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  1. #1
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Finally....BW Results!

    What Timing..They must have heard my bitching!!

    My PCP just faxed over my blood tests pre TRT.
    Just give me a rundown of the names and results I need to post.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Every thing is best if you want good feed back.

  3. #3
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    OK, These are my results from 10/4/11:

    Ranges are beside each result...

    Vitamin D: 15.5 (L) (30-100)
    Testosterone serum: 59 (L) (249-836)
    Free Test Direct: 3.2 (L) (8.7-25.1)
    IGF-1: 186 (115-307)
    Adrenocorticotropic Hormone: 16.7 (7.2-63.3)
    Calcium: 9.7 (8.6-10.4)
    Magnesium: 2.2 (1.6-2.5)
    Estradiol: 3.0 (L) (7.6-42.6)
    Folate: 24 (>5.38)
    FSH: 4.45 (1.5-12.40)
    LH: .89 (L) (1.70-8.60)
    Prolactin: 15.73 (L) (4.04-15.20)
    T3 Free: 3.25 (2.30-4.20)
    T4 Free: 0.99 (.93-1.70)
    B12: 377 (211-911)
    Cortisol: 3.02 (2.3-19.40)
    DHEA-S: 178.2 (160-449)

    I think thats everything. LMK if you need anything else.

    Also, any feedback on these results and my TRT treatment would be greatly appreciated .
    Right now all I am taking is 40mg of Testosterone Gel per Day.
    Last edited by Signmaker; 11-10-2011 at 03:45 PM. Reason: add ranges

  4. #4
    NOSUPERMODEL is offline Member
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    Probably need to post the ranges.

  5. #5
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    This is your real problem: LH: .89 (L) (1.70-8.60)
    This is your second problem: Vitamin D: 15.5 (L) (30-100)

    No LH no Test production. No Test production no E2. Between the low T and low E2 you must feel like crap and crave energy producing things: coffee & sugar.

    The solution is easy for the 2nd problem. Take D.

    For the first problem, HCG therapy or go straight to Test. But, you should attempt to make sure there is not a bad reason for the low LH. This could be your pituitary is shot, or you could have some other problem that requires attention. So press your doc on this if he seems happy to just prescribe Test and move onto the next patient. You didn't mention your age in this thread, but a LH this low is lower than some guys who are already shutdown from being on TRT.

  6. #6
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Oct 2011
    Thanks GNBM..

    Your spot on about the craving of sweets and coffee. I tend to drink a lot of coffee and feel tired right after a strong cup. I also snack a bunch on sweet things while at work, partly bc I'm bored but also to satisfy that sugar craving.

    I defiantly think that Test is going to work wonders for me but I'm not sure if that alone will be my best treatment. Is there anything I can take to increase my LH or will Test shut that down anyways?

    Any other opinions on my results and what I can do to improve my TRT?

    I've also been going to the gym and already noticing some nice gains. This is something I used to do religiously so I get results a little quicker bc of my muscles memory. I could definitely see a cycle in my future but first want to get stable on TRT.

    Btw I'm 32, 5'10", 220lbs and 22% bf.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by GotNoBlueMilk View Post
    This is your real problem: LH: .89 (L) (1.70-8.60)
    This is your second problem: Vitamin D: 15.5 (L) (30-100)

    No LH no Test production. No Test production no E2. Between the low T and low E2 you must feel like crap and crave energy producing things: coffee & sugar.

    The solution is easy for the 2nd problem. Take D.

    For the first problem, HCG therapy or go straight to Test. But, you should attempt to make sure there is not a bad reason for the low LH. This could be your pituitary is shot, or you could have some other problem that requires attention. So press your doc on this if he seems happy to just prescribe Test and move onto the next patient. You didn't mention your age in this thread, but a LH this low is lower than some guys who are already shutdown from being on TRT.
    Agree with GNBM but what's odd is he's taking already 40 mg of Test Gel per day...and his Test panels are in the tank...along with everything else in the pathway.

    Need to increase dosage or start injecting along with hCG and test E2 along the way.

  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    ^^^What type test Gel? MRI is definitly in order.

  9. #9
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    These blood tests were taken before I started TRT about 3 weeks ago, so I hadn't had any test at that point. My PCP Prescribed me
    Fortesta 2% gel and i have been taking it since right after my doc saw the labs.
    My next appt will be in a week and I will have been on the Test gel for a month.
    Is there anything I should ask m Doc when I'm there?..I might switch to injections if there isn't a very big increase in my Test levels.

  10. #10
    Lemonada8's Avatar
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    test gel is good if it works for the individual. You only asorb about 8-15% of test anyways, so at 40mg a-day he is well below the range for test.

    If you want kids, clomidphene may work to boost LH production. That is the biggest thing there. IF you go straight on TRT, use HCG and you should still be able to have some kids (as long as your not at a super high dose... keep sperm count checked up to max fertility)

  11. #11
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    If I understand correctly, HCG is still effective while on TRT so it would be like a double whammy of Testosterone . I might want to have more kids someday so it would be nice to keep that option alive if possible. Is HCG something that I should mention to my Doc or do they frown upon it?

    If that's a low dose of Test for me then what range do you think I would benefit the most from?

    What dose of HCG would you recommend and how often?

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Signmaker View Post
    Thanks GNBM..

    Your spot on about the craving of sweets and coffee. I tend to drink a lot of coffee and feel tired right after a strong cup. I also snack a bunch on sweet things while at work, partly bc I'm bored but also to satisfy that sugar craving.

    I defiantly think that Test is going to work wonders for me but I'm not sure if that alone will be my best treatment. Is there anything I can take to increase my LH or will Test shut that down anyways?

    Any other opinions on my results and what I can do to improve my TRT?

    I've also been going to the gym and already noticing some nice gains. This is something I used to do religiously so I get results a little quicker bc of my muscles memory. I could definitely see a cycle in my future but first want to get stable on TRT.

    Btw I'm 32, 5'10", 220lbs and 22% bf.
    are you atributing these gains to the trt? how long have you been on trt? has the energy improved some?

  13. #13
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    I dont think I can contribute my gym gains completely to TRT, but it has definitely helped. I would have expected to be a lot weaker after 6 years and
    my wife is already commenting on my shoulders and arms.....I just feel tighter everywhere. People assume I work out even when I haven't in 6 years, I have always had a more muscular body but endurance is what I lose the most. I have now been on TRT for three weeks....not a long time, but going from a 59 Test level to 40mgs a day is huge! I have amazing energy until 2:30-4, then I feel a little decline. My sex drive is almost what is was when I was 18!!! Holy shit my wife better watch out! LOL!!

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    59 T level is exactly the number I was at due to a microadenoma in my pituitary. You definitly need to get scanned to rule it in or out. When it comes to gels, I've never used fortesta but from what I've read here it is sticky and takes a while to dry. Have your pcp switch you to androgel 1.62%. Not sticky, no odor, dry in a minute.

    Make sure you read the stickies at the top of our forum and also visit Crislers site, as well. Read it, learn it, live it and prepare yourself for your next doc visit so you get the treatment you want/deserve. TRT is more than just slapping on gel and your doc should know this.

    good luck.

  15. #15
    Signmaker is offline Junior Member
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    Is there a specific Vitamin D I should take. I'm going to get some

  16. #16
    subnet's Avatar
    subnet is offline Associate Member
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    D3 - buy the 5000iu pills. I'd suggest 10,000iu per day and see what you're at when you do your next bloodwork. Good luck!

  17. #17
    funkymonk is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    ^^^What type test Gel? MRI is definitly in order.
    100% agreed. Low LH/test and high prolactin throw up red flags for a pituitary tumor.

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