hit the gym 5 days a week. i do my part...

    Hey!!! thanks for your time and precious advice guys, it is really appreciated


    just to be clear...the bladder comment was directed towards GNBM...

  16. #16
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    If your PCP and/or your urologist dont help much look into an endocrinologist. I started out at a longevity clinic but I'm glad I made the switch.

  17. #17
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    Lovbyts, thanks for the post.... if i understood you well, you started by going to a specialized clinic then you switch to consult with an see, my PCP is a great doc but, i am getting that hormone management is not his area of expertise and i started thinking consulting with one of these anti-aging clinics in the Miami area. there are "AAGHealth" and "bodylogic MD" that seem to have a presence. I cannot find anywhere any type of reviews where i could sort gauge the satisfaction level. I am pretty sure they are expensive but i thought this might be the "actual" way to go. Now, that you mentioned an endocrinologist, this actually makes a LOT OF SENSE and i might not have to deal with the "packaging" and extras.

    i would think all endocrinologists should have pretty much the same training and their specialty being hormone management should make them uniquely qualified.

    Thank you much for your suggestion, i will look into it.


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by joslan View Post

    i would think all endocrinologists should have pretty much the same training and their specialty being hormone management should make them uniquely qualified.

    not necessarily! my endo sucked! she set me back 5 weeks...what a waist of time. endos are like clinics, you really got to find the right one. some who knows TRT.

  19. #19
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    Problems urinating

    Concerning your problem with passing water, I read this morning amongst a lot of other info whilst doing some research into TRT, that one of the sides related to TRT can be passing water due to the prostate enlarging and pressing against the wall of the uretha, Lee

  20. #20
    From the title of this thread I thought you were another one who was trying to inject into his butt hole.

    Internet infamy.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by meathead320 View Post
    From the title of this thread I thought you were another one who was trying to inject into his butt hole.

    Internet infamy.
    you mean someone actually try to do that?!

  22. #22
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    i dont see how the title gave that illusion

  23. #23
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    I never thought that until it was mentioned.......I think the phrase"difficulty voiding" could give the wrong kinda makes me chuckle and now I want to hear the stories about whoever injected T into their beanhole. LOL

  24. #24
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    not being funny but are you having sex enough? you might be building up too much stuff..i have read that it is a good thing for your prostate to ejaculate often..

  25. #25
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    JD, - let me try that again.... from an on-line dictionary...

    Another word for emptying the bladder or urinating.

    and could you imagine someone actually trying to inject in the butt hole..... i dont want to hear about the "side effects" !!!!!!!


  26. #26
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    LeeWill1, thanks for the info.... I really appreciate. last week it was a little bit better then the week-end before; i'll see how it goes tomorrow. I followed Bass's recommendation and made and appointment with an endocrinologist from Miami that actually has experience with TRT. I will see how it goes.


  27. #27
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    You are correct for mentioning frequent ejaculation but that does not apply in this case - If you read the first post, this problem starts about 30 hours after injection and last for 1 to 1 1/2 day. Last week-end it went relatively better. Since I inject every Thursday at around 5:00 PM, i should see tomorrow how it goes this time around.

    Thanks rebelstate

  28. #28
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    Well guys, this week-end the situation seems to have resolved itself!! dont know why, but real happy it did.

    There has been mention of HCG in some of your replies - from your experience, could this be integrated at any time during the course of the treatment? I have an appointment with an endocrinologist who, after contacting his office, said is familiar with TRT and follow-up and will certainly try to get that prescribed.

    Thanks to all of your guys for your support...


  29. #29
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    HCG will keep your nuggets from shriveling up and getting crusty, relatively inexpensive, I have no scientific proof but I've gone without HCG and I feel much better when I am on it, if you inject T once a week inject HCG on days 6 and 7 after T, those are the days when your T level is falling sharply so the HCG helps with how you feel on those 2 days with natural production (i guess). I started injecting T every 5 days and just pick 2 days a week to inject HCG to keep the nuggets swinging.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by joslan View Post
    could this be integrated at any time during the course of the treatment?
    Thanks to all of your guys for your support...

    i am sure it can! i called my clinic and told them that my nut have shrunk to half size, they said the hCG will bring them back! not sure if there is a point of no return, but its not that expensive and its worth cycling hCG as needed, of course its recommended to do it all the time while on TRT! but i will try to get them back and stop hCG and see what happens! i am sure they'll shrink again, but I'll do hCG again and again!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    HCG will keep your nuggets from shriveling up and getting crusty, relatively inexpensive, I have no scientific proof but I've gone without HCG and I feel much better when I am on it, if you inject T once a week inject HCG on days 6 and 7 after T, those are the days when your T level is falling sharply so the HCG helps with how you feel on those 2 days with natural production (i guess). I started injecting T every 5 days and just pick 2 days a week to inject HCG to keep the nuggets swinging.
    JD, what is your test dose?

  32. #32
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    HCG brought my boys back to size after they had shrunk to half their former glory.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    HCG brought my boys back to size after they had shrunk to half their former glory.
    thats good to know!

  34. #34
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    BASS - JD - GNBM, this is great new for me...thanks a lot guys..... i am feeling better about this issue. Like i said it happens so that i have an appointment with the urologist tomorrow morning so, one good occasion to ask about prescribing HCG and also it will give me a good occasion to evaluate how much he knows and the depth of his involvement with TRT. The following day, Thursday, i'll be up in Miami to consult with an endocrinologist that says he is very familiar with TRT.

  35. #35
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    great! good luck Joslan, and please keep us informed!

  36. #36
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    Bass, I've been messing around a little with my dosage, right now I seem to have a sweet spot.....165 MG test cyp every 5 days.....I'm also starting 100mg of deca every 5 days to see what happens with my joint pain.

  37. #37
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    thanks for the reply JD, and good luck with deca, please let us know how it goes. i am about to start deca as well, but waiting for the clinic to recommend a dose and for how long!

  38. #38
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    My actual script is for 220mg test every week and 200mg deca every week, I think every 5 days is the answer for test I really dont know what to expect from the low dose of deca, guess I'll find out, if it keeps my joints feelin good for summertime biking and kayaking I'll be happy and I'll save the rest for a rainy day.

  39. #39
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    200 mgs deca will do wonders! i was on 50 mgs and it gave me a great deal of relief!

  40. #40
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    Bass, What i kept on reading is the absolute truth... Not all endocrinologists are "created equal"

    I drove 3 hours to see an Endocrinologist, located in Miami, who claims that he know about testosterone replacement to hear him telling me that as long as i am between 241 and 8?? there was no concern what so ever. As far as HCG, he kept on saying "this is a fertility drug" and it as absolutely nothing to do with Testosterone replacement. WOW!!!! was I in the wrong office or what...
    I am guessing this is the beginning of my quest to find a knowledgeable Dr.

    anyone here from Florida that would know about a good MD????????

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