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  1. #1
    Milehigh1965 is offline New Member
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    Newbie wanting to do trt

    Im 46 workout all the time and have a good diet. I have read all the great benefits of trt. Im not looking to start bodybuilding but can't seem to drop the last 10lbs and tighten everything up.

    My concern is once I start trt is it something I have to take the rest of my life? Some of the things I have read here it sounds like one you start the body shuts down and does produce anymore. Some of the stories I have read of people going off trt seems like a drug withdraw .

    I'm going to the anti aging clinic that mixes test with hcg and amidex.

    It sounds like they are following the protocol of a Dr that runs a clinic in Tucson called the renaissance clinic. Is anyone familiar with the clinic or the

  2. #2
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Once you start yes it's for life, I'm 30 and on for life...

    I see an endo doctor in Cali, so I pay 5 bucks for a 10ml vial of test cyp

    You take a low dose 100-200mg a week and sometimes along with an AI and hcg which all are needed according to BW

    I got off to have a baby ( which I did a babygirl ) the withdraws I got was weakness and fatigued. Would work 10 hours sleep 12 every day, had no energy for shit...
    Last edited by FONZY007; 01-30-2012 at 12:34 AM.

  3. #3
    devildog1967's Avatar
    devildog1967 is offline Associate Member
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    You will need bloods done so you can see if you are low T.

    good luck

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by devildog1967 View Post
    You will need bloods done so you can see if you are low T.

    good luck

    Hrt/trt is taken for low testosterone , you need a full blood panel taken to see if you out of range.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milehigh1965 View Post
    Im 46 workout all the time and have a good diet. I have read all the great benefits of trt. Im not looking to start bodybuilding but can't seem to drop the last 10lbs and tighten everything up.

    My concern is once I start trt is it something I have to take the rest of my life?if your low T and a doctor sees your fit for testosterone replasement there will be no reason to stop Some of the things I have read here it sounds like one you start the body shuts down and does produce anymore. Some of the stories I have read of people going off trt seems like a drug withdraw .

    I'm going to the anti aging clinic that mixes test with hcg and amidex.

    It sounds like they are following the protocol of a Dr that runs a clinic in Tucson called the renaissance clinic. Is anyone familiar with the clinic or the
    Protocol no, but protocols are individual...they may start out similarly but bloodwork and patient's response/well being will dictated your own protocol

  6. #6
    Milehigh1965 is offline New Member
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    That is a little scarey to think I would have to be on it for life. Is there any benefit for me to be on it if my test levels are good?

  7. #7
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milehigh1965 View Post
    That is a little scarey to think I would have to be on it for life. Is there any benefit for me to be on it if my test levels are good?
    If your test levels are fine, and you feel fine then basically no benefit to doing it.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milehigh1965 View Post
    That is a little scarey to think I would have to be on it for life. Is there any benefit for me to be on it if my test levels are good?
    if its scary to put your self in good health for life then your asking the wrong person here and your question would be to do research on the subject...less hypothetical and more concrete..

  9. #9
    Milehigh1965 is offline New Member
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    I agree 100 percent. Why on earth would we ever do something good for our bodies, lol. So question is once you go on trt I can assume my body stops producing it? If I did go off would my body start to produce it again?

  10. #10
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milehigh1965 View Post
    I agree 100 percent. Why on earth would we ever do something good for our bodies, lol. So question is once you go on trt I can assume my body stops producing it? If I did go off would my body start to produce it again?
    Milehigh read up on some of the health problems caused by low t.
    Once you start trt yes your body natural production gets shut down..If u stop taking trt your body will produce again however most times it's not going to be at a level u are happy with...
    Last edited by J DIESEL3; 01-30-2012 at 10:32 AM.

  11. #11
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    My suggestion is to read the stickies in this forum and study them and learn.

    J is right; do your research on the subject, much of what is being asked here is basic and in the stickies.

    If a man presents symptoms of low testosterone levels and BW confirms than he will be a candidate for TRT if the Physician has any knowledge.

    TRT, for the most part, is pretty much for life do primarly to HPTA suppression but if a man is on hCG there can be re-start protocols that can be successful as opposed to without.

  12. #12
    eiff's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SEOINAGE View Post
    If your test levels are fine, and you feel fine then basically no benefit to doing it.
    ^^^ This.

    But as far as doing it forever, to quote John Crisler off his FAQ on his website:

    Q: If I go on TRT, is it forever?
    No, you can always go back to feeling the way you used to!

    But there's many threads around here of men who are on TRT who would gladly trade their current setup for natural, correct function.

  13. #13
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    The only way to know if you could benefit from TRT is to have labs done to see were you are at. If your labs come out good as in your T levels are within the mid to high side of normal range i would not go on TRT as it is suppose to be for life.

  14. #14
    Milehigh1965 is offline New Member
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    Went to the men's clinic to get my blood tested. It was humorous as I took my wife with me and there were all these mid 50 year old dudes and they were all wearing sunglasses like they were going to be spotted In a nudey shop. So the clinic is trying to sell a package for $169 a month of T HCG and amidex. I don't want to sound like a bitch but I have to say I am a bit nervous. A lifetime comittment is a very long time. Is it possible to do a 12 week trial and see how I feel? The clinic is a little vague in the answers. I just don't want to commit to something then in a year decide I don't want to do it anymore and then find out my body will no longer produce T because of something I did.

  15. #15
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I'm not sure any of what has been said is making sense to you, let me try, you're looking at this whole thing ass backwards, you asked if you went on TRT would your body stop producing.........turn it around, you should only go on TRT if your body isn't producing's not a magic pill that will help you lose the "last 10 pounds". People start TRT because their health starts failing and symptoms begin to show and quality of life is in the tank which leads to going to a doc eventually, the ONLY thing you mentioned is that you want to lose the last 10 pounds and tighten up.....if that's the only problem you have maybe you should post up in the diet section and those guys can show you how to drop that last 10 pounds no problem. Unless you have more problems than the last 10 pounds I'm gonna suggest that you're looking in the wrong place.

  16. #16
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    As mentioned earlier, the best place to start is with running lab work. Only BW will tell the tale if you should pursue this any further.

    No, this isn't a trial program. If you have low T, then you will need to replenish it with HRT for life. However, if your testosterone is low; meaning low serum, free & bio available, then you want to look deeper and find out if the condition is primary or secondary. Secondary is more common with those of us over 40, and if you are indeed secondary then the HCG will be a HUGE benefit. Please familiarize yourself with these terms by reading the stickies. The same thing applies for the Arimidex treatment ... Your treatment levels will be dependent on your E2 levels, and the amount of conversion taking place downstream of your testosterone.

    Everyone's program is a little different, so I don't quite know how the clinic is quoting you a package program unless they already have your lab results, and your doctor has established a good starting point for you. If so, please let us know the details.

  17. #17
    mlandog is offline New Member
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    I couldn't agree with JD250 more. You go on because you are already low not to lose the last ten lbs. I also agree that if you go off trt you will go back to the old crappy way you felt before you were on trt (been there done that). You just feel worse because it only takes 3-4 weeks to go from feeling great to feeling like crap than from the slow 10-20 year decline the first time around.

  18. #18
    mlandog is offline New Member
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    The doc's can only get you so close with a recomendation from the first blood test and the follow up blood work after you start your trt will help them fine tune your program to fit you. it is not a one size fits all deal.

  19. #19
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    great read. thanks guys...I have thought about it myself...I will continue to educate myself

  20. #20
    muscleport is offline New Member
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    I think what you really want to ask is: can you go back to your old T level after TrRT and then decided to stop, you were wondering if the Suppression of internal testerone could be reversed if you stop TRT,

  21. #21
    Flier's Avatar
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    So he goes to the wellness clinic and get BW.
    At what Test level will the wellness clinic put him on TRT? I guess they are aggressive?
    What do you guys call "low T"? At what level do u guys suggest someone consider TRT?

  22. #22
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    i can see this thread made a ton of progress in 2 weeks


  23. #23
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    I'll give it a try, if 10 lbs of fat loss and tightening up is all you want go to the nutrition section. If that doesnt work (not that I'm an advocate of this) but just do a full blown cycle and be done with it. Seems to me that, that is what you are really looking for.
    There are consequences to TRT, its not something to just dable with. Absolutely no guarentees your natty will bounce back after 12 weeks????????

  24. #24
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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