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  1. #1
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Anyone having order troubles?

    My clinic told me that due to some new regulations that any order with test takes 3 to 5 days before they can ship. It has been 2 weeks now and they say I should get wednesday. Is anyone else having delays on their orders? Personally I think that they are yanking my chain. or doing one of these

  2. #2
    juttsdm5's Avatar
    juttsdm5 is offline Associate Member
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    i agree.

  3. #3
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    sorry to hear me with some more info please

  4. #4
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    My doctor actually did not have any the last time I went in. But I have not had any problems at my pharmacy.

  5. #5
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    My pharmacy was out about 2 weeks ago, clerk said they couldn't get any from their supplier(paddock). This happened last year about the same time. I wonder if its an issue with their production schedules since alot of drug companies make a production run then switch production to another product, estimating how much they need until they gear up to produce that first product again.

  6. #6
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Bob89 I think you might be onto something there. The rep called in advance of my last injection to not only give me the sales pitch but to also say they were switching to test enan. For more money of course. So it sounds like they were about to switch production but didn't get it done in time.

  7. #7
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    I think that they have just under estimated the amount of product they needed for the time period when they switch to other drugs. I'm already re-stocked but I'll call ahead of my order next time. This actaully works to my advantage though since my Dr is aware of the repeated shortages and scripts me extra to work with so I never run out even if I can't get any for a month or more. I think last year it was all straight by Sept but last year the the Pharamcy ran out in July and was late in August.

    Time will tell

  8. #8
    bass's Avatar
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    i haven't had any problems getting my supplies! but i haven't ordered any for about 10 weeks so not sure what i expect for my next order. one thing for sure, my fam doc wrote a prescription for 5 vials of test cyp, but the pharmacy will only give me one vial a month due to the insurance rules!

  9. #9
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BOB89 View Post
    My pharmacy was out about 2 weeks ago, clerk said they couldn't get any from their supplier(paddock). This happened last year about the same time. I wonder if its an issue with their production schedules since alot of drug companies make a production run then switch production to another product, estimating how much they need until they gear up to produce that first product again.
    Last year paddock switched to a different oil which caused a delay.If you noticed the oil was a slight yellow and now is totaly clear.I called them on it when I noticed a different color and was told thad the FDA required them to switch and refine the oil to a more (they said not better---yea)purity which makes it clear now.That was the delay last year.I dont know about this year.I think they use small labs to produce under the paddock label like watson.
    Last edited by ecsaaron; 08-23-2011 at 12:12 PM.

  10. #10
    BOB89 is offline Associate Member
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    I noticed they changed their bottle about the same time. The pharmacy told me about drug companies production schedules and then I confirmed it with another freind who is a pharamacist. Whether its the case this year who knows. I figure everybody is just using alot more so they can look good at the beach all summer

  11. #11
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    So no one has heard anything about some sort of new regulations and extra time needed to process an order of test?

  12. #12
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    No new regulations that affect processing time.

  13. #13
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, I hate dealing with salespeople sometimes.
    Why can't they just tell the truth

  14. #14
    im83931's Avatar
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    I dont think its just a regulation. There are several drugs manufacturers that are having national shortages. This is an industry wide issue that effects many medications. I don't know if its effecting test or not but its been a growing concern in the pharmacy community for some time now.

  15. #15
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    You can go to and they do a drug shortage update weekly and see if test is on the list.

  16. #16
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    Just checked the FDA website and there is NO test on the list.I think the drug companies are required to report shortages and dates when they will be back up to filling orders and also other companies that produce the drug that is in short supply so that pharmacys can order from those that have it in stock.Look at the web site and you will see what im talking about.I would say no shortage and that someone screwed up and didnt reorder when they should have and they are passing it off as a shortage.Glad I have a 15+ bottle stockpile.No shortage here!!

  17. #17
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    Just checked the FDA website and there is NO test on the list.I think the drug companies are required to report shortages and dates when they will be back up to filling orders and also other companies that produce the drug that is in short supply so that pharmacys can order from those that have it in stock.Look at the web site and you will see what im talking about.I would say no shortage and that someone screwed up and didnt reorder when they should have and they are passing it off as a shortage.Glad I have a 15+ bottle stockpile.No shortage here!!
    hint hint

  18. #18
    THINKBIG is offline Junior Member
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    Do compounding pharmacy's actually make the test or do they just take it out of a big bottle and put it in a small one.

  19. #19
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    They have the Test in powder form, and mix it to the appropriate strength.

  20. #20
    frawnz's Avatar
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    CVS told me that as of July 1st, there are new regulations that apply to drugs like testosterone that only allow for 30 days supplies. I haven't been able to find anything online about this, but they made me get a new script from my endo that wasn't a 90 day one.

  21. #21
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Thanks guys, the rep told me that due to new regs it would take 3-5 days to process an order of test due to new regs. Then after a week I emailed to check and the rep said "You should have it next week sometime, these new regs are awfull." Then the rep gave me some song and dance about test enan being in short supply and that everyones out right now. JPK I got the hint and I'll be moving on to the next clinic.

  22. #22
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    I get 5 refills on mine.I think with a class 3 drug its a max at 6 months then you have to get a new script.

  23. #23
    APIs's Avatar
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    Smells fishy to me, unless these are new regs aimed directly at Clinics? Any such regs would likely have some sort of impact on Pharmacy purchases also IMO. Just got my latest refill with no issues...
    Last edited by APIs; 08-26-2011 at 08:41 AM.

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    not sure how it relates but i had several pharmacies prevent my refil BASED ON THE DOSE ALONE.....where as my rx is written at a very low dose BUT shows 5 refills for a total of 6 the past i would refill every month...i am not sure if there is an alert to pharmacists to read/calculate doses/dosing with test but i would get asked "are you out of it?" i dont lie feeling i would have to lie or say some got wasted...idk..but they say you should have enought to last til so and so day.....BUT depending on the pharmacist that is filling i have had a couple slip through and asked how that happened to the nosey pharmacist and they say just that....that it must have just slipped through....
    thats why i'm not sure if it relates but out of my 6month script i will only be able to fill 4 vials...which is better than the dose but still brings me back to my doctor sooner than if i could have filled the complete script resulting in more frequent office visit payments...hope that wasnt confusing....this is all commercial pharmacy type (local) non compounding bs

  25. #25
    ecsaaron is offline Associate Member
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    Ive had the same crap with nosey pharmacy staff.I had my DR call and tell them how he wants it dispensed and that I will bring in the hard copy script to follow up.Sometimes its your insurance that wont let them fill it too soon.I have 4000 dollar out of pocket before insurance kicks in so i just tell them no insurance pay it then submit the bills for reimbursment.It seems like every time someone new starts at the pharmacy they all want to f--- with you like your a pill head.Pricks

  26. #26
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecsaaron View Post
    Ive had the same crap with nosey pharmacy staff.I had my DR call and tell them how he wants it dispensed and that I will bring in the hard copy script to follow up.Sometimes its your insurance that wont let them fill it too soon.I have 4000 dollar out of pocket before insurance kicks in so i just tell them no insurance pay it then submit the bills for reimbursment.It seems like every time someone new starts at the pharmacy they all want to f--- with you like your a pill head.Pricks
    wish i could blame insurance but its all cash out of pocket....pharmacist doing the math on dose, etc...and since its class C they cant allow a 10ml vial to be filled when the dose doesnt support ...this is what they are saying...i had it happen several years ago and then a nice couple years of no probs, a recent problem at 2 dose is actually so low that if it were enforced and never slipped thru i doubt i could have got 2 vials out of my script...i really never did the math because it really never was too big a problem....the dose that was written and forwarded for 5 years on my script is 200mg ever 3 fn weeks!!!!!! i self inject so i never had the need to try to correct/ask for increase...i'll have to go back to square one (convincing my/a doctor) whats a good dose, etc. if they become more of a dik

  27. #27
    frawnz's Avatar
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    Just about every major pharmacy offers online refills and will mail it to your house for no extra charge (CVS, Walgreens, etc). I do this sometimes to avoid the $8/hour geniuses working behind the counter who seem to take pride in making people feel like criminals just to pick up their prescriptions.

  28. #28
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    Just about every major pharmacy offers online refills and will mail it to your house for no extra charge (CVS, Walgreens, etc). I do this sometimes to avoid the $8/hour geniuses working behind the counter who seem to take pride in making people feel like criminals just to pick up their prescriptions.
    thanks for the remind frawnz...will try that next script

  29. #29
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Thanks again guys for your insights. I finally recieved it and its from a different compounding pharmacy than last time. Sales rep tried to say that it was due to new regs at first then said all pharmacies were out of test enan and thats why it took so long. just as I suspected.

  30. #30
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by optionsdude View Post
    Thanks again guys for your insights. I finally recieved it and its from a different compounding pharmacy than last time. Sales rep tried to say that it was due to new regs at first then said all pharmacies were out of test enan and thats why it took so long. just as I suspected.
    lyin beeches

  31. #31
    bass's Avatar
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    talked to my clinic today and the coordinator informed me about the new rules regarding ordering HRT meds, he said by law now everything have to be made to order, in other words drug companies can't run production for 6 months supply and put it on the shelf, now you have to wait 7-10 days for your meds to be produced then shipped to you!

  32. #32
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I am double posting this from another thread because it clarifies much of this:

    This is a Florida state law, referred to as the "Pill Mill" law. It restricts who can carry and dispense Category II and Category III (steroid are III) meds. Under the new law, only publicly traded pharmacies, pharmacies that have been in operation for ten years or longer or pharmacies with over $100 million of taxable assets in the state of Florida would be allowed to dispense . . . .

    So this would exclude your clinic. I assume you got your T directly from the clinic instead of a script that a pharmacy filled. If you were using a pharmacy, then they must have been precluded under the new FL law because they were too small.

  33. #33
    APIs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    I am double posting this from another thread because it clarifies much of this:

    This is a Florida state law, referred to as the "Pill Mill" law. It restricts who can carry and dispense Category II and Category III (steroid are III) meds. Under the new law, only publicly traded pharmacies, pharmacies that have been in operation for ten years or longer or pharmacies with over $100 million of taxable assets in the state of Florida would be allowed to dispense . . . .

    So this would exclude your clinic. I assume you got your T directly from the clinic instead of a script that a pharmacy filled. If you were using a pharmacy, then they must have been precluded under the new FL law because they were too small.
    Well, this would make a lot of sense. Florida is known for dispensing pain-killers like it's candy. Unfortunately, as a result our meds are getting tied up in this whole mess.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by frawnz View Post
    Just about every major pharmacy offers online refills and will mail it to your house for no extra charge (CVS, Walgreens, etc). I do this sometimes to avoid the $8/hour geniuses working behind the counter who seem to take pride in making people feel like criminals just to pick up their prescriptions.
    Yeah, that's human nature. Give people some perceived power & it goes to their head lol. I've experienced it first hand at many Chain Pharmacies. Getting the stare form the Tech and then having the Pharmacist come over & scrutinize every refill.

    I finally found this one CVS in a good neighborhood that fills my scripts with no issues. Only once I handed the Cyp refill to this pharmacy tech, and he immedately called over the pharmacist. I was like, oh-shite - here we go again. However, the Pharmacist asked the tech; "well does it go through insurance for this gentleman?" The tech replied yes and the Pharmacist said; "So what's the promblem? Fill it." That felt really good & no promblems since then...

  35. #35
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by APIs View Post
    Yeah, that's human nature. Give people some perceived power & it goes to their head lol. I've experienced it first hand at many Chain Pharmacies. Getting the stare form the Tech and then having the Pharmacist come over & scrutinize every refill.

    I finally found this one CVS in a good neighborhood that fills my scripts with no issues. Only once I handed the Cyp refill to this pharmacy tech, and he immedately called over the pharmacist. I was like, oh-shite - here we go again. However, the Pharmacist asked the tech; "well does it go through insurance for this gentleman?" The tech replied yes and the Pharmacist said; "So what's the promblem? Fill it." That felt really good & no promblems since then...

    yes that is always nice...hopefully he will be the only pharmacist you deal with...i've actually had less problems then i thought i would over the years but seem more of late...the only problem i see arising from ordering mail order is they usually only do 90 days and may only get one vial that a way

  36. #36
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    I am double posting this from another thread because it clarifies much of this:

    This is a Florida state law, referred to as the "Pill Mill" law. It restricts who can carry and dispense Category II and Category III (steroid are III) meds. Under the new law, only publicly traded pharmacies, pharmacies that have been in operation for ten years or longer or pharmacies with over $100 million of taxable assets in the state of Florida would be allowed to dispense . . . .

    So this would exclude your clinic. I assume you got your T directly from the clinic instead of a script that a pharmacy filled. If you were using a pharmacy, then they must have been precluded under the new FL law because they were too small.
    thanks for the clarification GNBM!

  37. #37
    optionsdude's Avatar
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    Yes I have been getting my test through a clinic who used a different pharmacy this time. And that was on thing that was said is that prescriptions are made to order. The rep also mentioned that one of the big TRT pharmacies got shut down for breaking the rules. So they weren't totally yanking my chain there was some truth to the delay.

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