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  1. #1
    cmn is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012

    Arimidex: Dosing and Timing Question

    Bloodwork looked good three weeks ago after a month of 100mg test cyp/week.

    Testosterone , serum 1024 348-1197
    Free Test (Direct) 32.5 high 6.8-21.5
    Estradiol, sens 27 3-70

    I started HCG the same day blood for the test above was drawn (but after the draw).

    I have injected 250iu/twice a week for the last two weeks. Third set starts tomorrow.

    Noticed gyno creeping in two days ago...lumps under nip, tingling, etc.

    I have liquidex on hand and took .25mg yesterday and .25mg today.

    I pin HCG tomorrow and the next day and test cyp the day after that.

    Should I take the next dose of liquidex 24hrs after the test injection?
    Should I break the .5mg weekly dosage into two doses, 24 and 72 hours after test
    injection? Or does it matter?

    I ask because the half-life of liquidex/arimidex seems short and there should be some
    estrogen rebound as it exits the system. I'd like to keep the bounce small.

    Finally, what are the chances that I can adjust my test and hcg dosing so that I don't
    need the dex? I am guessing that the addition of HCG has brought my levels too high.
    I test again in a week.

    I feel great...but the gyno seems a pretty certain sign that my E2 has climbed too high,

  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    you don't need adex now, or at least keep what you're doing! your e2 is perfect! usually we take adex 12-24 hours after the shot. when was your blood collected in relation to your next test shot? how long you been on TRT? gyno doesn't happen overnight, so maybe its something else, nothing to worry about. few of us got itchy nipples but that was due to hair and allergy.
    Last edited by bass; 07-05-2012 at 03:03 PM.

  3. #3
    cmn is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012

    That blood was collected about 48hrs before my fifth weekly test shot but before
    I was using HCG .

    I've been 7 wks on TRT.

    Those levels were great. I added HCG to the mix after that blood was collected.
    I've been using it for two weeks...250iu/twice a week.

    I suspect the HCG pushed my numbers up.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Yes, hcg will push it up and you have to monitor for it and titrate accordingly. Sensitive nips are no fun but your E at that number is not high. What was it pre-TRT? Some people just inherently have sensitive nips. I do as well even though my E runs low without an AI. Your body is just trying to find homeostasis with your new levels. You will need frequent testing to see where you land so you can adjust accordingly. If the nips get to bad you can always run nolvadex short term which will clear it up and not effect your E level.

    Chances or running without an AI seem slim for most people but thats why staying on top of things initially is so important, to learn exactly what you need. I would dose down to maybe 80 mg per week and to improve your odds of going without an AI split that dose to 40 mg every 3.5 days. Some of us do it here and like it. Less spike in T = less spike in E.

  5. #5
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    yes hCG definitely had a part in raising your T, the numbers look very good, if anything only change it to twice a week like you mentioned to avoid spikes.

  6. #6
    cmn is offline New Member
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    Jun 2012
    Kel- It was 16 pre-TRT.

    Would there be any harm in stopping the liquidex after two .25mg doses and switching to Nolva?

    Man, I haven't used Nolvadex in 20 years. 20mg ed for a while? Or 40 with steps down like a PCT?

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