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  1. #1
    adam8785 is offline New Member
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    20 yr old here, PLEASE HELP

    Hi everyone,

    I recently went to the doctor to get a blood test for a hormone imbalance because I have these pebbles growing under my nipples. Turns out I have gyno , but more importantly, I have very low testosterone levels . My results came back as 268 ng/dl. My doctor is going to prescribe me testosterone medicine, and I will be going in once every 2 weeks for an injection . Can anyone give me any tips/advice on what I should expect (side effects/benefits both long and short term)? is it ok to be taking my normal supps (creatine, whey protein , multi vitamins, fish oil, fat burners) while I am on this medication? I'm really nervous and I have no idea what to expect. I was so nervous about my test results that I didn't think to ask my doctor these questions. I figured I could get a more honest answer from people who have experienced it.

    Thanks everyone

    Notes: I have never run a steroid cycle or anything like that. Only supps I've ever taken are the ones listed above.

    I'm new here, so I apologize in advance if this is posted in the wrong section.
    Last edited by adam8785; 05-22-2012 at 11:15 AM.

  2. #2
    sirupate is offline Member
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    You can take your normal supplements...I think many of us do here. Everyone here will tell you that you need to be injecting weekly, rather than every 2 weeks because of the half-life of test. cyp. (5-7 days). If you have gyno. it seems like you would want to be on an AI. Do you realize that TRT is pretty much for life? A long time at 20 years old. Has the doctor thought about trying to get you re-started with hCG , clomid, etc, or diagnosing why you are low at such a young age?

    Is this a general practitioner, or a specialist you are seeing? Just questions that come to mind...

  3. #3
    Babyslim is offline Junior Member
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    Post up your full blood work complete with ranges. You need to figure out whats wrong with you before you start treatment. Any testicle injury? Have you had an MRI? What are your stats?(height , weight) I'm 25 and just started TRT, trust me at your age you want to get this figured out correctly. Your doc doesn't sound very knowledgeable... I would research the stickies at the top of the forum, they help a lot.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    i agree with the guys, i think your doctor is blindly treating you with TRT, no need to rush into this, read the stickies in this section so you know what TRT can do for/to you. 20 year old with low test! you got to find out why then go from there. what are your stats, weight, height, body fat %? i bet your e2 is high, and thats why you have gyno and low T.
    Last edited by bass; 05-22-2012 at 07:51 PM.

  5. #5
    adam8785 is offline New Member
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    I'm 6'0, 185 lbs and 10% bf. I workout 5 days a week and I count calories so I eat right as well. I did this blood teat 2 weeks ago and my doctor told me to get off all the supps and come back to take another blood test. I just took that second test today

  6. #6
    adam8785 is offline New Member
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    What exactly is e2?

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Estradiol. The dominant form of estrogen that you need to have tested with a sensitive assay. Look, like the guys above all said in their own way, you need proper BW and an intelligent diagnosis. Do not jump on TRT until your sure you need it. My god your 20! Imagine 60 years or more of injections, WTF! There are alternative therapies that may be off help after diagnosis. Did your doctor even make an effort to find out why your T is low?

    You seriously need that full BW. It's in the Finding a TRT Physician Sticky. LH/FSH will help indicate whether you are primary hypogonadal (testical related) or secondary hypo (pituitary related.) Need to see your TSH level also as it will indicate if your possibly hypothyroid which has the same symptoms at low T.

    And about your doctor. First red flag is the fact that he wants to give you shots every two weeks of testosterone (assumably cypionate ) that has a half life of 5-7 days. In other words, the first week after injection you'll feel great. The second week you'll crash and feel worse than before you started. Test injections need to be at a minimum done weekly to maintain relatively steady levels. Some here do half the prescribed dosage every 3.5 days for even steadier levels. Lets shoot for weekly for now IF you end up needing it. Your current doc does not know TRT. Maybe he's willing to learn but personally I'd rather start with someone who already knows what's up.

    Find the problem FIRST. Then move forward! Keep us in the loop.

  8. #8
    adam8785 is offline New Member
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    I'm going to ask my doctor to give me the FULL results on my blood work, and I'll report the numbers to you guys. Hopefully we can get a clear definitive answer.

  9. #9
    sparverius is offline Junior Member
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    Get your doctor to look for the problem, not just give you T and send you on your way. Depending on blood work you should be getting a brain MRI to look for tumors or inspection of your testicles to look for tumors or other damage. If your doc won't do it find one who will. Don't start TRT now. Wait until you know what the problem is.

    TRT is for life. You will find it difficult to have children on TRT. TRT isn't as good as natural hormones. You will be putting on expensive gel or sticking yourself with needles for the rest of your life. Not to mention explaining to your new girl friend that you need to go shoot up.

    You may really need TRT but make sure that's the case before you start. It may take a while to find out what the problem is. If it's something that can be fixed it'll be worth the suffering.

  10. #10
    Babyslim is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparverius View Post
    Get your doctor to look for the problem, not just give you T and send you on your way. Depending on blood work you should be getting a brain MRI to look for tumors or inspection of your testicles to look for tumors or other damage. If your doc won't do it find one who will. Don't start TRT now. Wait until you know what the problem is.

    TRT is for life. You will find it difficult to have children on TRT. TRT isn't as good as natural hormones. You will be putting on expensive gel or sticking yourself with needles for the rest of your life. Not to mention explaining to your new girl friend that you need to go shoot up.

    You may really need TRT but make sure that's the case before you start. It may take a while to find out what the problem is. If it's something that can be fixed it'll be worth the suffering.
    Well put, I second this advice.

    Especially about having kids. If you need motivation not to start too soon this may be some. The protocol your doctor suggests you use, will make you feel like crap over half the time your on it, and over a few years can LITERALLY make your balls shrivel up into small balls of nothing, they will no longer be actual testes and this can not be reversed. A word to describe this that you may know is CASTRATION. Find out what is going on, why your T is low FIRST. Find a good doctor that knows what hes doing and you will be fine if you study the stickies in this forum and work with him.

  11. #11
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
    Honkey_Kong is offline Superbowl XLIX Champs!
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    There is another thing too. If it turns out you have testicular cancer or something like that and you put testosterone in to your body, it's putting gasoline on a fire.

    I think at your age, it's best to get a few opinions by other doctors as to what you should do. TRT should be a last resort. Especially for somebody your age.

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