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Thread: Question, I'm re-starting TRT after off for 1 year...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Question, I'm re-starting TRT after off for 1 year...

    36 years old,, I was on TRT for about 3 years, then stopped for almost a year to try for our second baby.

    Had recent blood work, Test was at 425, normal labs range was 239-850 (i believe). So new doc says my insurance may not approve TRT with my current "normal" numbers. I showed him my old original blood work from years back, where I was below 239,, so he wants to do more blood next month.

    What to do now?

    I still have ALL the low T symptoms since I came off a year ago, even after 3 months of clomid.

    A buddy tells me to pop a few birth control pills a few days before next bloodwork?? WTF is that supposed to do?? Turn me into a heated bitch?? LOL

    I don't wanna do that,, but need to get back on track with my life and back on TRT.

    Anyone had similar issues?

    Thanks for reading!

  2. #2
    Could get **** face drunk the night before the test. Stay up real late drinking, then have a friend drop you off and pick you up after for your blood test in the morning (in case you are not feeling up to driving). Your T levels should be very low.

  3. #3
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    Where you successful with the conception?

    If you could get your hands on it, 1 shot of deca a couple days before the test will shut your test right down.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    lol ^^^ yes it prolly would.

  5. #5
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    yes wife is several months pregnant thankfully. i just don't understand how i could possibly have the 400 plus test levels,, when all my previous blood work showed below the norm?..

    in a way it's good that my body is working "somewhat" to make normal t levels,,, but it's not what i was used to while on the trt.

    i will be getting more blood work in a few weeks and i will update you guys.

    thanks for the replies!

  6. #6
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    Yes it good your levels are showing higher! but if your symptoms are still the same its no good. also get your estrogen levels checked, that could help to know if its to high and maybe a reason why you dont have much of a sex drive.

  7. #7
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    Make sure you check your prolactin/estrogen levels also. Your test may be good but if your estrogen is to high you will have those symptoms.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by big_ron View Post
    Where you successful with the conception?

    If you could get your hands on it, 1 shot of deca a couple days before the test will shut your test right down.
    not sure but it may shut down natty production but wont test levels still show high on labwork?

  9. #9
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    not if it shuts you down. once T enters the bloodstream it is only active for 10-60 minutes.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    not if it shuts you down. once T enters the bloodstream it is only active for 10-60 minutes.
    if you were answering me i'm still confused.....

    we were talking about deca...if you take a dose of deca say 200mg for example...are you saying your test levels will show up very low to nil on bloodwork if you were to say give blood the next day from the shot?

  11. #11
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    maybe not the next day. IF deca shuts you down, which for most it will on the first shot, peak levels from that shot will happen within 24-48 hours after the injection. so yea within 2 days it should. cause the T our testicles makes gets pumped in tiny amounts all throughout the day. there is no half-life with this T cause its raw T. so if your balls arent sending any out, it will only take 10-60 minutes for the T in your blood to exit the blood stream.

    in studies on caucasian men, T only was not an effective form of male birth control, although with asians it was up to 98% effective.

    when the added nandrolone to the caucasian studies, it was up to lik 97% effective i believe. this means, to me, nandrolone is waaaay more suppressive than T. it only took 200mg a month of deca to do this.

    Disclaimer: I am in no way suggesting anyone do this, it was for theoretical purposes only.

  12. #12
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    doesnt the lab read whatever test that is in the bloodstream(including the deca)????

    how does fertility connect with T levels?

  13. #13
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    LH and more so FSH play a role in SPERM. honestly i have forgotten more than i can remember about the specifics. with low T usually sperm goes down, because LH and FSH is most likely down, but not always all the way. and we need very little sperm to get the woman prego.

    keep in mind even though deca is a derivitive of T it is not T and is not a substitute for it. So no deca would not show up as T. deca is a progestin.

    so in theory it would work, or at least most likely put someone under the threshold if it was already low. it is my opinion, and it wasnt always, that deca really has no place in TRT anymore, anything it can do GH can do better, for TRT purposes. hell even my GHRH/GHRP combo relieves more pain for me than deca ever has, I love the shit. GH optimization baby, the synergistic effect is amazing.

    Edit: keep in mind it is LH and FSH that get suppressed due to AAS supplementation, low T is just a consequence of that.
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-11-2011 at 04:37 PM.

  14. #14
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    other things are surpressed too like GNRH, also those receptors get down regulated. GNRH goes to the pituitary, then it gets turned into LH and FSH, they signal the balls to produce T. Also the balls get desensitized to these 2 hormones if they dont recieve it for long periods.

  15. #15
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    good posts thanks for clearing that up...i had heard the deca trick before....i guess when my test levels were thru the roof on my labwork it was based on the test i was running with it...interesting your take on deca vs. gh....u forgot about the cost though

  16. #16
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    no no brudda, GHRH/GHRP is like a 1/4 of the cost of GH. check into, you will thank me.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    no no brudda, GHRH/GHRP is like a 1/4 of the cost of GH. check into, you will thank me.

  18. #18
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    i've been reading up on the ghrp stuff and would love to incorporate that with the trt,,, once i finally start it again!

  19. #19
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    det oak, bd50, can you post up a few links to this stuff maybe some links to posts on this site and or some other resources

  20. #20
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    what do you want? like an explanation of how to use them? or a study of what they do?

  21. #21
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  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by THE-DET-OAK View Post
    this will be a good long have you been on it and what can you accredit to its use alone or is it synergistic like you stated b4

  23. #23
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    synergistic bro-i wont get into detail in the HRT forum, simply cause my protocol at the moment isnt HRT lololol.

    as far as GHRH/GHRP it is excellent at stimulating GH secretion as you can see from the study I posted and datbtrue's write up. one alone is not great.

    i would do 100mcg of each, each time you do a shot.

    for simple aging effects, on shot at night would prolly do the trick.

    I do 1 in morning, 1 after workout, and one before bed, and no carbs or fat for me for an hour after shot.

  24. #24
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    oh forgot to add effects and time ive been on it.

    i have only been on for about 14 days. this is the great thing about these peptide fragments, results start to come much quicker. this is because the rise in GH is much sharper and mimicks your bodies natural GH pulse. I am told that these results will become more pronounced over time.

    as you may have seen in another thread, i have always been on the bigger side. I am an endomorph. I have to watch my diet very closely cause I can put on weight VERY easily. I have always had somewhat of a bicycle tire around the very bottom of my waistline. Im sure if I dieted hard enough, and long enough, EVENTUALLY that it would go away. but then what? live the rest of my life eating boiled chicken and fish??? not gonna happen. I have had this subcutaneous fat since I was a child. My father has it, my 7 year old has it. I have 0 fat on my legs and ive always been stronger down there than up top.

    I have expiremented with lots of AAS, even some that have been proven to burn fat. well for some reason this last week I am sheding this fat, not proportionately more along the sides of my waist line. dont get me wrong its not like i magically have a six pack, but it is noticeable. i could always see the upper portion of my abs, its just that bicycle tire that wont go away, and maybe im putting too much faith in this, but it is the direction its going.

    i have some back pain, this is from a very strenuous labor job i had when i was younger, i think. well it got worse when i was a salesman for 5 years and ate fast food everyday and becam grossly out of shape. in the last 3 years I have made amazing changes to my body through supplementation, and diet. strengthening my core has really helped that pain go away, but it is still there mildy. I can honestly say that right now im pain free. I really think GH optimization was that last hump i needed, to get me over the edge after all my hardwork.

    obviously its only been 2 weeks, so things could change, or i could be confused, but i can honestly say that my back feels better now than when on deca.

    I have been getting better sleep, deeper sleep, this happened almost right away. placebo is a bitch, so i will confirm these things in the coming weeks. hope im not de-railing thread and the guys on HRT wanted to hear this kind of info.

    check out the difference between these peptides and GH as far as what your levels look like.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-13-2011 at 01:08 AM.

  25. #25
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    NOTE: Keep in mind ghrp can make you eat like a horse! Increases appetite A LOT!
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  26. #26
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    hahahaha- it sure does slimmer, its weird though, that feeling is strong after the shot, and if i make myself wait an hour, then its time to eat anyway.

    there are substitutions to these that do not have that effect though. because they do not increase ghrelin.

  27. #27
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    GHRP-2, since its an analog of ghrelin, does not have as much of an effect on appetite, it is stronger too, consequently though it can raise prolactin and cortisol, so i guess you have to pick your poison.

    there are also other GHRH's you can use, they may not be as effective, but you can control side effects.

    i personally have had no side effects with the semerolin/ghrp-6
    Last edited by THE-DET-OAK; 05-12-2011 at 08:56 PM.

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