(I have a habit of running on, one which often nets me no answers on boards because of excessive content in my post. If you do no want to read the back story, but would like to help me out immensely, go ahead and scroll down to "I've run on far too long:" line below where you will find the direct questions I am asking. Thank you.)

So, I'll admit it, I was the one who suggested to my doctor Test. Cyp. to raise levels and increase my sex drive. I had been doing Sustanon 250 from an overseas provider, but was tired of getting half the orders seized, so instead I went to my doctor about it. He's a General Practitioner whose specialty is Clinical Trails (he heads all the trials for his medical institution). He started me on 200mg of Test. Cyp. twice a week, and then, without prodding on my part or tests of my new testosterone levels changed the frequency to weekly. Six-months later he tested my levels and decided to increase my weekly injection to 400mg.
The truth is, I'm not a bodybuilder. I started using hormones because of the god-like rush the early use of them provides, and now, after 6 years of giving myself injections in one glute or the other, I'm tired of the whole thing - all it works for now is maintenance.

I approached my doctor about it, and he told me there would be no problem with me simply stopping the injections. When I asked about possible side-effects due to hormone rebound (gyno and depression issues, to name two), he brushed the concerns off. I don't put anything into my body without first researching it thoroughly, and I know that hard-core users don't stop the supplemental testosterone without initiating certain other medications to prevent negative effects. I said as much, and he suddenly began acting suspicious... not because I told him I knew what I did of steroid use (he knows I research everything he prescribes first), but because, in his words "Why would a 29 year old male want to take a medication prescribed to female cancer patients?"

This pretty much ended the conversation, and we both agreed I should stay on the injections (him for some reason I can only imagine - lack of knowledge of the subject, and me because I knew I couldn't simply stop, or even taper the amount without possible (albeit not assured) intolerable side effects. He scheduled my next appointment for 8-months on.

So now it appears that my issue is not about getting the Schedule-III controlled, street-worthy IM Testosterone, but the standard RXs I need to rid myself of them. This can be accomplished on my own with online merchants, but I really dislike all aspects of overseas delivery of medicine, most of all Customs, and maybe it was worth it for the delicious quartet of testosterone esters known as Sustanon 250... certainly so for Anabol or Deca or even weenie Wins, but for Clomid and Nolvadex ... I'm not so sure.

So what to do? I pick up my Testosterone every three weeks from the pharmacy, 8 200mg/ml single dose vials, and have somehow managed to accumulate a great excess of the stuff (likely because I have such trouble remembering to dose every 7 days and because the doctor instructs fills every 21 days but provides enough for 28 each time), but now I have no interest in it, but can not figure out how to most safely get off the "supplements".

Any advice would be appreciated, not to mention some POVs on my Dr's standards of practice. I'm not the type who sues, but shouldn't he have been knowledgeable in the prescription of a drug, let alone one that's a hormone, before jumping into administering it to a 23 year old? I may have manipulated (though it was not a difficult task from my end) my way into this mess by complaining of all the symptoms of low testosterone (which I have since learned there is no such thing as - there is no established level considered normal for any one male. There is a typical range, but in a young male this varies naturally from one to the next. I digress...), but should there not have been some sort of medical creed my GP felt obligated to follow regarding handing out (moderately) seriously potent hormones to a healthy young man without knowing how to eventually taper me off them safely.

Even the knowledge of the action of Clomid should have clicked something in the Docs brain evidencing my request's sound basis in medicine. Right?

I've run on far too long:

A.) How do I get off my weekly 400mg Test. Cyp. injections with the slightest likelihood of negative side effects possible?
B.) Is my doctor simply pitiful in ignorance or is this a case of malpractice?
C.) What are the possible consequences should I remain on 400mg Testosterone Cyp. weekly indefinitely? Is it a large enough dose of a potent enough hormone to even cause damage in the long term (beyond my 6 year stretch thus far)?

I come to Steroid .com because this is the only place I can get honest, educated answers. Doctors boards and the like simply hide Endocrinology and the sex hormones behind the focus of Diabetes, of no help to me but for the month I played around with insulin to tweak my results and almost went into shock. Ok, so some things I don't study as well as I should before testing, but...