Hey all,

So I just started TRT after seeing my Physician and explaining my symptoms and having blood work done. He sent me to a Quest Diagnostics lab to get bloodwork done and my Total Testosterone was 23 ng/dl. Now that I know how low I am I realize all my symptoms are that of low Testosterone . I'm also concerned that irreparable damage has been done to my physical/psychological development because of my low Testosterone levels ? It's unbelievable and infuriating that my parents and doctors hadn't noticed that my Testosterone levels were so low. Are doctors worthless or what? My doctor had me get a 1ml 200 mg/dl injection (IM) of Testosterone Cypionate . I will get another one 28 days later and then at least a week after that (to prevent a false high) come back to see him with new blood work results. I called the office yesterday and told a nurse to have the doctor look at www.mens-hormonal-health.com and get back to me today with feedback. I also scheduled an appointment with an Endocrinologist, but it's months away (they all seem to be like that).

22 yrs old
145 lb.

Total Test 23 ng/dl (L)

Basic Metabolic Panel w/EGFR
Sodium 140
Potassium 4.4
Chloride 102
Carbon Dioxide 27
Calcium 10.3
Glucose 103 (H)

Urea Nitrogen 15
Creatinine 0.73
Bun/Creatinine Ratio 19.9
EGFR Non-Afr. American 132
EGFR African American 153