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  1. #1
    stoic1's Avatar
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    Blood test in today, feedback appreciated.

    I posted these results in the new guy thread but also wanted to post here to get some feedback. My results were testosterone , serum- 80 ng/dl. Testosterone, free, direct- 6.2 pg/ml. I'm 41 and feel like shit most of the time. I was prescribed Androgel and I am anxiously waiting for the script to be filled. My worry is that this might not do the trick. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is online now AR-Hall of Famer
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    80 ng/dl seems low but no way of saying for sure without reference ranges.

  3. #3
    stoic1's Avatar
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    How do I find out what The reference ranges are? The test results say normal ranges are 348-1197 and 6.8-21.5.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Those are the reference ranges. Post up full BW if possible with all ranges so we can get a full picture of what's happening with you. Do you know if your primary or secondary hypogonadal? Agel will work and get you far above where you are at now. Whether you stay with it or switch to injections (as most are on here) is up to you. I used agel 1% then 1.62 for a year or so with pretty good results overall. Hopefully you were prescribed the 1.62%. How is your prescription written? How many pumps. Any other ancillary meds issued?

    Posts up your BW and you will get great responses from some very educated members here. Take the time and read all the stickies at the top of the forum, over and over again and educate yourself.

    And welcome to the forum stoic1!

  5. #5
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Off hand, my suggestion is to get re-tested. Your test and free test are not in clinical agreement. Was that an early morning blood draw?

    I'm sure you realize that 80 ng/dL is the lowest of the lowest. Gel might work, but you have so far to go.

    At 41 you have a lot of life ahead of you, so it's best to get this right asap.

    And yes, welcome, you've come to a good place - we don't know everything, but were are wiling to help.

  6. #6
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I know it sounds like a broken record, but I sure hope they ran LH and FSH, along with all the primary hormone panels.

    I've seen others in the past that tend to be diagnosed primary when the total serum is that low at baseline. That's just an observation, so like mentioned above, we need some more information.

    Since you were prescribed Androgel , did your doctor discuss the diagnosis with you? Any conversation about estrogen, and keeping it in check? At a serum level of 80ng/ml, I would hope your doctor is exploring your condition a little deeper to know where the problem sits.

    Keep us posted, thanks.

  7. #7
    stoic1's Avatar
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    That was an early morning blood draw and testosterone was the only thing I had tested at my request. I had read a lot on the Internet and my symptoms were in line with low t so I went to my dr and asked that they test for that. I'll post a pic of my test result page tomorrow. I was not aware that was the lowest of the low, my Dr. Acted lik it was no big deal. I was prescribed the 1.62 with instructions for three pumps once a day, in the morning. I'm having insurance issues now, they don't want to pay for it so I'll tackle that tomorrow. I may have to go with injections if that's cheaper for my crooked insurance carrier (blue cross).

    I'm not sure about the primary or secondary hypo gonadal but my balls are shrinking. Lol! They always got in the way anyway.

    I am getting more concerned the more I read. Perhaps I should see an endocrinologist?

  8. #8
    stoic1's Avatar
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    One more question about keepin estrogen in check, how do I do that? I'm sure I can find that in a sticky somewhere? Is that something a Dr. should prescribe?

  9. #9
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Honestly, I wouldn't worry about that right now, you need to get your test up 5-10X. After you start the Gel, don't wait more than 2 weeks to get your test remeasured. As the others have said, it would have been best to get a complete hormone panel first, but read the stickies and decide yourself.

    Gels cost a fortune compared to injections, and with your super low levels, it may be in your best interest to consider them.

    Doesn't sound like your Doc. is much tuned into TRT, but that's the norm.

    Do some reading and later you can address the estrogen and/or things like HCG .

  10. #10
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoic1 View Post
    One more question about keepin estrogen in check, how do I do that? I'm sure I can find that in a sticky somewhere? Is that something a Dr. should prescribe?
    It starts with an initial lab being drawn, E2-Estradiol. Your doctor should be talking with you about follow up labs to see how your program will be working. E2 may or may not be a problem. There are compounds called Aromatization Inhibitors (AI's) that will keep it all in check if needed. Again, as stated earlier, all of this is what your doctor should be talking over with you. If he's not, then start asking questions, or see if you can't get a referral to talk with someone who has more experience.

  11. #11
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    80ng/dl is gonna be WAY low on ANY REFERENCE RANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. #12
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  13. #13
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    If your insurance carrier gives you a hard time have your doctor write them a letter of medical necessity. Should help. Yes, shots are way cheaper. Maybe they'll go for that. You need to get full BW done.

  14. #14
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    Ok, so my insurance carrier wont cover it even if it is a medical necessity but will cover $6 of the shots. I'm going in this afternoon for my first injection. I will have lots of questions for them and will also request full blood work. I need to get a physical anyway according to the nurse. I will find out what and how much they are injecting me with and post here for comment. I sure appreciate everyones willingness to help out, my doc isn't the most chatty person unless he is looking for real-estate/market advice (I'm in the mortgage business). I think we talked about the test results for a total of 3 minutes, when I asked him how low 80 was, his exact words were "some people feel just fine with this low testosterone , it just depends on you" to which I replied, "I feel like shit doc."

    Thanks again for all the replies, more to come.

  15. #15
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stoic1 View Post
    Ok, so my insurance carrier wont cover it even if it is a medical necessity but will cover $6 of the shots. I'm going in this afternoon for my first injection. I will have lots of questions for them and will also request full blood work. I need to get a physical anyway according to the nurse. I will find out what and how much they are injecting me with and post here for comment. I sure appreciate everyones willingness to help out, my doc isn't the most chatty person unless he is looking for real-estate/market advice (I'm in the mortgage business). I think we talked about the test results for a total of 3 minutes, when I asked him how low 80 was, his exact words were "some people feel just fine with this low testosterone , it just depends on you" to which I replied, "I feel like shit doc."

    Thanks again for all the replies, more to come.
    best of luck with it bro

  16. #16
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    At least with shots you know there is decades of studies and user reports on the stuff.

    Should be fairly straightforward to get your T into a more favorable range.

    Be sure to get your hematocrit, hemoglobin, estradiol (sensitive test), and lipids tested. T injections will effect all of these for certain.

  17. #17
    stoic1's Avatar
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    Ok, so I had my first injection of testosterone cypionate , 200 mg. I go back in each month for another 200 mg and they will do full blood work after the third injection. Does that seem like a pretty small dose for my testosterone levels ?

  18. #18
    Bio-Active's Avatar
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    So you are doing one injection of 200 mg per month?

    Quote Originally Posted by stoic1 View Post
    Ok, so I had my first injection of testosterone cypionate, 200 mg. I go back in each month for another 200 mg and they will do full blood work after the third injection. Does that seem like a pretty small dose for my testosterone levels?

  19. #19
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  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Here we go again. 200mg is pretty much the high end dosage for weekly injections, not monthly. You doctor does not understand the half-life of testosterone . Serum values will peak in 24-48 hrs and cyps half life is app 7 days. It really would have been good to have complete bw prior to initiation of therapy. Especially as Vette stated Lh/Fsh values. Seriously read all the stickies at the top of this forum as they will answer most all your questions. You need to educate your doc or find a new one. IMO.

  21. #21
    stoic1's Avatar
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    Ugh....figures. I guess I'll try a low t clinic near my office.

  22. #22
    stoic1's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone.

  23. #23
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Run to the hills!!! That protocol will put you in a state of depression. This is depressing me! That was just outright stupid of the doctor!

    You needed the LH/FSH labs before taking anything. Tell the NEW clinic everything and see if they can move on some labs pronto.

  24. #24
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    First off I would like to thank everyone for the posts. You guys have been awesome.

    I had my first injection last Thursday, 200mg of Test cyp. On Saturday I could definitely tell a difference in my mood, energy level and concentration. (Remember I was at an 80) It's now Tuesday and I'm still feeling pretty good, atleast better than before. As stated previously my next scheduled injection is in one month and after discussing with the nurse they have no intention of increasing that dosage or frequency for three more months until they see how this works. I want to find out if anyone is in the Fort Worth area and knows a good TRT doc. There are some anti-aging clinics here and I've talked to a few on the phone but I'm not getting that warm fuzzy feeling. On top of that my insurance won't cover these places. I'm willing to drive to Dallas and beyond if necessary.

    Has anyone had a good experience with a TRT doc in this area?

    Thanks again everyone.

  25. #25
    kelkel's Avatar
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    go to and put "Doctor by zip code" in their search bar. whenever I put the direct link here it doesn't work properly.

  26. #26
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Don't waste your time. If they want to wait 3 months to do this then you are in bad hands. They have no knowledge of the half life of testosterone , or they are ignorant of its use.

    I am struggling with low T and I wasted too much time on low levels because I'm trying gels first. But with injections, there is very little guess work involved.

    You should aim for weekly injections and at worst every 2 weeks. But by the end of 2 weeks you are probably at or below where you started. That's insane. The highs and lows are almost guaranteed to have you confused and suffering needlessly. Take advantage of the fact that injectable testosterone has decades of good research. Your doctor isn't, but don't make that your problem too.

    Also, read the book Testosterone for Life if you are interested in learning more from a medical professional.

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