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  1. #1
    Natural selection's Avatar
    Natural selection is offline Junior Member
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    TRT blood work, to TRT or not to TRT

    test level came back androgens 12 nmol/L (8.3-29) australian pathology

    for those that understand this, does it mean im sitting just above low test? or is teh low end of teh scale the average ?


  2. #2
    Leroy Jenkins is offline Junior Member
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    How many symptoms do you have? How old are you? I was just a few points over the lab range the office used. I had most all symptoms of low T. The doctor had no problems putting me on and insurance did not either. This is a life style change forever. With that, finding out what had been slowly creeping up on me and curing it is one of the best things to happen to me and my family.
    Last edited by Leroy Jenkins; 05-14-2012 at 06:26 AM.

  3. #3
    Natural selection's Avatar
    Natural selection is offline Junior Member
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    35 years old, no energy , bumed out when im not cycing cant focus and general depression all of wich comes and goes in stages.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    did you mean cycling? if so how long you been cycling and what have you done for PCT? do you have other blood work? because what you posted doesn't tell us much!

  5. #5
    Renholder is offline Associate Member
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    I assume free testosterone is what matters, but your total testosterone is definitely low for a 35 year old.

    I have 13,0 nmol/l as my lowest reading and I have full blown symptoms. I found an online reference range sorted by age and 13,0 nmol/l was the average for a 80-100 year old male! Above 20,0 nmol/l for your age group.

    Since I`m also within the reference range, I have been labeled "healthy" and "normal" by all doctors I`ve seen.

  6. #6
    Natural selection's Avatar
    Natural selection is offline Junior Member
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    ive been cycling for 7 years, had low test at 28 when i had my first blood panels ran before my noobie cycle. pct is always the 4 week 2 week then 2 week taper down. no diet during pct or 1-2 months after. I usually always bounce back into this same range.

    i couldnt get all the sub test panel work down, because my dr has no idea what all that is. so untill i find a endo im stuck with the single test blood work for now. You're right its not a lot to go on. sorry

  7. #7
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    no wonder you feel like shit... you are going way beyond normal testosterone , then spending a couple months like a female.

    come off the drugs entirely and take it from there. You are not even giving your body a chance and in fact doing more harm than good.

  8. #8
    Natural selection's Avatar
    Natural selection is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by HRTstudent View Post
    no wonder you feel like shit... you are going way beyond normal testosterone , then spending a couple months like a female.

    come off the drugs entirely and take it from there. You are not even giving your body a chance and in fact doing more harm than good.
    huh? i run two 8 week cycles a year 15 in total, proper pct and have greater time off then time on. Your post makes no sense to me

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