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  1. #1
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Cool Endo Saga Continues

    Guys, as stated in previous posts, I'm on TRT due to a Pituitary Tumor (59 T level). So far using a-gel (I know, I know, don't say it) which is working great for me. During my first appt with my endo about 8 months ago I had a list of questions re HCG , AI's, etc. He was very dismissive. Knowing my body from cycles back in the day I'm gyno sensitive and I feel my nips more than I should. Yet no matter how hard I complain he won't even test for E level.

    Finaly had enough due to the sides I've been experiencing which I think are E related. Left multiple messages for endo who finally called back 3 days later. I questioned him again about hcg which he knows nothing about (had to tell him what it stood for.) Told him my boys are now about the size of a 12 yr olds and it's not acceptable. He actually said there is nothing he can do about it. I asked him if he was familiar with Dr. Crisler which he was not. Also asked him what would he do if his "boys" shrunk up. He would not answer. I will not be keeping my September appt with this a-hole.

    Next I called a urologist I heard good reviews about. I ended up on the phone with a nurse and explained the tumor thing and right away she said she's familiar as her husband has the same microadenoma which almost ended their marriage. She was even familiar with Crisler! What a breath of fresh air to talk to someone at a Dr's office who understands. Anyway, I asked her to check with the doc and see if he will treat me following Crisler's protocols as I don't want to waste my time and his coming in for nothing. She called back, told me he would and made an appt for next week. So, to end this long diatribe, there is potential hope. Maybe "normal", relatively speaking, is in reach!

  2. #2
    lifter65 is offline Associate Member
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    nice man, you must feel so relieved after all the bull

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yep. Just hope it pans out. That's why I wanted to call and pre-interview instead of wasting everyone's time.

  4. #4
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    How awesome! You do know that Crisler will consult with your MD for a fee far less if you were seeing him yourself (go to:

    Be cool to know that your MD was working with Crisler to get your right wouldn't it?

    And, your MD would learn a ton and improve his practice at the same time!

    Time for your healthcare to be treated properly

    So happy for you!

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I've read alot on his site over and over but did not catch that aspect. I will definitely discuss that with the euro. I'm just tired of the sides. Muscularly I feel really good. I'm just not used to bouts of anxiety, depression as well as even being more emotional than normal. Weird stuff that I definitly notice was not there prior to trt. I will be studying up for my Wednesday appt and probably bringing in some of Crislers articles as well. Along with copies of all bloodwork that I've maintained since this crap started. Really appreciate the support and guidance!

  6. #6
    finalreport is offline New Member
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    Same situation, I went to two different endo's without luck. The first endo wanted to do 1 shot a month, and refused to test my estrogen. The second endo runs all the bw, but will not treat the elevated estrogen, and doesnt use HCG in small doses. I just went to a urologist last week who gave me six months supply of arimidex , test, and hcg. I am in the same boat with the pituitary tumor. I have a micro adenoma that they believe is causing elevated prolactin and my low t. I had a t level of 100, and im only 21.

    I hope everything goes well and you can find the treatment you need.

    On a side note, I may be selling one of my kidneys to afford the HCG. Any buyers?

  7. #7
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Good to hear people are finally getting the help they need and good information, thanks gdevine.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Finalreport I'm sorry to hear your in the same situation. Especially at such a young age. Definitely no fun when they tell you to get a brain scan as "we think you may have a tumor." It kind of sets you back a bit, to say the least. At your age did they recommend surgery? Really glad to hear your doc is working with you!

    And Gdevine, I always enjoy your posts. Very well though out, factual and detail oriented.

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    good news bro roll with it dont even waste another minute on the endo....

    what endo?

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    This guy had me so pissed off on the phone. He stated there is nothing in the endo asso guidelines that call for the use of hcg . I asked him what decade were those particular guidelines established? Again, no answer. Anyway, glad i called for a pre-interview and didnt waste more time and money. Thanks jpk!

  11. #11
    lifter65 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by finalreport View Post
    Same situation, I went to two different endo's without luck. The first endo wanted to do 1 shot a month, and refused to test my estrogen. The second endo runs all the bw, but will not treat the elevated estrogen, and doesnt use HCG in small doses. I just went to a urologist last week who gave me six months supply of arimidex , test, and hcg. I am in the same boat with the pituitary tumor. I have a micro adenoma that they believe is causing elevated prolactin and my low t. I had a t level of 100, and im only 21.

    I hope everything goes well and you can find the treatment you need.

    On a side note, I may be selling one of my kidneys to afford the HCG. Any buyers?
    wow 100? cant even imagine how you felt

  12. #12
    finalreport is offline New Member
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    They said to do a follow up MRI about 6 months after they found the micro adenoma. Its been 7 months and I plan to go back for the follow up soon. If its growing then we will discuss options to remove it (surgery, meds, radiation etc...).

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Let us know how it goes please. I'm especially interested as we suffer from the same issue and would seriously like to hear how it goes for you. PM me please. I'm also curious if it has grown between MRI's? Without looking at paperwork I believe mine was 2mm on my first MRI. I've yet to have a second, then again I'm kinda between doc's! My initial understanding was that they don't do surgery unless it's a macro adenoma (10mm I think). Hopefully I'll get more answers with this new doc next week.

    Good luck man!

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Good to hear people are finally getting the help they need and good information, thanks gdevine.
    i agree,its also good to hear good news for someone for a change

  15. #15
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Success! Just got back from my appt with the euro. He was awesome! Familiar with Crisler. Actually sat and read through a few of his protocols with me while there (I brought them). He listened, understood, could not understand why the endo would not help me. I took in a couple years worth of lab work and mri reports, etc. He reviewed everything and answered all my questions and even stated it was nice to have a patient who actually took the time to learn. I threw the credit to you guys here in the forum btw.

    Anyway, I'm absolutely pumped. I walked out with scripts for HCG , adex, new agel 1.62% (stop, I know how most of you feel). All one month scripts with 11 refills! Holy sh*t maybe I can actually get my nuts back! Or to paraphrase Bass, "the sack is coming back"

  16. #16
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    I think, fellows, what we are stating to see is that traditional Doc's are just now starting to learn the correct protocols for TRT in men! Kelkel's experience is a perfect example! I know my TRT Doc (who is a specialist in TRT for men) is telling me how GP's and other primary care MD are calling him for counsel on correct TRT protocols.

    My take on all of this is that in a few years the types of protocols that we here know work will be a standard in most primary care physician offices!

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    GD I swear to god my eyes were getting moist when he told me he was more than willing to help and agreed w Chrisler. I couldn't stop shaking his hand. If anyone needs his info, he's in the DE, MD, S-NJ area, just pm me.

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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  19. #19
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Familiar with this...know it too well. My endo doesn't test my E2 levels because he doesn't believe in treating them. Pretty much same deal for HCG ...non-standard/expensive/maybe not covered by insurance. Glad you found a urologist who is up on the game plan for TRT. Don't sweat the gel thing. It works fine for some guys. Even Crisler believes that.

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, I've read his beliefs on it and so far I like using it. Takes about a minute and will take less next month with the new 1.62%. It fits my lifestyle just fine for now. Everything is good through insurance also except for hcg . Working out a hurdle with my plan administrator as it involves needles and they only ok that for insulin as per how it's written now. He is a lifelong personal friend and said he'd have it fixed by tomorrow a.m. Nice!

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