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  1. #1
    sirupate is offline Member
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    TRT Situation Update New Doc.

    Just an update on where I am at with regard to my TRT. At my last visit with the endo., he had switched me to the 1.62% A-gel, but dropped my dosage to 2 pumps which is the starting dose for that gel. I had been on 6 pumps of the 1% A-gel with total T high in the range and free T middle of the range. I felt good at that dose and couldn't understand why my dosage was effectively cut in half. The endo's office didn't bother to return my call as to why the dosage cut.

    I saw a urologist yesterday for a second opinion on dosage. After a physical exam and review of my prior 2 years of labs, he seemed willing to do about whatever I wanted to keep me in the upper part of the normal range. For now we settled on doubling my dose of the 1.62% A-gel to 4 pumps per day with labs in about a month. He also wrote a decent scrip. for 20mg. Cialis tabs with about a year of refills...sweet.

    He is encouraging the Testopel procedure and says he has good results, but leaving me to decide on that. I know how most feel here about Testopel, but I am open to trying this come Summer for a round or two of implants. He says he would insert 12-14 of the pellets and that would last about 4 months. I am sure he would provide more gel or test. cyp. for me if the pellets were not getting the job done. We'll see. A few months to decide this.

    I feel better about the switch in doctors. My last seemed to want to cut my dose back whenever I started feeling good, and was not open to much flexibility with my regimen. He wanted me in to see him every 3 months with associated labs. The new doctor only wants me in every 6 months and seem pretty laid back about treatment.

    Try a switch in doctors if you don't feel you are getting along OK with your current doc. I waited too long to make a switch.

    One New Year's resolution done...

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    great! glad you are taking charge for your health, and glad the new doc is willing to work with you. how about AI, hCG ?

  3. #3
    sirupate is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    great! glad you are taking charge for your health, and glad the new doc is willing to work with you. how about AI, hCG?
    We didn't discuss it at the first visit...frankly I forgot because I have already sourced those things. I figure getting appropriate bloodwork in a month will bring those issues to the fore...hope.

  4. #4
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Issue's wont be brought up if you are already using them, your blood work will be fine. Might want to put some thought into that prior to your next visit. Some Dr's arent to keen on "self medicating" hate to see you in essence get "fired" from the Doc that you like and just found. Maybe call his office and blow in his ear now???? Atleast you will have a feeling on how he views A.I. and HcG . Just a thought

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Glad for you Sirupate! When I landed with my 3rd doc I was dead honest with him and basically told him that I feel I am in charge of my health and he's there to help and advise. He agreed and said more patients should educate themselves and he'd rather work with someone on top of things as opposed to clueless patients. Hopefully it all works out for you. It's really nice to have a doc that works along side you.


  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Hope it goes well for you. I firmly believe patients should not settle for a doctor if they strongly feel the doctor is not treating them right and ignoring their subjective feelings.

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