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  1. #1
    grilla is offline Junior Member
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    Jun 2012

    TRT: Any Studies Supporting 2x/wk Injections vs 1x/wk?

    I have read a fair deal regarding splitting a TRT dose into two weekly injections vs.
    the whole dose in a single weekly injection.

    I am new to TRT (100mg/wk Test Cyp) and attempting to keep E2 levels low without
    AI as long as possible.

    I have seen the argument put forth that splitting the weekly dose into two 50mg injections
    assists in keeping E2 levels low presumably by keeping T levels more steady.

    Is there any evidence to support this? I would like to see study results, but also
    appreciate any anecdotal evidence provided your labs support the same.

    Thank you!


  2. #2
    Babyslim is offline Junior Member
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    Apr 2012
    Personally I have not seen any studies done on this matter. But I have read many first hand experiences regarding the transition from once a week to once every 3.5 days, and there really isnt any question that it keeps E2 down and more level T serum levels. A smaller injection means there is less testosterone in the blood stream at a time, therefore, the pituitary gland is more likely NOT to respond by sending a signal to your hypothalamus to produce aromatase to convert it to estrogen. If you find anything published on this please share it here.

  3. #3
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by grilla View Post
    I have read a fair deal regarding splitting a TRT dose into two weekly injections vs.
    the whole dose in a single weekly injection.

    I am new to TRT (100mg/wk Test Cyp) and attempting to keep E2 levels low without
    AI as long as possible.

    I have seen the argument put forth that splitting the weekly dose into two 50mg injections
    assists in keeping E2 levels low presumably by keeping T levels more steady.

    Is there any evidence to support this? I would like to see study results, but also
    appreciate any anecdotal evidence provided your labs support the same.

    Thank you!

    studies? not that I know of.

    but there is good documentation looking at the pharmacokinetics of this stuff and you can readily find weekly, bi, tri, and monthly effects. you do not need a study to know for certain that your peaks will be lower and your levels will be more stable over time. it simply is not something that can go any other way - take less drug, get lower peak.

    I am about to switch to twice a week T injects for just this reason. not only will you convert less to estradiol (may not be enough, but it may help), but you will not have as low of a trough at the end of the week.

    you need to realize, TRT is relatively young. med school teaches almost nothing about it, and most docs know little about it. it's a relatively new practice and I'm tempted to say it's not even mainstream yet. we are making big progress, and only recently are the medical texts even MENTIONING weekly injects.

    even the literature on my USA made pharmacy testosterone advocates the use of every 2 to 4 weeks. using testosterone enanthate or cypionate every 4 weeks should be malpractice.

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