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Thread: Leaky Glutes

  1. #1
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Leaky Glutes

    Anyone else have a problem with their injection leaking out when they pin glutes? My needle too thick? or what is going on? I have used this same needle im in quads no problem and in stomach fat subq without leakage, but the two times I did glutes I look a bit later and below it is shiny and oily. What should I do? I noticed my needle says 22g on it, but I swear I bought 5 25 g needles the other day but noticed tonight they say same thing as my other syringes. Maybe I am not getting deep enough at that location? I hate to waste test, and be down in levels from leakage, or is that thin layer on my skin so little it won't matter, I imagine even a tiny bit can throw you off. I am new to this so trying to get better, I don't get it though, zero blood, cause if blood came out you would think it would coagulate and prevent leaking of test, but no blood at all.

  2. #2
    JD250's Avatar
    JD250 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Could be a few things, when I pin glutes I use a minimum of 1inch needle should be 1 1/2inch probably, anyways I always push a full drop out the end of the needle and turn the syringe as that drop slowly works it way down the length of the needle, I do this to lubricate the needle but that small drop makes a rather large oily spot on my skin when I'm done. Could what you're seeing be from the outside of the needle? What length are your needles, if they are real short you could possibly leak a little. I also pull the pin and immediately put my finger on the spot and massage the spot for 30 seconds in a deep wide motion. (that sounds perverted)

  3. #3
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I experience that problem less when I wait before pulling the pin out. I wait about 30 seconds now are rarely get the oil drip. It seems to make a difference.

  4. #4
    JohnnyVegas's Avatar
    JohnnyVegas is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    I experience that problem less when I wait before pulling the pin out. I wait about 30 seconds now are rarely get the oil drip. It seems to make a difference.

  5. #5
    zaggahamma's Avatar
    zaggahamma is offline Mr. Moderation
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    i walk around with the needle still in for one day...j/k...yeh..leave for 30 seconds and 22guage is a bit rugged

  6. #6
    -Ender-'s Avatar
    -Ender- is offline Not Retired
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    I agree,
    30 seconds. then remove the needle

  7. #7
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ok I will try that out. And yeah there was some oil on hte outside of the needle but it sure seemed to be a bit larger than just that, as the first time I did it was a skinny trail down my cheek and this last one was a larger than normal spot. It is 1 1/2 inches long but I don't put it all the way in although i'd say it is in at least an inch.

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