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    bass's Avatar
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    Donating blood problem again!

    this really sucks, even though my clinic filled out a form stating that i don't have a decease, and that my high hemo and RBC levels are due to TRT, they refused me! i think California simply sucks! so i tried to draw some blood myself but the small needle took for ever dripping to an ounce or so! but here is the scary part, after few minutes my blood sitting in the bottle, it became like Jello! in other words it became very thick! is this normal?

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    dayam bro....just when you got rollin...go to vegas and play some black jack and dontate some blood, .........

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
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    i ordered some 18g needles, fvck it, i'll do it myself! too bad though, someone's life could be saved with my blood, there is nothing wrong with it!

  4. #4
    JD250's Avatar
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    Is it a possibility to have a PA or local doc just draw the blood and toss least you wouldn't have to do it yourself.

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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Is it a possibility to have a PA or local doc just draw the blood and toss least you wouldn't have to do it yourself.
    if they would take me right away i'll do it, but i have to get a referral then wait for an opening. i guess i have to get a prescription from the clinic this time too and pay the $85 again just to get it done soon, but $85 every 6-8 weeks is allot. Far From Massive does it himself and hes helping me learn how to do it. its really very easy to do i just need a larger size needle and my wife to be next to me just in case!

  6. #6
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
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    You guys are scaring the hell out of me. I wonder if I will have a problem in the event that I have to donate. The thought of doing it myself is horrifying.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    if they would take me right away i'll do it, but i have to get a referral then wait for an opening. i guess i have to get a prescription from the clinic this time too and pay the $85 again just to get it done soon, but $85 every 6-8 weeks is allot. Far From Massive does it himself and hes helping me learn how to do it. its really very easy to do i just need a larger size needle and my wife to be next to me just in case!
    Jeeezus!! Is everything that much of a pain in the ass in Cali? In that case I don't blame you a bit, learn well and be careful. I guess we should all get our butts down to the red cross and get started donating there a negative side effect for TRTers to just give blood regularly even if it isn't needed to reduce RBC ?

    You know, I was thinking the other day about my first pin.....sweating and nervous ,thought I would pass out, now I kinda look forward to it.......I don't think it would bother me much at all to draw my own blood.....maybe a little at first........if they won't work with you I'm sure you'll do just fine on your own bro.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Jeeezus!! Is everything that much of a pain in the ass in Cali? In that case I don't blame you a bit, learn well and be careful. I guess we should all get our butts down to the red cross and get started donating there a negative side effect for TRTers to just give blood regularly even if it isn't needed to reduce RBC ?

    You know, I was thinking the other day about my first pin.....sweating and nervous ,thought I would pass out, now I kinda look forward to it.......I don't think it would bother me much at all to draw my own blood.....maybe a little at first........if they won't work with you I'm sure you'll do just fine on your own bro.
    LOL JD! i too look forward to the injection day, scary! and yea Cali is pain in the ass, i hope one day i can move to Texas! yes i encourage you to donate on the regular basis because once you go in the black book you are screwed! unfortunately they will only allow you to donate every 8 weeks, and hopefully you won't be out of the normal range for you Hemo and RBC!

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Straighten me out. What is the protocol when you go in to donate? Do they take a little and test it before you are allowed to donate completely?

  10. #10
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    Bass how high where your levels? I have an appt time for 3 this afternoon. Should I tell them up front about my therapy or mention it if something comes up? I will also post what happens after my appt. On another note why in the hell would you want to leave Cal for texas? If you've never lived there the heat,humidity,and bugs alone will send you running back to Cal. I live in NorCal and I came from a southern state next to texas, and I will never leave NorCal.

  11. #11
    Tbound is offline Junior Member
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    Fellas, I know this has been discussed before but can't remember what the benefits are of donating blood while on TRT. I know the obvious reasons for those in need but don't remember for TRTers. Anyone?

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    I think it became like jelly because it started coagulating.

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    Well I made an appt and when I got there they were closed for training. I'm already crashing since I haven't pinned for 10 days I'll just make an appt for next sat the day before pin day.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Straighten me out. What is the protocol when you go in to donate? Do they take a little and test it before you are allowed to donate completely?
    you answer the few questions and they pin your finger for blood sample and do hemoglobin test, if your level is higher than the normal range they will refuse flat out! and on top of that they will label you with emphysema disease and they'll never take your blood!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Bass how high where your levels? I have an appt time for 3 this afternoon. Should I tell them up front about my therapy or mention it if something comes up? I will also post what happens after my appt. On another note why in the hell would you want to leave Cal for texas? If you've never lived there the heat,humidity,and bugs alone will send you running back to Cal. I live in NorCal and I came from a southern state next to texas, and I will never leave NorCal.
    my levels were just a tad higher than the range and thats all it took to get refused! this is why i think its best just to donate once you start TRT and keep doing it every 8 weeks so you never go beyond the range.

    as for Cali, weather is not everything, Freedom is a much higher priority in my life! Cali is just to socialist for me!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmySidewalk View Post
    I think it became like jelly because it started coagulating.
    yea FFM said the same thing, its normal!

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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Well I made an appt and when I got there they were closed for training. I'm already crashing since I haven't pinned for 10 days I'll just make an appt for next sat the day before pin day.
    OptionD, you don't need to stop taking your meds, one of the questions they ask is (do you take any injectable medication NOT PRESCRIBED by a doctor), of course if your TRT is prescribed then you answer NO. and the other thing they do is check for you hemoglobin levels, it can't be over 18.3 or wast it 17.3, i don't remember!

  18. #18
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    If you can find out for sure on the hemoglobin let me know, I wonder if anything will bring it down a bit. Mine is at the top of the range right now 17.3 and rbc at 5.75. Doing it myself is not an option IV's freak me out. When I was in high school one of my friends older brothers was a crank junkie and I watched him and his buddies shoot up and it really freaked me out. Why they found it enjoyable was way beyond me. I can't look when they do a draw for bloodwork. I know I harpoon myself in the leg all of the time but IM is different to me.

  19. #19
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    I've been searching the net for natural blood thinners, and found this helpful link,

    i eat 2-3 heads of lettuce a day and lettuce is known to have lots of vitamin K which is not what we need, so avoid vitamin K foods. also it says to avoid any leafy greens!

  20. #20
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    another useful link! i been drinking ACV as suggested and hopefully it can help in thinning the blood, if this works then we may not need to donate! i am doing this on a daily basis and will do a blood test in a week or so to see if it really works!

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    Bass thanks for the info I appreciate it. I'm like you I eat more lettuce than a rabbit. So what are we supposed to eat then? My cholesterol is fine so I could eat just eat meat but I know red meat and seafood have lots of iron which is not good for our situation, since the guy at the redcross told me to eat spinach and shrimp to make sure my iron and hemoglobin were up before my donation. Which I did not do but it didn't matter since they were closed anyway. You would think that they would know when one of their locations is closed. I hate it when people waste my time.

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    Hey in that first link its starts out by talking about asprin. What if we took asprin before the draw?

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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Hey in that first link its starts out by talking about asprin. What if we took asprin before the draw?
    yea i thought of that too, but asprin kills my stomach! but it may come down to two choices if any if these remedies don't work, either pay to get my blood drawn or learn to do it my self! does asprin reduces red blood cells? if so how does that have an effect on hemoglobin?!

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    Keep me posted I'm gonna make another appt and see what happens myself. Since I am at the top of the range I hope they don't reject me.

  25. #25
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    when I get it done in Fla they prick my finger and check for Iron.If your iron is low they wont let me donate.Happened once.They told me if the blood doesnt sink when they drop it in that container not enough iron.Hope that helps I donate every 56 days to the day.

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    High hematocrit level Is why my Dr has me donate.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    when I get it done in Fla they prick my finger and check for Iron.If your iron is low they wont let me donate.Happened once.They told me if the blood doesnt sink when they drop it in that container not enough iron.Hope that helps I donate every 56 days to the day.
    i couldnt believe when that happened to me TWICE! about a year ago...the diet was sucky but never thought my iron would be low...still ate a lot of meat

  28. #28
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    well, i have no choice but to pay $82 again! as i mentioned in my TRT Blast thread, i am quiting blast due to PVC's, which i believe its caused my the thickening of the blood. i don't want to wait for me to do it so thats why i made the appointment! things like these makes me rethink TRT!

  29. #29
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    Hang in there Bass, you'll fall into a groove that'll work out fine, 82 bucks is bullshit but you dont want to look back at this point.

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    Bass, you are rugged.

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    I havnt gave blood in 30 yrs.But I did when I was on a cycle back then.My bp was at the limit.She put in the needle stood up to leave.But stayed and was amased at how fast I filled the bag.

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    what you doing in cali, I though you were here in FL?

  33. #33
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    my blood pressure before TRT was at 117/73 or so consistently and anytime of the day! but now its 150/75! my Systolic number went up! probably due to the thickening of blood!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    my blood pressure before TRT was at 117/73 or so consistently and anytime of the day! but now its 150/75! my Systolic number went up! probably due to the thickening of blood!
    wow big change there not for the better

  35. #35
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    Well I finally got in to donate today and it all went well. I was worried because when they did the hemoglobin test it was 18.3. I thought for sure I was getting turned down and the lady said"Those numbers are great." So I am a pint less now. Bass I'm not sure how reliable blood pressure gages are anymore. I tested myself on an electric one and it was 125 over 90 and I thought for sure it was TRT and today when I was giving blood it was 118 over 70. Now I think those electric ones are garbage.

  36. #36
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Well I finally got in to donate today and it all went well. I was worried because when they did the hemoglobin test it was 18.3. I thought for sure I was getting turned down and the lady said"Those numbers are great." So I am a pint less now. Bass I'm not sure how reliable blood pressure gages are anymore. I tested myself on an electric one and it was 125 over 90 and I thought for sure it was TRT and today when I was giving blood it was 118 over 70. Now I think those electric ones are garbage.
    for one....glad u were able to donate

    two..yes they like it here when u have high rbc's its when low they refuse here...

    let us know if u can tell a difference in your energy level/mood in the next few

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    Will do jpkman. definitely a little sluggish today only 5 hours of sleep and a pint less of blood. I remember my chemistry teacher telling me that the best time to drink was after a donation. You get drunk on one beer. I'll prob have a glass of wine tonight to see if it's true.

  38. #38
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    glad you were able to get it done! it must be California crap! BTW guys, i am very excited! i just finished drawing my own blood (1 pint), it was a so fvcking simple! anyway, i am sad though because my blood can save someones life but California fvcks do see it that way! i am a pint less now!

    BTW, just for a laugh! i got the 16g needle out, hooked it up and got ready to pin, DAMN it looked so fvcking intimidating, so i trashed it and got the 18g out and it worked great. anyone wants to buy 99 16g needles?!

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    What did you say to them when you went in Bass? I'm in california and I had no problems. I'm REALLY glad I could donate though because I sure couldn't do it myself. You are one tough dude Bass veins freak me out. They even had nutter butter bites in the snack room. I haven't had a high carb snack in forever. My wife calls me the food nazi, I don't allow that stuff in the house,I'll eat it all if I see it.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    What did you say to them when you went in Bass? I'm in california and I had no problems. I'm REALLY glad I could donate though because I sure couldn't do it myself. You are one tough dude Bass veins freak me out. They even had nutter butter bites in the snack room. I haven't had a high carb snack in forever. My wife calls me the food nazi, I don't allow that stuff in the house,I'll eat it all if I see it.
    what blood drive is this and where in california? i told them nothing, they simply checked my hemoglobin and they said it was too high, it was lower than 18 i know that for sure and they refused me, both red cross and SDBB!

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