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  1. #1
    Stickman123 is offline Junior Member
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    HCG only available in shots?

    Hey guys,

    I know HCG is recommended here for those on TRT. Is it only available in shots? And you inject EOD?

    That's a lot of shots, man! Are most guys here really doing that?


  2. #2
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Real HCG is only available in shots. Everything else is fake and worthless.

    I only inject 2x/week and that is fine for me. I think most are doing EOD. I know quite a few are, anyway.

    Also, the injections are subq not IM, so they are nothing.

  3. #3
    APIs's Avatar
    APIs is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickman123 View Post
    That's a lot of shots, man! Are most guys here really doing that?
    Small price to pay my friend. Especially when viewing the big picture. I promise...

  4. #4
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    HCG protocols are different for men. Some do fine on two 250 iu a week dosages and others (like me) who do well on 250 iu EOD. HCG is all about keeping the boys healthy and feeling well.

    Remember, HCG (bio identical LH) is the foundation for the production of DHEA (and other things) which is the base of which all hormones are created so see how you feel, check on the size of your boys and sack and take it from there and adjust accordingly (remember smaller doses over time is better with HCG).

    Sounds sort of silly I know but that type of personal eval will do you well in the long run.

    HCG is not like Test in which a regularly scheduled dosing is really important; see how you feel and adjust your dosing from there.

  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    Real HCG is only available in shots. Everything else is fake and worthless.
    I'm going to have to amend this answer. I just called my compounding pharmacy to have my hCG prescription refilled. First they told me the price has gone up 30%. Ouch!!!

    Next he asked me if I would be interesed in trying the sublingual HCG pellets. I had to ask the guy a million questions because I didn't know the sublinqual was legit. The pharmacist said it contains the same peptide (white powder), obviously never reconstituted. So they take a small amount of the powder and mix with into a pellet you can place under your tongue. Turns out my doc is also prescribing this now to some people to try it out. The pharmacist said that it worked well for some people and not as well for others. He also said that blood tests for T levels had to be done to see if it was raising my T enough. I told the pharmacist that I use hCG for keeping my leydig cells functioning, not TRT. He added that he wasn't sure if my doc was prescribing it for that or not.

    It makes sense that the sublinqual could work, after hearing from the pharmacist that the pellet contains the same white powder that is used for the injectible. The tongue can absorb lots of medicines. Even if I had to double the dosage, it is still 50% less than the injectible method. Also, a needle is a lot more of a hassle than popping a pellet under my tongue and leaving it there for a few minutes.

    Finally, I asked the price. Turns out the sublinqual is about 25% the cost of the injectible! Now that is something to consider. I have an appointment with my doc in September, so I will discuss this with him at that time. For now I opted for the proven yet rape my wallet approach and I stuck with the injectible.

  6. #6
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stickman123 View Post
    Hey guys,

    I know HCG is recommended here for those on TRT. Is it only available in shots? And you inject EOD?

    That's a lot of shots, man! Are most guys here really doing that?

    i inject twice a week SubQ, i wish all shots were as easy and painless as hCG!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i inject twice a week SubQ, i wish all shots were as easy and painless as hCG!
    Man do I hear you loud and clear Bass. There are some guys here who inject SC with Test for that very reason. There's a Canadian study that essentially said it was just as affective as IM with less pain and muscle damage. Might be worth a try some time...

  8. #8
    bbray is offline New Member
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    Personally I would rather take a SubQ shot than to hold a pellet under my tongue for a few minutes. The shot is so fast and surprisingly painless(or at least virtually painless). Also, after reading about all of the TRT methods it seems that shots seem to be overwhelmingly the preferred method for the best results for most people.

  9. #9
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbray View Post
    Personally I would rather take a SubQ shot than to hold a pellet under my tongue for a few minutes. The shot is so fast and surprisingly painless(or at least virtually painless). Also, after reading about all of the TRT methods it seems that shots seem to be overwhelmingly the preferred method for the best results for most people.
    I would agree, but at 25% the cost if it works, that's a serious consideration.

  10. #10
    jaxbrah is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbray View Post
    Personally I would rather take a SubQ shot than to hold a pellet under my tongue for a few minutes. The shot is so fast and surprisingly painless(or at least virtually painless). Also, after reading about all of the TRT methods it seems that shots seem to be overwhelmingly the preferred method for the best results for most people.
    what gauge are you using? i was prescried 22g for HCG and while it doesent hurt too bad, its still a lot larger than the 30gs most people seem to be using

  11. #11
    bbray is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaxbrah View Post
    what gauge are you using? i was prescried 22g for HCG and while it doesent hurt too bad, its still a lot larger than the 30gs most people seem to be using
    Wow, 22 gauge? I would imagine that would be very unpleasant. I use a 30 gauge. I'm not fond of pain so I even use 27 gauge for my IM test. Takes longer but no pain.

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