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Thread: Looking for guidance, few questions...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Looking for guidance, few questions...

    I have bw due in the next four weeks, currently on 60mgs test cyp e3d. 29yrs old


    E2: 51 prior to starting adex
    TT: 750(3 days after pin)
    FT: 190 above range, doc said it was high???

    Next bw i will post a pic, just found out i can get it sent to my PCP.

    My question is if i think i may have dropped below optimal(showing sides of low E2) can i take a lil more test to level out my e, through conversion on T>E? Truthfully, i don't know if i will be able to find the sweet spot. I really think i may stop TRT. I know i won't have the energy on TRT but I think i will at least feel a lil more normal. I have been on an AI for 30 days, .25 eod and the E2 sides i was experiencing are gone but I don't really feel any better than before starting it. I actually feel different on TRT and adex, I don't really have the urge to have sex, but i kinda do. If i mess around with my wife some, I know i can go through with the act, but am a lil less than enthusiastic. My erections also seem to be a lil bit weak. I have sampled some PDE-5 inhibitors which work wonders, and i always have a higher sex drive on those. Its as if my body senses having the erection so i get horny because I know I'm not going to have issues during sex... idk. prior to starting adex, I had some ED and some problems finalizing sex, probably due to the High E2.

    The best I felt thus far was the first 8 weeks on Test Cyp. I had high sex drive, great erections, felt like a beast etc...

    Would it be a good idea to stop the adex completely until some sides of high E2 return, then dose the adex until they dissipate again?

    This stuff is tuff, i read all about how once you get it dialed in how much better you feel etc etc... I am just questioning this treatment for me right now...

    ok I'm off the soapbox...
    Last edited by Logonzo; 01-04-2012 at 05:59 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    South Fla
    Quote Originally Posted by Logonzo View Post
    I have bw due in the next four weeks, currently on 120mgs test cyp e3d. 29yrs old

    120 mg of Test Cyp every 3 days...really??? If so, way too much!


    E2: 51 prior to starting adex
    TT: 750(3 days after pin)
    FT: 190 above range, doc said it was high???

    Next bw i will post a pic, just found out i can get it sent to my PCP.

    My question is if i think i may have dropped below optimal(showing sides of low E2) can i take a lil more test to level out my e, through conversion on T>E?

    Wait for next BW.

    Truthfully, i don't know if i will be able to find the sweet spot.
    Be patient, you will if you and your Doc work together.

    I really think i may stop TRT. I know i won't have the energy on TRT but I think i will at least feel a lil more normal.
    Stopping and restarting is not easy and success is hit and miss...mostly miss. Doubt you will feel any more normal. Get your TRT protocol dialed in.

    I have been on an AI for 30 days, .25 eod and the E2 sides i was experiencing are gone but I don't really feel any better than before starting it. I actually feel different on TRT and adex, I don't really have the urge to have sex, but i kinda do. If i mess around with my wife some, I know i can go through with the act, but am a lil less than enthusiastic.
    Your next BW will tell you a lot about all of this. Especially E2.

    My erections also seem to be a lil bit weak.
    High or Low E2 can cause this...amongst a 1000 of other things!

    I have sampled some PDE-5 inhibitors which work wonders, and i always have a higher sex drive on those. Its as if my body senses having the erection so i get horny because I know I'm not going to have issues during sex... idk. prior to starting adex, I had some ED and some problems finalizing sex, probably due to the High E2.
    Good for you on the's a gift from God to men!!!

    The best I felt thus far was the first 8 weeks on Test Cyp. I had high sex drive, great erections, felt like a beast etc...
    It happens like this for a lot of men...high levels of androgen's before things level off. Not an uncommon comment at all.

    Would it be a good idea to stop the adex completely until some sides of high E2 return, then dose the adex until they dissipate again?
    WAIT for your next BW in a few weeks!

    This stuff is tuff, i read all about how once you get it dialed in how much better you feel etc etc... I am just questioning this treatment for me right now...
    Pretty late in the game to be questioning this; TRT is for life. If you had symptoms and BW to reflect low panels than a TRT protocol, if done correctly, should change your life as it has for countless of guys here. Again, be patient, work with your Doc and get your protocol dialed in...once you do you will understand.

    ok I'm off the soapbox...
    Above in bold.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Great responses, thanks. I am feeling overwhelmed at times. I will wait for the next be then and see exactly what's happening!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    In my house
    That dose figures to be around 280mgs of test a week and your AI dose figures to be slightly less than 1 mg a week, that's not much AI for that much test.

    I'd bet a dollar that your symptoms are caused by high need to get that BW to be sure, keep us posted on the results.

  5. #5
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    I will keep it updated once I get the bw back...

    I goofed up on my initial post though, its only Really 60mg e3d, for a total of about 120mgs a week. Sorry about that.
    Last edited by Logonzo; 01-04-2012 at 06:04 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    South Fla
    Ok on the dosage error and thanks for editing Logonzo!

    Patience, patience and patience.

    Use your Doc and the experience of the members of this forum and you will get it right.

    Many guys here were in the exact same position as are in good company my friend

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    my .02 is stay off the soap box

    keep it real and you'll be able to make sense of things

  8. #8
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    I have been feeling a lil better now, still not much libido to speak of... wifey could be happier, lol. I do get awaken usually every night by the little man down below. Which from what i have read is a good sign that E2 is in a good range. Biggest concern right now is Libido being pretty damn low. I could care less for the most

    OK Finally I have some lab ranges! I don't know how to interpret most of this other than the test/TT/Estrodial. Any help looking at these to see if everything is normal, would be greatly appreciated.

    These test were done with a .6 ML(120mgs) Pin, then 2 days later BW for PEAK. 1/18/2012
    total of 7 days later BW for TROUGH. 1/23/2012

    In addition to the Test Cyp, I took ADEX 1mg one day after pin for two weeks. These are my numbers.

  9. #9
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  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Start donating blood regularly for your RBC.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I have to go again, I just went nov 12, 2011. I have to get it done soon! Do you think that has any effect on libido? Lol sounds stupid but I'm assuming that's the only irregularity you noticed. Thanks.

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    None that I know of. Yes, only thing that jumped out at me. Have your doc give you a free months supply of Cialis for daily use. He's probably got a closet full of it. Or just write you a script. Excellent for you for a number of reasons beyond it's intended use.

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