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  1. #1
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Doc's dont know. I dont know. Help Please :(

    Hello everyone!

    I'll try and explain as good as I can - I do hope you read it all.

    I was born prematurely weighing only 1200g, and had to lay in a incubator. Maybe being born to early screwed something up.

    I never had a libido in 19 years.
    Never had morning wood in my life.
    Always tired.
    Bad memory.
    Premature Ejaculation.
    Never had spontaneous erection.
    Never feeling well rested.
    Weak erections. ( hard to have one when I cant feel horny )
    Gets exhausted really fast.
    Nose always runny.
    Racing thoughts ( Nothing special, I just KEEP talk/think all the freaking time. My head is never relaxed )
    Cant really remember my life.

    I've tried so many things but without luck.

    I dont really get any zits, nor a full beard, I get one. But it's not enough to not shave it off.

    Beside one thing - I once tried something called Stacker-T ( This is not advertisement ) that contains.

    Eurycoma Longifolia (Long Jack, 20% Eurypeptides)
    Maca (4:1 extract)
    Zinc Gluconate (5 mg 33% Daily Value)
    Vitamine B6 (3 mg 150% Daily Value)
    Rhodiola Rosea (2% Salidroside)
    Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

    What I want to say is, after 2 weeks on it I started having morning woods, spontaneous erections, just by thinking on a girl I got horny.
    Felt refreshed after sleeping. Something I've never experienced my whole life. Why!? I never found out why. Then I wouldnt be asking for help.

    What problem am I born with that it fixed? - I've gone to the doctor a 100 times. Still dont know it.

    I also tried doing a 500mg test E cycle to see if I could "feel normal" eg. erections, libido and so on. No luck at all, didnt feel any different?

    I'm just gonna post all the things I got blood tested for.

    TSH 3.4 mIU/l Range 0.3 - 4 mIU/l ( I just started on Euthyrox to go under 2.5, I got a few morning woods after I started euthyrox, but no libido or anything )
    T4 Free 18.2 pmol/l Range 10 - 26 pmol/l
    T3 Total 1.53 nmol/l Range 1.2 - 2.8 nmol/l
    Testosterone 32.1 nmol/l Range 8 - 35 nmol/l
    Test Free 0.93 nmol/l Range 0.24 - 0.69 nmol/l
    SHBG 38 nmol/l Range 16 - 48 nmol/l
    DHAS 8700 Range ??
    DHEA 8.3 µmol/l Range ??
    LDL 2.1 mmol/l Range 1.2 - 4.3 mmol/l
    HDL 1.8 mmol/l Range 0.8 - 2.1 mmol/l
    COBALAMNIN 562 pmol/l Range 150 - 800 pmol/l
    Glucose 5.0 mmol/l Range 5.4 - 7.3 mmol/l
    S-Creatinin 122 µmol/l Range 60 - 105 µmol/l
    P-Kalium 4.4 mmol/l Range 3.5 - 4.6 mmol/l
    P-Natrium 143 mmol/l Range 137 - 145 mmol/l
    P-Albumin 48 g/l Range 36 - 48 g/l
    Calcium 2.41 mmol/l Range 2.15 - 2.51 mmol/l
    Cholesterol Total 4.3 mmol/l Range 2.9 - 6.1 mmol/l

    I dont know what to do anymore. I dont really feel like living since I have to turn all the hot girls down
    Please help.

  2. #2
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Unknown, mIm not sure what you are asking??? Can you be a litle more specific? Stacker T is nothing more than junk you can by at GNC which is a stimulant, are you still using it if it helped you? Its early maybe Im just confused but again not sure what you are looking for?

  3. #3
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Hey dude and welcome to the forum!

    I'm pretty new to all of this myself so I'll help you out with what I know so far, a more experienced member will be with you shortly.

    Iv had llong term symptoms the exact same as yours including racing thoughts 24/7, it was having long term zero libido that led me to look into hormones as a cause in the first place.
    Looking at your total testosterone it actually looks pretty damn high, I'm thinking your free testosterone must be a mis-print as its way above the high end reference range so low testosterone may not be a problem for you.

    What I don't see in you results is your estrogen (E2), this hormone is equally important as testosterone to help regulate mood / libido and cognitive functioning

    That's all I got, don't give up you could be on to something and best of luck

    Also you need to include your age.
    Last edited by edmundo22; 06-07-2012 at 07:30 AM.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    Hello everyone!

    I'll try and explain as good as I can - I do hope you read it all.

    I was born prematurely weighing only 1200g, and had to lay in a incubator. Maybe being born to early screwed something up.

    I never had a libido in 19 years.
    Never had morning wood in my life.
    Always tired.
    Bad memory.
    Premature Ejaculation.
    Never had spontaneous erection.
    Never feeling well rested.
    Weak erections. ( hard to have one when I cant feel horny )
    Gets exhausted really fast.
    Nose always runny.
    Racing thoughts ( Nothing special, I just KEEP talk/think all the freaking time. My head is never relaxed )
    Cant really remember my life.

    I've tried so many things but without luck.

    I dont really get any zits, nor a full beard, I get one. But it's not enough to not shave it off.

    Beside one thing - I once tried something called Stacker-T ( This is not advertisement ) that contains.

    Eurycoma Longifolia (Long Jack, 20% Eurypeptides)
    Maca (4:1 extract)
    Zinc Gluconate (5 mg 33% Daily Value)
    Vitamine B6 (3 mg 150% Daily Value)
    Rhodiola Rosea (2% Salidroside)
    Damiana (Turnera diffusa)

    What I want to say is, after 2 weeks on it I started having morning woods, spontaneous erections, just by thinking on a girl I got horny.
    Felt refreshed after sleeping. Something I've never experienced my whole life. Why!? I never found out why. Then I wouldnt be asking for help.

    Many of these supplements act in different ways to increase Nitric Oxide and increase Libido among other things. Maca is probably one of the better herbs for increasing Libido and providing for a better sense of well being. B6 will give you stamina and drive. You can Google each of these to see exactly what they do but something here worked for you and that's a good thing.

    What problem am I born with that it fixed? - I've gone to the doctor a 100 times. Still dont know it.

    I also tried doing a 500mg test E cycle to see if I could "feel normal" eg. erections, libido and so on. No luck at all, didnt feel any different?

    I'm just gonna post all the things I got blood tested for.

    TSH 3.4 mIU/l Range 0.3 - 4 mIU/l ( I just started on Euthyrox to go under 2.5, I got a few morning woods after I started euthyrox, but no libido or anything )
    T4 Free 18.2 pmol/l Range 10 - 26 pmol/l
    T3 Total 1.53 nmol/l Range 1.2 - 2.8 nmol/l
    You should feel much better when you get your TSH in the low 2's...better below 2. Once you get there your should also see improvement in T4 and T3 as well.

    Testosterone 32.1 nmol/l Range 8 - 35 nmol/l
    Test Free 0.93 nmol/l Range 0.24 - 0.69 nmol/l
    Where these taken when you did the 500mg cycle? Total near the top of the reference range and Test Free is well beyond range. Is this natural? If not, and you are using exogenous Testosterone, you need to adjust your dosage.

    SHBG 38 nmol/l Range 16 - 48 nmol/l
    DHAS 8700 Range ??
    DHEA 8.3 µmol/l Range ??
    LDL 2.1 mmol/l Range 1.2 - 4.3 mmol/l
    HDL 1.8 mmol/l Range 0.8 - 2.1 mmol/l
    COBALAMNIN 562 pmol/l Range 150 - 800 pmol/l
    Glucose 5.0 mmol/l Range 5.4 - 7.3 mmol/l
    S-Creatinin 122 µmol/l Range 60 - 105 µmol/l
    P-Kalium 4.4 mmol/l Range 3.5 - 4.6 mmol/l
    P-Natrium 143 mmol/l Range 137 - 145 mmol/l
    P-Albumin 48 g/l Range 36 - 48 g/l
    Calcium 2.41 mmol/l Range 2.15 - 2.51 mmol/l
    Cholesterol Total 4.3 mmol/l Range 2.9 - 6.1 mmol/l

    Need to see more. Very interested in Cortisol and Estradiol...they could tell us much.

    I dont know what to do anymore. I dont really feel like living since I have to turn all the hot girls down
    Please help.
    Other then elevated TSH which you are getting under control and elevated Free T (which is a problem and needs to be corrected) what's here is not that bad. But like I said, you are still missing much to get a true picture.

  5. #5
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Hey Guys and thanks for the quick replies.
    I'm 19, and I've tried Maca with no luck.
    My tsh was 4.4 at first, now 3.4 and just started on euthyrox.
    The doctor don't want to send me to a endocrinologist because I just started medicine.
    And he cant perform anymore tests than those I posted. Need to goto a endocrinologist for other tests.

    And my question is what's wrong. I've almost given up. /: only had I libido once in my life.
    And no, I only used stacker T once. Best month in my life.

    Also I gained no weight on steroids . Beside water weight. I got much bigger. But did not gain weight nor strength ? . /:
    Last edited by UnknownStar; 06-07-2012 at 01:08 PM.

  6. #6
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Some things that may shed light on your condition can be tested for.

    Highly recommend getting your Reverse T3 checked, Free T3, Ferretin w/ TIBC, Progestrone, and Pregnenolone.

    Also, try doing the gold standard for cortisol level testing, which is the saliva test. If you are having adrenal fatigue, this may correlate to thyroidal issues, and your absorption of current thyroid medicine. Iron is another tell tale sign of why you could possibly not be absorbing T3.

    Might I ask which brand of T3 you are taking?

  7. #7
    EZ E's Avatar
    EZ E is offline Associate Member
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    Go see an Endocrinologist. This is well beyond any family doctor. This is your life, don't F*&k around, go find the best Endocrinologist you can.

    Good luck.

  8. #8
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    I.m not taking t3, but t4 - euthyrox.

  9. #9
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    I.m not taking t3, but t4 - euthyrox.
    I would say find a new doctor, one who believes in T3 therapy. Honestly, in a nutshell you don't need T4 at all.

    T4 is a storage hormone also known as a "pro-hormone" who's sole function is the building block that T3, the bio-active hormone, is made from.

    Also, on a basic level, Reverse T3 (RT3) is what is made when the "wrong" iodine atom is removed from T4, it's a "mirror image" molecule to T3 and is not bio-active. It gets trapped in the T3 receptor, and prevents your body from responding properly to T3, leading to hypothyroid symptoms despite a normal TSH and normal T3 and T4 levels in the body. This is what we refer to as "Tissue Resistance to Thyroid Hormone".

    It can be reversed by getting rid of T4.

  10. #10
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    To be honest your libido issue could be as simple as elevated prolactin. If you try supplementing with B6 it will lower your prolactin and allow for dopamine to increase, and also help with your mood.

    Try 100mg-200mg of B6 everyday, see how you feel. Just a side thought, and relatively inexpensive to test.

  11. #11
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Dopamine also make us dream right ? Because then I don't need anymore at least. I dream vividly every nigh. And 3-4 times a week I lucid dream

  12. #12
    Brickhouse is offline Junior Member
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    I am no expert mate but your Free Test is excellent. 8-35 and you are 32.1.....I can only but wish mine was that, I am 10.7!! I think you need to look into your E2 levels.

  13. #13
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    Dopamine also make us dream right ? Because then I don't need anymore at least. I dream vividly every nigh. And 3-4 times a week I lucid dream
    It can have an effect on dreams, yes. If you dream enough, try dosing it in the mornings, as opposed to later in the day or evening.

  14. #14
    flatscat's Avatar
    flatscat is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Might be a silly question, but why did you stop taking the stacker t if it was changing your life?

  15. #15
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    To be honest, it sounds more like a CNS problem than hormone related, but we'll not know until we see blood work or do a cognitive type interview. And I agree with flatscat, if that supplement was doing so much good, maybe try it out again, if not, maybe it was coincidental with other things in your life?

  16. #16
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by flatscat View Post
    Might be a silly question, but why did you stop taking the stacker t if it was changing your life?
    Hey. Not a silly question at all. I stopped because I did not want to use a workout supplement for the rest of my life to feel normal. But instead find the real cause! And now I cant buy it because it is banned in Denmark because of the Synephrine.

  17. #17
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    To be honest, it sounds more like a CNS problem than hormone related, but we'll not know until we see blood work or do a cognitive type interview. And I agree with flatscat, if that supplement was doing so much good, maybe try it out again, if not, maybe it was coincidental with other things in your life?
    Hi! I've had a test made by a neuropsychiatrist he came up with it was a real problem hormonal or something in that direction, but not because of a depression.

  18. #18
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    Hi! I've had a test made by a neuropsychiatrist he came up with it was a real problem hormonal or something in that direction, but not because of a depression.
    Interesting. Do you have any problems with your GI tract? Specifically with digestion and bloating? Parasites and "Protozoa" can be a huge debilitating factor if you are hyper-infected, which is a very commonly overlooked root problem.

    Symptoms can often be related to neurological disorders and depression.

  19. #19
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Not that I think so no. Haven't noticed anything. Hm, something in stackt t fixed my problem. I suddenly began having random erections, and was able to follow class.

  20. #20
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    Oscar is B6 really that effective?, I'v ordered some carber but if B6 does the same thing I'd go with that instead, don't mean to jack your thread Unknown.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Oscar is B6 really that effective?, I'v ordered some carber but if B6 does the same thing I'd go with that instead, don't mean to jack your thread Unknown.
    I highly doubt that supplementing with B6 would be as effective as Dostinex (Cabergoline).

    I take .25mg of Dostinex twice a week and there are some days where my libido is through the roof.

    Caber is a very powerful dopamine agonist, ed!

  22. #22
    edmundo22 is offline Associate Member
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    I Really hope it is Gd, I don't really care about libido at this point just wanna feel better and thanks again for letting me know about it

  23. #23
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    It's okay. Don't know what to do anymore anyways. Just throwing this out there

    Some symptoms are

    Hand vitiligo
    no morning erections ( never had in my life )
    gets exhausted really easy
    No libido ( never had in my life )
    persistent runny nose ( got dust mite allergie )
    brain fog
    racing thoughts ( nothing special just thinking all the time like i wont stfu in my head )
    non refreshing sleep
    No motivation to do anything

    That is all I can think of right now.

  24. #24
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by edmundo22 View Post
    Oscar is B6 really that effective?, I'v ordered some carber but if B6 does the same thing I'd go with that instead, don't mean to jack your thread Unknown.
    B6 was only suggested because it's inexpensive, fairly easy to obtain, and it was in UnknownStar's stack. B6's effectiveness would be contingent with the complex of B's, as well as the body's ability to absorb and utilize nutrients.

    If you seriously want to lower prolactin levels, I would suggest Caber or Prami.

  25. #25
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    It's okay. Don't know what to do anymore anyways. Just throwing this out there

    Some symptoms are

    Hand vitiligo
    no morning erections ( never had in my life )
    gets exhausted really easy
    No libido ( never had in my life )
    persistent runny nose ( got dust mite allergie )
    brain fog
    racing thoughts ( nothing special just thinking all the time like i wont stfu in my head )
    non refreshing sleep
    No motivation to do anything

    That is all I can think of right now.
    This is kind of out there, but I'd recommend finding a Dr. who utilizes Metametrix testing or one willing to try, and get test #2100.

    Also, check for lyme disease.

    Honestly, I've already exhausted your thyroid issue, however, to be honest, it seems like you still have thyroid issues. It's not an easy fix and there are few specialists in the field of thyroidal function (reputable ones) and I bet you just get your general physician to give you T4. Can't hurt to have your RT3, Ferretin absorption, and Adrenals checked, it could be as simple as correcting your dose, or changing medication to strictly T3.

  26. #26
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Sorry about just repeating myself. I'm just really bummed out about turning all girls down, 3 this week. And 30-50 last few moths /: that sucks!
    Well, you can be right about the only need t3 and that might work since my t4 is already mid-high. (will I lose my muscles ?) After I started t4 (1 month ago) I've sometimes had morning erections. Like this morning, that's new. Never hat that before so that's kinda nice

  27. #27
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    This is kind of out there, but I'd recommend finding a Dr. who utilizes Metametrix testing or one willing to try, and get test #2100.
    What are there things

  28. #28
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    Sorry about just repeating myself. I'm just really bummed out about turning all girls down, 3 this week. And 30-50 last few moths /: that sucks!
    Well, you can be right about the only need t3 and that might work since my t4 is already mid-high. (will I lose my muscles ?) After I started t4 (1 month ago) I've sometimes had morning erections. Like this morning, that's new. Never hat that before so that's kinda nice
    You won't lose muscle on T3 if your dose is optimized. It will actually help you retain muscle, indirectly, if anything.

    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    What are there things
    Go to the Metametrix website (assuming you're in the USA) and get a list of doctors who use them in your area sent to you. It's free information. They'll e-mail it to you.

  29. #29
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    I'm from Denmark.

  30. #30
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    I'm from Denmark.
    Nordic Laboratories is the distributor for Metametrix testing in Scandinavia. They have a website and e-mail, so you may start there.

  31. #31
    human project's Avatar
    human project is offline Knowledgeable Member~Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    We're you on 500mg of test when you took this test?

  32. #32
    human project's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones
    To be honest your libido issue could be as simple as elevated prolactin. If you try supplementing with B6 it will lower your prolactin and allow for dopamine to increase, and also help with your mood.

    Try 100mg-200mg of B6 everyday, see how you feel. Just a side thought, and relatively inexpensive to test.
    If your trying to block prolactin use primidixol, bromo, or cabergolione. Do you have any symptoms of prolactin induced gyno? This isn't necessarily required to have high prolactin but is probably likely if this is the case. What makes you think he has prolactin issues?

    Something that comes to mind when i see your testerone level so high is and just to be clear im no scientist or doctor this is just a theory of mine so I don't know if this could be the case but it makes sense in theory. If your natural testosterone is that high could you natural estrogen be so low that its causing sexual distinction. When my estrogen gets too low I loose my sex drive also.

  33. #33
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by human project View Post
    If your trying to block prolactin use primidixol, bromo, or cabergolione. Do you have any symptoms of prolactin induced gyno? This isn't necessarily required to have high prolactin but is probably likely if this is the case. What makes you think he has prolactin issues?

    Something that comes to mind when i see your testerone level so high is and just to be clear im no scientist or doctor this is just a theory of mine so I don't know if this could be the case but it makes sense in theory. If your natural testosterone is that high could you natural estrogen be so low that its causing sexual distinction. When my estrogen gets too low I loose my sex drive also.
    Too high prolactin can have effect on mood and libido, just like your reference to estrogen. It's all speculation at this point, and we'll not know until we see blood labs.

  34. #34
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Hi! The blood work was taken 4 moths after pct.

  35. #35
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by UnknownStar View Post
    Hi! The blood work was taken 4 moths after pct.
    You need more thorough blood work.

  36. #36
    UnknownStar is offline New Member
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    Hi. Just a update.

    My TSH 6 months ago 4.4 ( Fell to 3.4 by itself )

    My TSH 1 month ago 3.4 / T4 Free was 18.2 / T3 was 1.53 - Then I started Euthyrox 25mg

    My TSH Now 2.8 / T4 Free 20.1 / T3 1.65 - Started having morning erections not everyday. But few times a week ( Used to never have it my whole life )

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