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  1. #1
    mattyx1000 is offline New Member
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    Cool Just switched from Androgel to Test Cypoinate 200mg week for 10 weeks -- question...

    How long does the test Cyp take to enter my body? how long should I use the gel from my first shot of Cyp from the DR? I know test Cyp is the longest acting Test but not sure how long it takes to start working and If I should use the gel 2,3 or 4 days after my first shot? Im getting my bloodwork done after my second shot, including prostate and another sort of test I remember the Dr telling me he does with patients on HRT. Ive been on the gel for 1 year already with great results with Test levels at 490. Im 39, 9 percent BF and eat clean and train intense. My Dr suggested switching to a 10 week worth of CYP shots once per week at 200mgs per. I know I prab should only do 150mg but summers coming up and I just started a cutting cycle to get shredded. Thanks for any input and sorry for being all over the place lol

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    As soon as you push the plunger! But seriously, it will peak in about 24 hrs or so depending on your metabolism. It also has about a 5-7 day half-life so weekly shots are a must. I've done the exact same transition from agel to cyp. I stopped the gel the day before my first injection. Remember it's going to take 4-5 days for the agel to be out of your system so you will be fine transitioning to your new protocol.

    That's also a pretty aggressive start that your doctor is prescribing. Average starting dose is usually somewhere around 100 mgs although there are some members that do 200. Everyone metabolizes differently and only bloodwork will tell. I'd guess your going to have some very high levels at that amount.

    You need to read the stickies above this forum if you have not already. In particular GDevines sticky on "How long for TRT to take Effect." Also go over proper bloodwork. You can find that in the "Finding a TRT Physician" sticky. Try to get all items there as establishing a good baseline is worthwhile. I'd try to wait 4 weeks for your BW if possible and remember to get it pulled 7 days after your last injection so you know your trough level. Do you have other current BW you can post here with ranges for us to review?

    Also make sure your get your E2 tested with a sensitive assay. If you use Labcorp I can give you the proper code numbers so they don't screw it up for you. I'd expect your E2 to rise so you and your doctor need to monitor this closely to determine the need for an AI based on BW. You may also need to consider HCG in the future to avoid testicular atrophy as well as helping balance out other pathways. Another sticky is up there also on HCG. Read up!

    Welcome to the forum and let us know how it goes. Update this thread please!

  3. #3
    ecdysone is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mattyx1000 View Post
    My Dr suggested switching to a 10 week worth of CYP shots once per week at 200mgs per.
    I'm confused, your Dr is working with you on a cycle?

    Reason I say this is your test dose is easily 2x the norm, especially for someone just starting out.

    At the end of the 10weeks are you going to do PCT or just continue with a lower dose of test?

  4. #4
    cruyff is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post
    I'm confused, your Dr is working with you on a cycle?
    I assume he means he is using 1 vial of 200mg/mL 10mL at 200mg/wk which would last 10 weeks. I initially used the androgel , but the shots are far better.

  5. #5
    mattyx1000 is offline New Member
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    Thanks Kelkel!! I def will do those extra bloodwork tests to see if im in line and will discus HCG with the Doc.

  6. #6
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    You could use the gel for a few days, but you could also just stop it. It's really a small matter and it's only a few days. Personally, I would just taper off. Say, if you were doing 4 pumps I would just do 3,2,1 off.

    When it's all said and done, however, it's really not an entirely significant thing to worry about.

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