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Thread: Did I store my Liquidex wrong? Huge turn around on anastrozole pills.

  1. #1

    Did I store my Liquidex wrong? Huge turn around on anastrozole pills.

    Hi all,

    Had been fighting some libido issues for a while, and was taking liquidex with my test script.

    On 120mg EW, the dose is taken 1 x per week now.

    Had tried all sorts of things from altering doses, to pyramiding use etc.., and finally settled on taking an AI.

    Had been taking liquidex, 0.3ml once EOD, and then upped it to 0.3ml ED when I notice little benefit, thought maybe was on too much, then maybe too little etc...

    Got my script for anastrozole (generic arimidex, thank God for the price drop on that out of pocket) and it has completely turned things around.

    Have been taking 0.25mg EOD now for over a week, and my libido feels like I am a teenager again. My skin is less puffy, but maybe a bit oily.

    I'm hunting down my GF 2-3x a day, sometimes more. Erection Quality is way better. Being things are working so good, I'm assuming my E2 level is not too high OR too low now, but I will none the less be getting blood work checked in 6 weeks to be sure.

    So, being that my script grade anastrozole has made such a turn around I am wondering if there is something up with how I stored the liquidex? I've had it in the fridge, was I supposed to keep it at room temperature? Shaking before use?

    I won't be going back to it, being that anastrozole is so cheap at costco, but still kicking myself for as to why my liquidex was not doing what I thought it should.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Get your E2 tested and adjust accordingly. Rule of thumb is about 1 mg AI per 100 mg of Test (so you'd need 1.2 mg/wk)...but get tested. I do like that your taking it every other day. I take it the same day I inject and it works fine as well.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Get your E2 tested and adjust accordingly. Rule of thumb is about 1 mg AI per 100 mg of Test (so you'd need 1.2 mg/wk)...but get tested. I do like that your taking it every other day. I take it the same day I inject and it works fine as well.
    As in you take it all at once just on the day of the shot? Doesn't that drive your E2 too low?

    Or does it slowly rise and you would have slightly high E2 by the time of the shot, thereby dropping it to normal? hmmm....

    Never heard of anyone taking it once per week. Did you mean you take half your dose on the day of the shot, and the other half 3 days later?

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