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My doctor put me on TRT because for my age, 31, my testosterone levels were low (350-400). She put me on 100mg EW. I cam back 4 weeks later and my levels were 850, which she was happy with and didn't want to see them higher (range up to 1100).
I told her I was worried about Estrogen, so at the same time she had my estrogen levels checked. I didn't realize, but she only checked my total estrogen, not my E2. She called and said they were slightly elevated, because they were 163 with a normal range of <130.
I told her I was worried about my elevated estrogen levels and wanted to take an AI to get them in lower ranges. She said that would only make testosterone higher and that my levels were nothing to worry about. I responded that if my T levels became too high, then we could just lower the dose of T, but she wasn't convinced by that. At the end of the conversation, she said that would be an off-label use anyway, and she doesn't prescribe off-label. I mentioned coming back in and least checking my E2 levels, but she wasn't worried about that.
I feel like I should be on an AI, but it doesn't seem like I can get it through this doctor. Should I try to find another doctor? I like her, so is there some way I can get an AI legally without a prescription? My nipples are slightly more sensitive than they use to be, but I also had Lipo shortly before starting to TRT so I am not sure if that could be a cause too (it was my Lipo doctor who recommended having my hormones checked in the first place because I had a small case of gyno).
If it matters, I plan to blast once I get everything sorted out, so I was hoping to get an AI at least for that purpose.