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  1. #1
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Aspirating during injections

    Just a quick story regarding the importance of aspirating. I usually rotate between delts and glutes and use a 1" 25 ga syringe. Last evening was an injection evening for me (twice per week protocol) and I chose to hit my left glute. Always the tougher side for some reason.

    All the prep went as usual. Inserted the needle, aspirated and instant blood. I've never seen anything like that before and holy crap it entered the syringe very quickly. Normally when you aspirate there's a type of back-pressure or suction. Not when this occurs. It seriously surprised me.

    Anyway, I just wanted to relate my experience as it was a first for me. I've read in the medical profession that doctors/nurses can go a career without experiencing that. So basically I just wanted to reinforce the importance of aspirating to the membership here, especially the newer ones!


  2. #2
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    Damn that would have freaked me out! thanks for the post Kel. so what did you do, through away the bloody syringe and re-loaded another one or just used the same again injecting blood and all?

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel
    Just a quick story regarding the importance of aspirating. I usually rotate between delts and glutes and use a 1" 25 ga syringe. Last evening was an injection evening for me (twice per week protocol) and I chose to hit my left glute. Always the tougher side for some reason.

    All the prep went as usual. Inserted the needle, aspirated and instant blood. I've never seen anything like that before and holy crap it entered the syringe very quickly. Normally when you aspirate there's a type of back-pressure or suction. Not when this occurs. It seriously surprised me.

    Anyway, I just wanted to relate my experience as it was a first for me. I've read in the medical profession that doctors/nurses can go a career without experiencing that. So basically I just wanted to reinforce the importance of aspirating to the membership here, especially the newer ones!

    I'm glad someone's aspirating! Seems like a lot of people blow it off.

  4. #4
    Mario L is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    so what did you do, through away the bloody syringe and re-loaded another one or just used the same again injecting blood and all?
    I was gonna ask the same thing

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Always do and always will MI. Always have that lingering doubt in my mind that what if I don't? Anyway, I thought about it for a moment, squirted the blood into the sink till it was clear and turned the other cheek! All was fine.

    Definitely makes you think though!

  6. #6
    alpinist is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for sharing your experience. I've been wondering how it would look if it ever happened.

  7. #7
    grilla is offline Junior Member
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    Did the site bleed profusely when you took the needle out?

    Any bruising now?

    I've wondered about the protocol if you aspirate to a bloody result. You just switch sides and get on with it? No care required for the bad site?



  8. #8
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    I have probably pinned over 500 times and have never had any problem with blood entering the syringe, so obviously there is no need for me to aspirate .

    That would be as dumb as saying I have made 500 passes in my outlaw 10.5 car with no crashes so I am going to quit wearing my 6 point harness and Hahns device LOL

    The reason many medical professionals do not aspirate is because of the problems with patient compliance, IE the sooner they can mash the plunger and get the needle out the less chance of the patient screaming or jerking away during the injection. For us it makes a lot more sense to take our time aspirate and very slowly inject the AAS into our muscle to allow gradual absorption into the muscle.

    Another important point on intramuscular AAS injections.

    In addition if you inject slow and wait 10 seconds making sure the muscle is completly relaxed after the plunger has bottomed out to remove the needle then if you have pierced through a vein on the way into the muscle the amount of AAS forced from the depot to the vein will be minimal at best, whereas if you just ram it in, mash the plunger and jerk out, then the amount of pressure at the injection depot may be far greater than the pressure in the vein causing a large amount of AAS to migrate into the vein.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 07-14-2012 at 07:55 AM. Reason: Me know spelle to gud

  9. #9
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    PS great thread Kelkel

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Grilla, no other bleeding or bruising. Just really amazed me how fast the blood entered the syringe. Always wondered how it would look so I've got no doubt now.

    Thanks FFM. Your last paragraph sums it up quite nicely. Exactly how I've always done it. Another reason to use a smaller gauge needle which forces a slow push.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I have probably pinned over 500 times and have never had any problem with blood entering the syringe, so obviously there is no need for me to aspirate .

    That would be as dumb as saying I have made 500 passes in my outlaw 10.5 car with no crashes so I am going to quit wearing my 6 point harness and Hahns device LOL

    The reason many medical professionals do not aspirate is because of the problems with patient compliance, IE the sooner they can mash the plunger and get the needle out the less chance of the patient screaming or jerking away during the injection. For us it makes a lot more sense to take our time aspirate and very slowly inject the AAS into our muscle to allow gradual absorption into the muscle.

    Another important point on intramuscular AAS injections.

    i got my first time pulling blood when aspirating about 2 months ago. And that is after 13 years of injecting. so you never know when it will happen.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  12. #12
    HRTstudent's Avatar
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    Suprised to see you got blood from a glute injection!

    I always aspirate though. Seriously why not? It takes 1 second maybe 2 at most? Crazy the excuses people come up with to save 2 seconds!

  13. #13
    bass's Avatar
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    funny thing my clinic never mentioned anything about aperating, so i asked them and they responsed "its not necessary" geeeeez!

  14. #14
    Rwy's Avatar
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    How far do you guys pull back on the plunger when aspirating? Isnt it bad to have even the littlest bit of air in the syringe

  15. #15
    bass's Avatar
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    Once you're in no air can get in, the bubble that appears when you aspirate is just negative air. You can pull as far as you want but all you need is about .5 to 1 ml mark, wait few seconds then go to next step.

  16. #16
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Once you're in no air can get in, the bubble that appears when you aspirate is just negative air. You can pull as far as you want but all you need is about .5 to 1 ml mark, wait few seconds then go to next step.
    i use 1mL syringes. i only have been pulling back like 1/10 - 1/8 mL not 1/2 - 1 mL. u saying ive not been pulling back far enuff this whole time and was thinking i had been???????

  17. #17
    Rwy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    Once you're in no air can get in, the bubble that appears when you aspirate is just negative air. You can pull as far as you want but all you need is about .5 to 1 ml mark, wait few seconds then go to next step.
    now that i think about it that was a pretty dumb question on my part lol

  18. #18
    kelkel's Avatar
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    The pull back is extremely slight to the point of not seeing it. Just a little backward pressure on the plunger, that's all. You'll see a slight movement in fluid and know your ok. If you're in a vein it will come back with no back pressure and unbelievably easy. And trust me, you'll see the blood real damn fast. You will not mistake it.

  19. #19
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    good to remind bro

    good lookin out and glad u did!

    i ALWAYS have and ALWAYS will

    7 years and counting

  20. #20
    kelkel's Avatar
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    How you feeling JPK?

  21. #21
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    How you feeling JPK?
    pretty darn good thanks

    enjoying the summer

  22. #22
    J DIESEL3 is offline Associate Member
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    Kelkel I also aspirated and had blood enter the syringe from a glute injection.

    I have been on 2 injections a week for almost 2 years and always aspirated and never a problem..

    Like gixxerboy said 13 years and just had it happen after hundreds of just never know!!

    Oh and 405 just as kel said believe me that small amount u were pulling back would work just fine trust me one that!!!lol

  23. #23
    --->>405<<---'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    The pull back is extremely slight to the point of not seeing it. Just a little backward pressure on the plunger, that's all. You'll see a slight movement in fluid and know your ok. If you're in a vein it will come back with no back pressure and unbelievably easy. And trust me, you'll see the blood real damn fast. You will not mistake it.
    Quote Originally Posted by J DIESEL3;60***80
    Kelkel I also aspirated and had blood enter the syringe from a glute injection.

    I have been on 2 injections a week for almost 2 years and always aspirated and never a problem..

    Like gixxerboy said 13 years and just had it happen after hundreds of just never know!!

    Oh and 405 just as kel said believe me that small amount u were pulling back would work just fine trust me one that!!!lol
    good to know thx guys i actually had my wife pull back pretty far tonite cuz i had my inject before i read this. glad to know i was doing it rite all along

  24. #24
    Fred40 is offline Associate Member
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    Yep...I always aspirate even though I've never hit one yet.

    I usually have some air in the syringe. Two reasons.

    One - it gets the full amount of my Test Cyp in.
    Two - I have zero (none, natta) bleeding when doing it this way.

    Also there is no concern with a little air into the muscle......just be damn sure you ASPIRATE!

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