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  1. #1
    euphoric is offline New Member
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    My test levels, questions

    Curious what you guys think/how you feel about this.

    I'm 25/male. Anything else you guys need to know about these please don't hesitate to ask.

    Free test 12.6 on expected of 9-30
    Total test 381 on expected of 240-950

    Should I ask for any other testing for a better view of my overall levels? I have my opinion about my numbers but first I am obviously biased, I don't have much experience in this area or knowledge about "normal" numbers, I have no medical experience or training in this area.

  2. #2
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Well.....they look low. But more importantly, how do you feel?

    If you feel fine I would hold off (TRT is for life), if you are having a lot of symptoms or a couple really annoying ones......go for it.

  3. #3
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    USA, In the Tundra
    Your #'s are very low for a 25 y/o.

    What is LH and estrogen levels?

    What is your height, weight, and if known your body fat %?

    Any medical history or drugs? Cycle history?

    Your top priority should be to figure out why your numbers are low and get them up. TRT should be a last resort. If you go the TRT route before exploring everything else you may miss an important health condition that you never discovered.

  4. #4
    euphoric is offline New Member
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    I have been struggling with a lot which is why I asked my primary to run it. Energy levels are always down, strength, constant fatigue, libido, moods. I just constantly feel lack of energy and run down. the nights I get good sleep I still struggle with energy/ strength/ any sort of mental focus/clarity. He asked me about depression last time I chatted with him. Family history, but no personal issues. overall I am very blessed and happy in life, just wish I could get myself up and going to how I want to feel.

    those were the only results on the test. I can request to run LH, and estrogen. What is LH?

    Im 6' and 195lbs, BF% roughly 13. I work out 5 days a week. I am physically active and work two jobs and am always trying to do something.

    Medical. Ill try to make it short and sweet. I'm on thyroid replacement. I am trying to figure out if this is causing low T, or vice versa, or if they are just coincidentally both off right now. I have not run a self prescribed cycle. Ironically enough this same Dr prescribed me androgel a few years back when I was having low T and all the same problems. It was a real low dose and to be honest I don't remember much in terms of dosage or lab results after.

    Sorry for the novel. anything else that would be useful just let me know.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Your thyroid can be causing your hormonal imbalance! What was your diagnosis and what are you taking?

    Here's a list of assays you need when you get your blood work-up:

    • Total Testosterone
    • Bioavailable Testosterone (You can see this as “Free T and/or Loosely Bound”)
    • Free Testosterone (if Bioavailable T is unavailable)
    • SHBG
    • DHT
    • Estradiol (or E2 and make sure to ask for the “sensitive” assay for males)
    • LH
    • FSH
    • Prolactin
    • Cortisol
    • Thyroid Panel
    • CBC
    • Comprehensive Metabolic Panel
    • Lipid Profile
    • IGF-1, IGFBP-3

    More importantly, you need a Physician who can read all of these and understand what they mean in context to hormonal balance and optimization. Don't assume your Doc because he has a medical degree will have the knowledge...most don't.

    If you don't know what all these assays mean do some research and learn (meaning study). Google is your friend

  6. #6
    euphoric is offline New Member
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    Aug 2011
    Actually I apologize for not being clear. I have no thyroid so my supplementation is actually replacement and something I of course have to take (well assuming I want to stay above ground ) I am currently on 200mcg of synthroid daily. I want to get switched over to a replacement that is optimal and not simply an man made dose of T4 which I cant believe would be the best option for someone. I was reading up on natural replacements like westhroid and naturethroid IIRC on the names.

    Wow thats quite the assortment and I have never had such an wide range of tests done. Ill definitely have to start researching more because to be honest I havent heard of a quarter of those if not more.

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