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Thread: 23 and HRT

  1. #1
    LaBelva is offline New Member
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    23 and HRT

    Ok! Well first and foremost let me say this is not my first time on the board. I had a profile a while back but deleted some time ago...I have a few questions to ask from some people on the board in reference to past things Ive done and present and future options. Well here it goes!....

    Ive used 3 cycles before back when I was around 17 to 18 timeframe (I know! Many of the ignorant people on here that dont listen!) and Im kind of paying for the effects of it now. I recently went to the doctors for a routine checkup and figured ahh what the hell, I might as well get my testosterone checked out. Come to find out my test levels are at 450 and my prolactin is up 0.8. My doctor refers me to a urologist and she is very knowledgable about HRT, thank God. She gets me tested twice for my sperm count which is low also (11 million after a the wash) and again for my test levels which are at 450. I now am in the process of getting an MRI on my pituitary gland to see if there is tumor which would be the reasoning behind my high prolactin levels.

    She has put me on .25mg of Clomid a day for 6 months and I have my appointment for my MRI coming up. She was going to put me on 200mg of Test Biweekly and also hcg EOD. She told me she wasnt because I didnt exhibit any symptoms of low test such as sex drive, motivation, etc. I do feel different though since I was younger which I attributed to my job and stress, almost like an under-the-cloud feeling and the clomid did help with that.

    My questions are...1. Would the HRT make the tumor grow God forbid there is one? 2. Should I consider taking HRT at my age? 3. If I were to go on HRT should I cycle on (12 week cycle of higher dose) and off being that I have Clomid so I dont shut myself down forever?

    Thanks and sorry for the long read! Oh and my stats are 5'9'' 170-175...Up from 160 just 2 weeks ago! Happy I still can keep some on (pics included)Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	117938

  2. #2
    LaBelva is offline New Member
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    Damn sorry the pic is so small!

  3. #3
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    HRT is for life. You don't cycle on and off.

  4. #4
    LaBelva is offline New Member
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    I understand that but HRT would also shut me down perm. So my question is should I up the dosage and cycle off of it like a normal cycle in order to maintain some type of natural test production.

  5. #5
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Valid question imo. Let us know how the clomid turns out, I was at 418 and might be starting treatment soon, did extra blood tests. I honestly would be interested in getting a sperm count for myself. Aren't you supposed to have 150 million? I am only 30 and hesitant to start treatment because i don't want to be on it for the rest of my life, but to a point I feel like my quality of life will be far better if I was on TRT. If my doc suggests clomid or some other treatment like you are getting I will obviously give it a go first, but when I last talked to him he sure didn't sound like that was an option. I almost wonder if running a light steroid cycle with proper pct and check my levels after to see if i stabilize any higher than 418 would even matter. but what do i know i'm new tot his.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Recent thread you should read....!!

    Just saw that you did. Nevermind!
    Last edited by kelkel; 11-09-2011 at 05:47 PM. Reason: redundant

  7. #7
    LaBelva is offline New Member
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    The sperm is measured in some other fashion Im guessing because the lab told me it should be over 15 Million per *whatever they use to measure*...Mine was at 20 Million and then 11 Million after the sperm wash, which is basically a filter to see what sperm is viable.

  8. #8
    LaBelva is offline New Member
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    Yea I just commented on that thread not to long ago kelkel. The only difference is my age, Im not sure if I should go on HRT seeing as though Im in my 20s. Then again I could be legal and wouldnt have a problem with staying on.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Find the underlying problem first before you make a lifelong commitment to TRT. You seem to be on the right track. I happen to have a pituitary tumor which is what brought me here. It's really not that uncommon. Get the MRI to rule it in or out. It's a process of elimination for you now. good luck. Keep us posted.

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