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Thread: lab results

  1. #1
    marleyman is offline New Member
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    lab results

    My doc wanted me to wait three months between bloodwork.I got results back yesterday and my total test was 1500 free test 38.9 and vit. d at 28. I tried to get a sensitive e test but was denied.My old test levels were all below normal with the androgel . i have been on 100mg a week. She has now cut me to 80mg per week. I also been taking .25 eod of luiqidex. my question is i feel the same way as i did before. Very slugish and unmotivated more towards the evening. any ideas of what is going on? I know you guys would like to see a full panel of bloodwork but she would let me take one.
    I would appreciate any feedback.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    She would not let you take one? Who paid for it, you or her? Call the lab and get a copy and post it with ranges. Then we need to know more about you. Lifestyle, stats, diet, etc. Something is off and we need to figure it out. And obviously start supplementing with D.

  3. #3
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    when was the blood drawn in relation to you last shot? that seems a bit high for 100mgs and without AI's?!

  4. #4
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    What country are you in? It's baffling to think someone wouldn't let you have access to your medical information.

    Also, despite a lot of the seemingly instant success stories, TRT can take some time. 3 months is not that long in the big picture. Your levels still need to be fine tuned as well, and it's very important to know that higher T is not necessarily better. For the goal of well being and quality of life, aim for a physiologic yet high-normal level of T.

    If your trough T is 1500 then you're basically on super human doses and closer to abusing steroids than being on TRT.

    Getting that number in the high normal range could make all the difference. Also, simply giving it time for your body and brain to adjust.

  5. #5
    bullshark99 is offline Senior Member
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    Yes would like to know when blood was drawn in relation to last injection, seems awful high on 100mg? E2 is 75 dollars at labcorp, go get it and pay for it yourself if you have to.

  6. #6
    marleyman is offline New Member
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    Thanks for all of your suggestions. The doc will still not let me inject so i go there on Wed. night. So the blood test was on a sat. morning. I am in Chicago and i did have all of the nesccary testing at the begining of this journey but she said it was not nessacry any more. I started on Androgel for two months and been on the injections for four. The problem is she only wants to test my levels every three months. I asked for 6 weeks and adjust to the level but she has said that it takes three months to see the changes in the doses. I have read all of the stickes and that does not seem like a typical protocal.
    I have started taking Vit. D at 2000iu per day. Should i be taking a higher dose?
    One more question. I am prone and started to lose my hair over ten years ago but since my test was always low it was a slow process over the years. Now that my test has sky rocketed was is the best and safest way to offset this. It has jumped started my hair loss since therapy. Any ideas?

    Once again thanks to all for your help.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    More T isn't always better and can be causing the sides noted. Everyone responds differently. If your not happy with your doc, and I can't imagine you are with her not letting you inject yourself, drive to Michigan and see Crisler. You are not far away! And yes, you can bump your D up to 5k per day. Some here do 10k.

    Regarding your hair you may want to check your DHT level to see where your at. Test converts to dht via the 5AR enzyme which is everywhere with a high concentration in the scalp. If your prone, your prone. Lowering your T levels to normal will obviously help.

  8. #8
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    "She", which I think explains a lot, simply doesn't understand TRT for men...and I won't go into a lot of detail here as I think you already understand.

    You're going to fight an uphill battle IMO.

    The .25 eod of luiqidex you are taking is not under your Doc's care I can only the it begs the question; if you haven't had an E2 sensitivity assay, and she won't do it for God only knows why, then you have no idea where your E2 level is right now and can explain why you feel like you do.

    You need another Doc as Kel stated and living in Chicago there has to be some top notch Anti Aging clinics that could put you on the right protocol fast.

    Read the sticky on how to find the right TRT Doc as it is very helpful.

  9. #9
    HRTstudent's Avatar
    HRTstudent is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by marleyman View Post
    Thanks for all of your suggestions. The doc will still not let me inject so i go there on Wed. night. So the blood test was on a sat. morning. I am in Chicago and i did have all of the nesccary testing at the begining of this journey but she said it was not nessacry any more. I started on Androgel for two months and been on the injections for four. The problem is she only wants to test my levels every three months. I asked for 6 weeks and adjust to the level but she has said that it takes three months to see the changes in the doses. I have read all of the stickes and that does not seem like a typical protocal.
    I have started taking Vit. D at 2000iu per day. Should i be taking a higher dose?
    One more question. I am prone and started to lose my hair over ten years ago but since my test was always low it was a slow process over the years. Now that my test has sky rocketed was is the best and safest way to offset this. It has jumped started my hair loss since therapy. Any ideas?

    Once again thanks to all for your help.
    Few things.

    That doc sucks. She is treating you using drugs she knows little about. I recommend you find a good doctor who you can put faith will treat you appropriately.

    I take 5k IU D3 per day and it's probably very safe. What's your level now?

    For the hair loss, I don't think there is anything good you can really do. There are some shampoos that might help, but at best it will slow down the inevitable. I think it's called nizoral??? shampoo. There is probably more to read about this on the net than TRT though lol...

  10. #10
    Jake14 is offline Junior Member
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    For hair loss: Some recommned with Hair Cycle shampoo. Get it on the web. Also, to control DHT, Super Saw Palmetto/Neetle Root with Beta-Sitosterol by Life Extension has been recommended. Nizoral is also recommended. You can get Nizoal 2% from Australia via web. I belive all they sell in the US is a 1%.

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