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Thread: Hoping I'm doing the right thing

  1. #1

    Hoping I'm doing the right thing

    So I'm 27 and finally felt like something was really wrong. Depressed easily, work out hard but never see much, difficulty losing fat, storing it around mid section and chest eat really clean ie paleo diet. Can't remember the last time I had consistent morning wood. Get chicks wanting me and I dig them but just don't have the drive anymore. Asked my doc years ago for a test check as my mom always complained about my dad....gross. So doc told me don't worry about it. This time I demanded it. At 27 my test is 270. He called me back and said it's low normal but I don't need anything. Anyways after the endo he said I could go to was 4 months out and reading peoples frustration with endos I made an appointment with an anti aging md who has written a bunch of articles on TRT in my area. I go today. You think I'm a good candidate? Not sure what he'll do but I hope it's good I want my life back.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    [QUOTE=Kwik3;5701191]So I'm 27 and finally felt like something was really wrong. Depressed easily, work out hard but never see much, difficulty losing fat, storing it around mid section and chest eat really clean ie paleo diet. Can't remember the last time I had consistent morning wood. Get chicks wanting me and I dig them but just don't have the drive anymore. Asked my doc years ago for a test check as my mom always complained about my dad....gross. So doc told me don't worry about it. This time I demanded it. At 27 my test is 270. He called me back and said it's low normal but I don't need anything. Anyways after the endo he said I could go to was 4 months out and reading peoples frustration with endos I made an appointment with an anti aging md who has written a bunch of articles on TRT in my area. I go today. You think I'm a good candidate? Not sure what he'll do but I hope it's good I want my life back.[/QUOTE]

    First, welcome to the forum! Lots of great guys here with a lot of experiences - good and bad.

    Second, do you really need to ask the question as to being a good candidate? You know the answer to that for sure!

    At 27 and being as low as you are I would suspect that you have some type of medical problem. At your age and being as low as 270 is not an age related decline. There are many things that cause this from happening so please question your Doc on WHY this is happening and what he can test for to rule our any serious medical problem.

    Let us know how your appointment goes today. You do need your life back and most anti aging Doc's are on the cutting edge of TRT and they will help you for sure!

    BTW, do you have your bloodwork? If so, can you post your results?

    Good luck today!

  3. #3
    Sure my general care doc said everything else in my bloodwork was good. I can't remember ever having high test when all my friends were talking about their sex lives etc I never felt motivated. Here's my numbers
    Free T3 3.2
    Free T4 0.80
    Tsh 1.23
    Test total 270
    Test free 84.7

    Not totally sure how to read it but that's what I have.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    Yes, you are a good candidate for something. What that is depends on the results of good bloodwork tests. You could have an issue where your pituitary is the problem (not producing enough LH), you would have a good pituitary but you don't respond to the LH. Could be thyroid. Lots of could be possibilities. The trick is to not give up and keep digging to find the cause. You are only 27 and don't want to have this all your life. Youu definately don't want your kids to someday be grossed out by what your wife says.

    Ditching your doc was a good first step since he had already given up on you! A good clinic will at least run the appropriate blood tests. You need more than just total T. Maybe your doc did a lot of tests. If so, post the results and ranges from the printout.

    Good luck with the clinic appt.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Kwik3 View Post
    Sure my general care doc said everything else in my bloodwork was good. I can't remember ever having high test when all my friends were talking about their sex lives etc I never felt motivated. Here's my numbers
    Free T3 3.2
    Free T4 0.80
    Tsh 1.23
    Test total 270
    Test free 84.7

    Not totally sure how to read it but that's what I have.
    TSH: Optimal is 1 to 2 so you're fine.
    Free T4: Low
    Free T3: Upper end so your converting T4 to T3 nicely.
    No Thyroid problems.

    Low T for sure!
    Free T: need to see range.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    Ok, you posted some labs before I finished my comment above. There are no ranges and I am going by memory, but total Test and free Test are definately low. Way too low for a 27 y/o. I'm have little knowledge about thyroid since I don't have an issue there.

    LH and FSH numbers would be nice to know, but the clinic will definately test for those.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Welcome. You've come to the right place. I've learned a ton here over the past few months.. when I read your post I related to exactly, age and all. Been on trt for about 16weeks now and feel much better. I'm struggling to find a Great doctor but am able to at least coach my current in the right direction one appt a. A time! Don't forget to get your estrogen checked.. mine was upper 4/5 and test so lower 1/5. Keep up posted on how your appt goes. ANd don't second guess if you're making the right decision, wish I would have pushed my first doctor when I was 25

  8. #8
    Free t range it says on chart is 35.0-155
    It's was like pulling teeth to get this test much less a estrogen test lol. Appointment is in an hour, can't wait.

  9. #9
    Anti aging doc wants me to start with taking a 24 hour urine analysis for hormones and send it out to lab but will start me on 200 mg of test cyp every two weeks. Seemed like I always heard it's supposed to be every seven days. No anti estrogen yet or hcg. Wondering if I'd been better off with one of the online places.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    200 every two weeks sends a bad message to me; any AA clinic knows that weekly is the standard protocol. As for HCG and AI; they may want to add them one at a time after they get your test levels up and stable. As for me, my AA Doc started me on all 3 right from the start.

  11. #11
    Yea well I paid 200 for the initial visit which I'm sure my soon to expire insurance will cover but I'm unsure why another hormone test when I have my full labs besides estrogen sitting right in front of him. Seems like he's just making more money when he wants 175 up front for the reading before they are even done. Idk I'm frustrated. Feel like I just wasted money.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    Time to fire your doctor?

    #6 is right on

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    You need to watch out for anti-aging clinics and the sort. Mine is a script mill for steroids. Luckily I know what to look for in my labs and I also get a third opinion by posting them in forums like these. You need to post your complete labs with ranges. Like GDevine says, this isn't age related. You should not be put on test cyp automatically. You need a competent doctor who can evaluate your thyroid, cortisol, HPT, Estrogen, and your low test. Also, the fact that your on an E2w schedule means your clinic is behind the times.

    Be patient and do more research. Good luck.

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