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Thread: TRT or PCT

  1. #1
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    TRT or PCT

    I have been off-cycle for almost a year without PCT and I am experiencing all of the symptoms of low T....I am only 25yrs old and would like to try getting my T levels back to normal without having to go on TRT for the rest of my life. Does anyone think there is any chance of doing this after having been shut down for so long?

    If so,

    What sort of PCT cycle would you recommend? Otherwise, I have a TRT clinic that will do Test Cyp, hcg , and arimidex ....I know that will work, but I'd really like to try fixing this first.

  2. #2
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    Aug 2011
    I think at your age i would go down the root of PCT to re-start your own system . I cant believe you done a cycle without having PCT plan. Education is needed

  3. #3
    wolves06 is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2008
    Honestly, you need to get checked out by a doc before you do anything else. You could try PCT but it may make things worse as you don't at this moment know what is wrong. AAS can affect a number of things in our bodies that can in turn influence the types of symptoms associated with Low Test.

    Get a GOOD Doctor who is willing to listen. I can't stress how important your Doc is going to be in the next few months, you need to be honest and up front with him too.

    Good luck mate.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Check out the PCT forum here...

  5. #5
    1zach4 is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I did pct after my first cycle, but I honestly planned poorly on my second/third cycle which sort of ran together, and then an argument with the wife over cycling caused me to stop abruptly without proper pct in place.

    I am going to have my blood work done next week @ the clinic and hopefully that gives me an idea of what's going on and I can decide from there. I'm not against trt as I know the benefits, and I would like to feel "normal" again, but the blood work will help me decide if I should try for an aggressive pct first.

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