I want to include them in my new TRT protocol. DHEA I will do 25mg twice a day. What is a good dose for the Pregnenolone? And does anyone have a link where I can buy the transdermal version of both? Thanks as always.
I want to include them in my new TRT protocol. DHEA I will do 25mg twice a day. What is a good dose for the Pregnenolone? And does anyone have a link where I can buy the transdermal version of both? Thanks as always.
you can get right from a compounding pharmacy. they can mix the cream for you to spec without a script
what do those things do for you on trt?
cool thank ya!
[QUOTE=warchild;5808370]what do those things do for you on trt?[/QUOTE]
Needed to back fill the 3 CHOL pathways.
Exogenous test down stream shuts these needed hormones down.
Pregnenolone is really needed as it's the Progenitor hormone.
DHEA for well being; it's a neurohormone.
Back filling pathways is critical in my opinion.
I just want you guys to know that oral DHEA and Preg are largely ineffective. You need transdermal applications. You can but online both in 15 mg doses...you need more so just up the amount you apply.
Also note, if you are deficient in either of these hormones you will feel an amount of anxiety and nervousness when you first apply.
This is TOTALLY normal and a sign you were deficient in these critical early stage hormones. It will get better and you will feel better.
Both are a must in a TRT protocol in my opinion and often over looked.
Never mind, I found some.
Last edited by JD250; 11-15-2011 at 11:41 PM.
I can personally attest to the sides GD mentioned. Hit me hard. Talked to GD about the sides and he got me back off the ledge, so to speak. Metered the dosage back and worked it back up week by week. Got rid all sides that way. Highly recommend slowly upping the dosage to get to your goal level.
Found the below statements under a "Top Smart Drugs" article:
Dehydroepiandrosterone (pronounced dee-hi-dro-ep-i-an-dro-stair-own) or abbreviated to DHEA, is a steroid hormone produced naturally by the adrenal gland, and is the most abundant steroid found in the human blood stream. Research indicates that DHEA has significant anti obesity, anti cancer, cognitive enhan***ent and anti aging effects. DHEA levels naturally decline as we get older, and there is strong reason to think that DHEA supplements may extend life span and make us more youthful. Dosage: Women 10 - 25 mg daily, Men 25 - 50 mg daily.
Pregnenolone may be one of the most effective, broad ranged and yet one of the safest anti-aging therapies at our disposal today. With its decades of safe and efficacious clinical use, the scope of treatments have included, alleviating stress, improving and extending energy levels, reducing arthritic inflammations, enhancing memory and acting as an antidepressant. The reason that pregnenolone can have such different uses is because it is the first sterone derived from cholesterol. In fact it is the grandmother of all the steroids and neuro-steroids, it forms their basic material (it is a precursor). Without plentiful pregnenolone availability there is likely to be an "imbalance" of other steroids. For example estrogen, testosterone, progesterone and DHEA are all "sourced" from pregnenolone. Dosage: 10 - 100 mg daily.
I am thinking it might be the same for me. I believe life-flo is the online product gdevine is speaking of, I will probably get it from them when I begin. I am going to wait a month or so until my Test is totally shut down bc I just started back up on TRT and prior to that DHEA levels were fine.
Remember, when you are HPTA supressed these upstream hormones will also be supressed as well.
You need these both in the optimal range.
So many benefits as kel posted.
This forum needs a stickie on both of these hormones.
After reading through here and a little online research I am ready to order. Is Life Flo what most of you use?
any thoughts on rs transaderm GD?
Why is transdermal dhea/preg ok but test transdermal is frowned upon?Originally Posted by flatscat
not me...not yet
just to clarify, my first post on this was that you can have this compounding without a script. I called my fav compounding pharmacy, and they said that anything compounded requires a signature, even though they are technically two OTC items. I live in Oregon, not sure if diff. states do it diff. ways, but he said it was due to the Feds looking in on compounding. Just FYI, as I gave out bad info.
That said, since they are two OTC items, likely a quick call to the doc could get you a script to take to the compounding pharm.
i have ordered some other things from them that were good products
I just asked my endo for a script for this so I could get it compounded. She told me to wait until my next blood test and she will test for DHEA. Her reasoning was that DHEA & Preg are not very strong androgens as is testosterone and will be less beneficial in the TRT process. I envy those who have found good doctors that are more specialized in the TRT process.
Last edited by lvs; 11-17-2011 at 03:48 PM.
I am confused. She understands HPTA shutdown but doesn't understand the need to back fill the pathways?
CHOL = Cholesterol. You can't make Pregnenolone without Cholesterol.
CHOL is used in other hormonal pathways besides the pathway where men produce Testosterone, DHT, E2...
In HPTA suppression the other pathways are being starved if you will behind Testosterone...why men need to back fill.
Last edited by steroid.com 1; 11-18-2011 at 12:16 PM.
Awesome information gdevine. Thanks.
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