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  1. #1
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    A question about var.

    Lets pretend a person who was on 200 mgs ( I take 175mgs , seems to be enough ) a week and wanted to take 20 mgs of var ed to cut a bit for lets say 10weeks , can u take var and test at the same time ? If so , will the test counteract var's properties as a cutting agent ? .. thx boys

  2. #2
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    Should try listing ur stats, then maybe type of test ur doing? If you look up var in the steriod profiles u will find ur wasting ur money at 20mgs

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stillstriven4sixfeet View Post
    Should try listing ur stats, then maybe type of test ur doing? If you look up var in the steriod profiles u will find ur wasting ur money at 20mgs
    i agree, i was taking 50 mgs ed and it seems to do what it supposed to, however even though the profile says has little side effects its not true, for me at least! i cycled it twice before and each time I could only do it for 5 weeks, it was very hard on my liver, my blood pressure went way up and my cholesterol was shot. but this could be because of my age, maybe for younger men its not as toxic but keep an eye on things when taking oral steroids .

  4. #4
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Sorry for not posting my stats , 59 , 6ft , 198 , 25 mins cardio ed , lift one hour a day , 6 days a week . I am prescibed 200 mgs of test-c a week . after reading the profile on our site , var sounded too good to be true , and based on "bass's" comments it might be . As the profile said 20mgs ed might be enough ( and thats pricey enough even at that low dose )

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    Sorry for not posting my stats , 59 , 6ft , 198 , 25 mins cardio ed , lift one hour a day , 6 days a week . I am prescibed 200 mgs of test-c a week . after reading the profile on our site , var sounded too good to be true , and based on "bass's" comments it might be . As the profile said 20mgs ed might be enough ( and thats pricey enough even at that low dose )
    i still have 60 days worth at 25 mgs ed, 6 months from now and when my liver recovers, i'll cycle again and hopefully it won't be as toxic on the liver at lower does.

  6. #6
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i still have 60 days worth at 25 mgs ed, 6 months from now and when my liver recovers, i'll cycle again and hopefully it won't be as toxic on the liver at lower does.
    Be interested in what kind of results you get at that dose. Keep us informed and I hope that liver recovers quickly for you!

  7. #7
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    THX for you input Bass , the profile makes it sound like a "wonder-roid" , if anyone else was/is take test and var as a combo Id like to hear your thoughts and dose ..thx again boys , this sight is so helpfull to new htr newbie like me ... I read for 6 months before posting and Im sure there lots of people like me who youall have helped out and dont even know it ...yep

  8. #8
    Brohim's Avatar
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    take 40mg/ day to start for 6 weeks. Split 20mg am 20mg pm. Take a liver support tabs and run those for 2 weeks prior and during the 6 weeks. Advanced cycle support are good ones to use. It will help w/ blood pressure. Var is mild enough to cycle a few times a year. They even give it to children up to 20mg I think.

    Women take up to 20mg so a man's dose is minimum 40mg unless you have a vag.
    Last edited by Brohim; 12-01-2011 at 07:32 PM.

  9. #9
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    Var is a perfect addition to a trt'r. It can help w/ collagen synthesis and will harden you up and help w/ fat around the midsection (where men hold most of their fat).

    But don't think Var is a magic pill. Your diet still has to be good for it to work. I would diet down to around 12-14% if you are not there yet and then Var will help you get lower without you loosening mass. That is what var does.

  10. #10
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    I have run it with test prop, tren a, at 50mg a day and had good results but had better results at 75mg a day 50mg in morning and 25mg at night. My wife run 20mg a day with100mg primo a week.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    How old are you Jamie?

  12. #12
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Roman . Im 50 been on htr for 8/9 months . I thought var might help me loss the 6lbs on my trunk that i just cant seem to shead on my own .. Im in very good shape as is ..

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    take 40mg/ day to start for 6 weeks. Split 20mg am 20mg pm. Take a liver support tabs and run those for 2 weeks prior and during the 6 weeks. Advanced cycle support are good ones to use. It will help w/ blood pressure. Var is mild enough to cycle a few times a year. They even give it to children up to 20mg I think.

    Women take up to 20mg so a man's dose is minimum 40mg unless you have a vag.
    If I had a vag I'd be a millionaire!

  14. #14
    lvs is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    take 40mg/ day to start for 6 weeks. Split 20mg am 20mg pm. Take a liver support tabs and run those for 2 weeks prior and during the 6 weeks. Advanced cycle support are good ones to use. It will help w/ blood pressure. Var is mild enough to cycle a few times a year. They even give it to children up to 20mg I think.

    Women take up to 20mg so a man's dose is minimum 40mg unless you have a vag.
    Can you be more specific about what to take for liver and blood pressure support. Is Advanced Cycle a product?

  15. #15
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lvs View Post
    Can you be more specific about what to take for liver and blood pressure support. Is Advanced Cycle a product?
    100% cocoa chocolate to help lower your BP also helps with cholesterol, milk thistle to help support your liver, omega 3. but the best for liver support is injectable L-Glutathione, i believe you need prescription for this. i am on it now, i should have taken it while i was on var!

  16. #16
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    Jamie did u say u were 59 in earlier.thread and now ur 50?

  17. #17
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    Roman . Im 50 been on htr for 8/9 months . I thought var might help me loss the 6lbs on my trunk that i just cant seem to shead on my own .. Im in very good shape as is ..
    We are the same age then. My love handles are finally gone after a year of hard work. I still have a thin layer of fat over my abs, i've had that my entire life, even when I was an extremely skinny kid, so not sure I will ever be able to rid myself of it.

    A couple thoughts about var.
    Assuming you have a legit source, there are two ways to secure var. There are caps/tabs which are expensive (could run you a couple hundred bucks a month) or you can get bulk powder. I always get the bulk powder cuz i'm a cheap bastad.

    My experience with var, for me, is that it does not cut BF%. For me, I pick up some muscularity, and a little bit of water bloat. It also raises my BP a bit. On the one hand, var is mild. You can take a pretty high dose for up to 6 weeks and still keep risk to a minimum.

    I like var, and buy it semi regularly. But I personally don't buy it for cutting fat.

    For me, what has been successful in cutting BF%, is the test I run for my TRT (I blast occassionally), try to keep diet clean (for me that is difficult due to my environment), and frequent sessions of cardio.

    I know the profile for var says a good cutting agent, but there are always two sides to every story, and I personally haven't benefitted from var this way.

  18. #18
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    ROMAN , Like you I have only a thin layer of fat left on my trunk . I do everything rite diet / gym , I guess at 50 , its just not going away . I thought var might help with that . Between what you and bass have said , It might not be the best thing for me at this time . I guess ill have to redouble my efforts and see if I can get it off on my own . My goal is by the spring ...ths bro

  19. #19
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    I tried clen to cut BF% here just recently. It is a drug for asthmatics (clenbutoral). Problem I have with it is if I take the recommended protocol, then i get the shakes and irritable. Not interested in those sides. So I dropped down the dose, and then didn't see much benefit.

    the only thing that is proven to work is diet and cardio. Cardio i'm sure you already know about.

    Diet is a little different, so let me throw some links your way, and if you like, you can check them out....

    This link discusses BMR / TDEE - and shows you how to calculate. The caloric stasis point you need. More calories you gain, fewer, you drop

    This link discusses macro nutrients (protein/carbs/fat & calories) and how to calculate. A standard spread would be 40/40/20, but you will need to fine tune based on your unique characteristics:

    some additional reading on cutting:

    Once you get to a certain BF%, I'm around 14%, then dropping additional % becomes difficult, which necessitates really fine tuning your diet.

    When you have crafted your diet, which you will need to do, then go ahead and post in the nutrition section for us to check it out. Most likely, there will be suggestions for improvements you hadn't considered.

    Good luck!

  20. #20
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    ROMAN , Ths for the info . I guess what it comes down to is lifestyle . My meaning is this , sure I have a few drinks now and again , Ill have a cookie or 3 . I get a slice of pizza now and again . Im very happy with what Ive done with my body in the last 2 years and still want to live a little . I think its a trade off , live a very strick lifestyle and shead the last 5 lbs or live a little bit and have a killer bod for a 50 yr old . I think , by my actions , Im gunna party and eat cookie once in a while . From what you guys have tought me , a quick fix isnt a good idea and maybe after the holidays Ill get too it and tweek my diet the last lil bit ... thx again bro

  21. #21
    bass's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    ROMAN , Ths for the info . I guess what it comes down to is lifestyle . My meaning is this , sure I have a few drinks now and again , Ill have a cookie or 3 . I get a slice of pizza now and again . Im very happy with what Ive done with my body in the last 2 years and still want to live a little . I think its a trade off , live a very strick lifestyle and shead the last 5 lbs or live a little bit and have a killer bod for a 50 yr old . I think , by my actions , Im gunna party and eat cookie once in a while . From what you guys have tought me , a quick fix isnt a good idea and maybe after the holidays Ill get too it and tweek my diet the last lil bit ... thx again bro
    Jamie, you nailed right there. we are not competing so live a little and before you know it you'll get there! there are three types of fat in our bodies (i can't name them) and the one you have now is the hardest to get rids of, and no drug in the world can help you there, but Patience and consistency will get you there in time.

  22. #22
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    ^ peronally, I agree. I will never compete, and have no desire to, ever. Me getting up on stage and being the center of attention is not something I would enjoy. I am pretty strict with my lifestyle right at the moment because of where I live. I have two months left before I go home, and i would like to finish my transformation. I'm pretty close. My mates would probably say I'm already there, so we'll see.

    But at our age, my motto is like the turtle...

    "...slow and steady wins the race."

  23. #23
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
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    Bass , thx . Roamn , thx troop ! And thx for your service !

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