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  1. #1
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    On TRT, low libido still

    I've been on TRT for several months now. At first, my libido picked back up, and I was experiencing erections again like normal. Eventually, I decided to blast the test a bit. I'm now on week 4 of a 600mg/week blast, and my libido has completely died. I get weak erections, but thats it. My doctor sucks and won't be able to help for various reasons, so I asked around and determined I should try arimidex .. .whcih I did for 2 weeks at .25 every other day. The problem got worse.

    Any idea what else could be going wrong? I'm stopping the arimidex because it seems to have made things worse, but I don't know what else could be causing this. i have cycled in the past and never had this problem. It shouldnt be prolactin related because I'm only using Test .

  2. #2
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i dont believe libido/erection is only hormone related...

    i would see a urologist first and go from there..

    best of luck

  3. #3
    kif's Avatar
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    Your best bet is to stop the blast and get some blood work done bro, I had the same problem a short time ago but was able to fix it with an AI. Best of luck

  4. #4
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    How long did it take for your AI to work? Is 2 weeks too short a time to expect results from it? I was under the impression that it was rather fast acting.

  5. #5
    kif's Avatar
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    Well I started taking way to much AI so I had low E2, stopped taking any AI for a week things came back to normal after about 10 days, now I'm taking 12.5 mg EOD seems to be working. What I was told by a Vet here is it takes a while for the changes to take place. It's very touchy bro. That's why I said either get blood or keep playing with the dose but don't make changes every day try adjusting every 14 days.

  6. #6
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    kif's suggestion should have been obvious to you. Good erection before blast, bad erection after blast. Get rid of the blast, wait a few weeks for the extra esters toleave your system.

    Two weeks is not too short of a period of time, if you have the correct AI dosage and E2 is your only issue. Just because low libido can be caused by low T does not mean extra super duper T will give you super libido. Some people tank from too much T alone, especially free T. It can kill dopamine receptors which affects libido issues.

  7. #7
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    kif's suggestion should have been obvious to you. Good erection before blast, bad erection after blast. Get rid of the blast, wait a few weeks for the extra esters toleave your system.
    That would be an obvious solution, however it wasn't my question.
    I was not asking "what can I do to get my sex drive back." I was asking what people's opinions could be as to why this is happening with a blast. I have done cycles in the past where this was not an issue at all.

  8. #8
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kif View Post
    Well I started taking way to much AI so I had low E2, stopped taking any AI for a week things came back to normal after about 10 days, now I'm taking 12.5 mg EOD seems to be working. What I was told by a Vet here is it takes a while for the changes to take place. It's very touchy bro. That's why I said either get blood or keep playing with the dose but don't make changes every day try adjusting every 14 days.
    THanks for the timing info. I've done similar things to what you posted, and haven't gotten much results. I think what I'll do is go back to regular hrt doses, wait a few months, then try again. I'll run blood tests a month into the blast to see where my E2 is.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Seems like you just started TRT within a few months and are blasting already. Did you get bw done a little bit into your trt protocol to see where you are? It def takes time to level off and find your sweet spot. I guess I'm curious why the blast so soon into trt (not judging, just trying to understand.) Also remember that every blast will not be the same, even though you do the same thing. Your body can/will respond differently over time for a variety of factors.

  10. #10
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Seems like you just started TRT within a few months and are blasting already. Did you get bw done a little bit into your trt protocol to see where you are? It def takes time to level off and find your sweet spot. I guess I'm curious why the blast so soon into trt (not judging, just trying to understand.) Also remember that every blast will not be the same, even though you do the same thing. Your body can/will respond differently over time for a variety of factors.
    Blood work was done 3 times when I started TRT, spaced 2 weeks apart each time. All came within 650-900 T and E2 from 28-39, within range.
    I understand that each blast will be different. I was trying to get people's opinions as to what the reasons behind my particular issue could have been.

  11. #11
    bass's Avatar
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    general rule for AI (Anastrozole) is 1mg per 100 mgs test! you are injecting 600 mgs and only taking less that 1 mgs AI! of course you will feel no change at that dose, i recommend taking at least .5 mg AI everyday, and perhaps 1 mg two days after injecting. basically you need to equal 1 mg AI for every 100 mgs test. good luck...

  12. #12
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Arimidex is different than Anastrozole.
    AI = Aromatase Inhibitor. It's a class of drugs, not a specific one. Many people do not need one at all. (When cycling, I never did at all.) It depends on symptoms.

  13. #13
    Lurker is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    general rule for AI (Anastrozole) is 1mg per 100 mgs test! you are injecting 600 mgs and only taking less that 1 mgs AI! of course you will feel no change at that dose, i recommend taking at least .5 mg AI everyday, and perhaps 1 mg two days after injecting. basically you need to equal 1 mg AI for every 100 mgs test. good luck...
    Anastrazole is different than Arimidex . AI means Aromatase Inhibitor, it's a class of drugs, not a specific one. Also, not everyone needs an AI. I never did in the past, and I know many people who do not use one. I simply tried one to see if it would benefit me as I was experiencing the above mentioned issues.

  14. #14
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    general rule for AI (Anastrozole) is 1mg per 100 mgs test! you are injecting 600 mgs and only taking less that 1 mgs AI! of course you will feel no change at that dose, i recommend taking at least .5 mg AI everyday, and perhaps 1 mg two days after injecting. basically you need to equal 1 mg AI for every 100 mgs test. good luck...
    What? He's on Arimidex . AI doesn't mean Anastrazole, it means Aromatase Inhibitor.

  15. #15
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    What? He's on Arimidex. AI doesn't mean Anastrazole, it means Aromatase Inhibitor.
    Arimidex is Anastrozole! read my post again!
    Last edited by bass; 10-13-2011 at 01:24 PM.

  16. #16
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Actually, you are correct. My bad, I saw the amount you suggested and got confused. I've never heard of it used in doses such as what you are suggesting, though. 6Mgs every day for him? I've always heard it suggested to people ON CYCLE at .25 EoD, or .5 EoD if symptoms are severe.

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Understood Lurker. Seemed vague in the beginning and my impression was you TRT'd a few months then blasted. Good to see you've done things correctly. I still stand with the comment that even the same thing a second time can have different effects. Back off a bit and see what happens. If not, the little blue pill will have you calling every girl you know for 4 hrs straight. Good luck man! Keep us posted.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Actually, you are correct. My bad, I saw the amount you suggested and got confused. I've never heard of it used in doses such as what you are suggesting, though. 6Mgs every day for him? I've always heard it suggested to people ON CYCLE at .25 EoD, or .5 EoD if symptoms are severe.
    not every day, per week. if you add 1mg adex per 100 mgs test you will total out to 6 mgs! he is doing 600 mgs test every week.

  19. #19
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fetch View Post
    Actually, you are correct. My bad, I saw the amount you suggested and got confused. I've never heard of it used in doses such as what you are suggesting, though. 6Mgs every day for him? I've always heard it suggested to people ON CYCLE at .25 EoD, or .5 EoD if symptoms are severe.
    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    general rule for AI (Anastrozole) is 1mg per 100 mgs test! you are injecting 600 mgs and only taking less that 1 mgs AI! of course you will feel no change at that dose, i recommend taking at least .5 mg AI everyday, and perhaps 1 mg two days after injecting. basically you need to equal 1 mg AI for every 100 mgs test. good luck...
    How does .5mg a day = 6mg a day?

    Actually his suggestion = 4mg a week. .5 x 6 plus 1mg on day 2.

  20. #20
    Fetch is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    general rule for AI (Anastrozole) is 1mg per 100 mgs test! you are injecting 600 mgs and only taking less that 1 mgs AI! of course you will feel no change at that dose, i recommend taking at least .5 mg AI everyday, and perhaps 1 mg two days after injecting. basically you need to equal 1 mg AI for every 100 mgs test. good luck...
    Then I misread your post, it wasn't very clear to me. They were discussing daily/eod dosing, and you said 1mg/100mgs test... so I assumed you meant per day. .5 ED with a spike after injection is still a pretty high dose, though. Again, I typically see it suggested at .25 EoD with good results. Everyone is different though, maybe that high a dose is what the OP needs.

  21. #21
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    Wow That was confusing, not sure why but it ended up that way........ for those who are new to this and are looking for answers lets restate what Bass already said .......A rule of thumb for Anastrozol is 1mg of anastrozol for every 100mgs of test....PER WEEK........that means if you are taking 100mgs of test per week you might need 1 mg of anastrozol per week ....or.....if you are taking 600mgs of test per week you MIGHT need 6mgs of anastrozol per week.... thats a lot, I would work up from 1/2 mg a day with a full 1mg day in there somewhere, as suggested by should divide your anastrozol into smaller doses spread throughout the week.

    LURKER....... 1/4 mg every other day is barely enough for a bare bones TRT protocol let alone a 600mg cycle......there is no way in hell your pecker is gonna work under those conditions not to mention most of that 600mgs is wasted as it's converted to E2......its gonna be a lose-lose situation until you take care of E2
    Last edited by JD250; 10-13-2011 at 08:11 PM.

  22. #22
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JD250 View Post
    Wow That was confusing, not sure why but it ended up that way........ for those who are new to this and are looking for answers lets restate what Bass already said .......A rule of thumb for Anastrozol is 1mg of anastrozol for every 100mgs of test....PER WEEK........that means if you are taking 100mgs of test per week you might need 1 mg of anastrozol per week ....or.....if you are taking 600mgs of test per week you MIGHT need 6mgs of anastrozol per week.... thats a lot, I would work up from 1/2 mg a day with a full 1mg day in there somewhere, as suggested by should divide your anastrozol into smaller doses spread throughout the week.

    LURKER....... 1/4 mg every other day is barely enough for a bare bones TRT protocol let alone a 600mg cycle......there is no way in hell your pecker is gonna work under those conditions not to mention most of that 600mgs is wasted as it's converted to E2......its gonna be a lose-lose situation until you take care of E2

  23. #23
    Cravenmorehead is offline Associate Member
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    Where would exemestane dosage fit in per 100 mg of test cyp?

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    Not sure, there are a few who use it with trt, you should start another thread with that title so anyone else searching in the future can reference it.

  25. #25
    aaronexists is offline New Member
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    Making big moves with T dosage or AI dosage, then go and get pertinent blood work: Total T, Free T, Sensitive Estradiol, etc. Good TRT should have an element of consistency to it. You want to dial your system in incrementally, not run it to hell and back because of impatience. An occasional blast for strategic reasons is understandable, but first find a sense of balance and well-being.

    Ongoing libido/erectile function issues, then test for some other areas too. Prolactin would be a good starting point.

    I've got blood work for when I'm feeling good and blood work for when I'm feeling bad. That helped me dial in. Make sure to note what you've been doing with meds in your blood work file, so that you have documentation of what meds correlated with which numbers and subjective sense of wellness (or lack thereof).

    I'm all for using rules of thumb when it comes to Armidex and such, but TRT without good blood work is like driving a car without any of your dashboard gauges working.

    When you change the doseage or the mix of meds, you want the pre and the post-event numbers. You are now your very own science experiment. Treat yourself like one. Get blood tests, record your states of being, log your meds. Find the patterns that take you out of your happy place and the patterns that help get you to your happy place.

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