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  1. #1
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Test results, opinions are welcome.

    OK so protocol, 100 mg test c twice a week. 250 IU HCG twice a week. Test taken 2 days after shot, at supposed peak.

    Total test 936 range 280-1100
    Free 36.4 range 1.9-27
    Estradiol 42.2 range 7.6-42.6
    DHT 43.6 range 11.2-95.5

    Doctor said I could lower the dose to 80 mg twice a week and it would probably correct estradiol and high free. Really surprised I am doing so well on 200mg a week. This is on my high day too, so imagine everything is in range perfectly most of the other days, I know e2 is best 20-30 so they say, but i seem to feel pretty good, so thinking being in 30s shouldn't be a problem. Also said we won't need to run labs for about 1 year. So that means 6 months of prepping losing bf and letting trt do work, 3 months blast, 3 months back to normal dose, lol just an idea. It would have been nice to get a script for anastrozole though, for the blast. but stuff is cheap.

    So take doctors advice and lower it a bit? Or consider it a high day and I am on the right track, or shoot for something in between? make sure i am always getting between .4 and .5 ml never low or never high? Libido is where I want it I would say, I would like more, but wife isn't in a position to accommodate that presently. Also think i want to do HCG eod at slightly smaller doses, so maybe do 80mg test each shot, and switch the hcg eod to really level me out nicely. Let me know what you all think.

    Other things going on, getting a CPAP, have the titration study moved up to tomorrow night to calibrate the pressure I need. Hit a bench rep pr for 285 lbs of 8 reps. Squat I keep having major hip pains I think is a mobility issue so trying to resolve this one, I can't squat what I am capable of because of it, hurts too much when i get towards the top of the lift and drains me, lift becomes slow as I fight through it. These come and go, just end of last summer I was squatting for 5 reps 365 and 385, but now 355 i did for 3 just cause the pain kept me from doing more and it beat me up. If I hang between sets from my pull up bar and stretch the front of my hip crease it takes the pressure off my back and gives a ton of relief.

    As far as diet goes, I think I just can't rush it, cutting calories too much to force fat loss doesn't work for my body, lifts go down, I feel drained, i lose muscle not fat. I think I just need to be patient, keep active and consistent and a solid diet with little pleasures here and there, and let my body recomp, and see how this CPAP effects me. I have a lot more energy now than I did before TRT, before it was come home eat dinner lay down and feel like I can't move, now it isn't as hard to get stuff done at home, and enjoy my time more.

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    well sound like you have a good handle as what you need to do, but let your doc know when you change your protocol, and lowering the dose for both test and hCG will help lower your e2. if you feel good with your e2 at this level try not to mess with it too much, you still okay there, but lowering your doses will definitely put your E2 in good range.

  3. #3
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    Agree with bass; sounds like you got it pretty much under control.

    Two days after was close to your peak day but more like day 3 for peak so you could have even climbed higher to be honest.

    You may want to just lower a bit like your Doc suggested but other than maybe getting E2 down just a tad, and given you feel great, you could keep things like they are.

    Nice job.

  4. #4
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Well Being and Dosages

    Alright need some opinions on this.

    So after I had blood drawn I upped the dosage slightly, was getting a little over 200 mg a week, maybe 220 to 230, I was basically drawing over the .5 ml mark on my twice weekly dosage, so maybe even as much as 120 in one shot.

    When I was on 200 I was feeling pretty good, but e2 as you see above was a bit elevated. After I upped the dose for a while, i started to feel like there were things in my life that were really bugging me, my sex drive was as decent as 200, but I was upset sex wasn't great or often, and work was bugging me, and I even got kind of depressed about the whole situation.

    After that I switched to 160 mg a week like the doctor requested, now that has had some time to kick in, my libido is really weak, but I am happier and more content, good and bad. I would like the drive to be more successful and the higher libido. But then again the higher libido won't help me much with a pregnant wife. Another reason I should hold off on blasting till the end of the year......

    So I feel better, yet don't have the drive I had when it was higher, and when it was too high the depressed feeling. So overall well being seems to be better. So I am trying to figure out what I want. Do I talk to the doctor and say this isn't working, can we try 200 again and implement a small amount of AI? Would knocking the estrogen slightly at that point help me keep the drive of the higher dose yet keep away the depressed feeling?

    Last I talked to the doctor i was saying i was just feeling ok, nothing fantastic. And so our next step is looking at food allergies, and how they are effecting hashimoto's and my thyroid etc. She thinks that is another piece that getting my thyroid closer to where it needs to be will help with my symptoms and not feeling perfect yet.

    I also have my CPAP set to where I can sleep through the night without issues or taking it off or getting dripped on, think its dialed in, will order a take home oxygen test to see for sure.

    If you have any insight it would be great. Just not sure what I should do. The AI i have, which I took it twice, gave me a headache both times with a really small dose, so dunno if its where I got it from or the artificial sweetener in it or something else. I'm tempted to just bump it up a bit to 180 a week.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i am confused, if you are feeling good over all with the exception of not being horny as you might like then whats the problem? it sounds to me you feel normal on a smaller dose, and who says its normal to be horny 24/7?! LOL! i think its best to judge the results buy how you feel/BW and not because your libido is not as good when you're on 200 mgs per week. remember more is not always better especially in long terms. what dose your blood work show in terms of test and e2 levels at smaller doses?

  6. #6
    SEOINAGE's Avatar
    SEOINAGE is offline Anabolic Member
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    Yeah that is a good point. But libido is really not there, at least so it seams. I haven't had my blood work done on a dose this size. at 100 mg a week my total was 200, at 200 mg a week I'm at 936 total. Unfortunately I don't think the body works linearly in this regard so can't predict it. And they were done at different times and injection frequency was different.

    And I am also thinking it would be best to avoid AI, if I am able to, and it seems it should be possible, but i'm thinking I need more like 180 a week. Maybe you are right, and I should give it more time and go from there if it still is a problem.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Cialis for daily use. Good for many reasons beyond the obvious and most insurances cover it. Mine does for twice a day actually.

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