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  1. #1
    oscar1990 is offline Associate Member
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    Is there a safe dose or not?

    Is there a safe dose of test one can take for prolonged periods of time? E.g. Test in the upper-third quartile 75% range for 30 years?

    So if one started administering test for 30 years from the age of 20 and at 50 had high test levels in the upper third quartile of the range compared to other 50 year olds what would the disadvantages be of extended use?

    1. Is atrophy inevitable even with the use of HCG /clomid if testosterone was used for longer periods of time?

    2.If your testicles do atrophy while off testosterone even with the use of HCG will doing another cycle bring back the johnsons? or do they become obsolete indefinitely? (While using test do your balls have ball juice even though your nuts have atrophied?)

    3. If the testicle does shrink, is that it? No looking back?

    Im asking these questions not because im going to cycle but want to be aware of the consequences: I am not saying that I wont cycle, I will cycle when the time is right e.g. slow gains, low libido, loss of manhood etc.

    I posted this in the HRT section as individuals here administer TESTOSTERONE ETC for medical purposes for prolonged periods of time at reasonable doses which are regular and accepted by medical practitioners.

    Looking forward to responses.

  2. #2
    oscar1990 is offline Associate Member
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    lol? anyone?

  3. #3
    Mario L is offline Associate Member
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    Had me confused because your talking about trt and cycling. But I dont know anyone on trt yet for that length of time. I do believe there is at least 1 on this forum on trt for about 10 years now.

  4. #4
    HawaiianPride.'s Avatar
    HawaiianPride. is offline AR's Think Tank
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscar1990 View Post
    Is there a safe dose of test one can take for prolonged periods of time? E.g. Test in the upper-third quartile 75% range for 30 years? If you plan to come off at some point, sure it would be unwise to run for example a gram or more for like 6+ months. Side effects and proper recovery would obviously increase. IMO it would be pointless to even cycle those doses for such duration. I'd just advise getting on a proper HRT if you are utilizing anabolic assistance for ridiculous durations like a year or longer. If you need blood work information refer to my thread

    So if one started administering test for 30 years from the age of 20 and at 50 had high test levels in the upper third quartile of the range compared to other 50 year olds what would the disadvantages be of extended use? Incurable values on your hormone panels would be the worst in that regard IMO. But by that age, hindered test levels will be there regardless of AAS use or not.

    1. Is atrophy inevitable even with the use of HCG /clomid if testosterone was used for longer periods of time? Absolutely not.

    2.If your testicles do atrophy while off testosterone even with the use of HCG will doing another cycle bring back the johnsons? or do they become obsolete indefinitely? (While using test do your balls have ball juice even though your nuts have atrophied?) Depends on most circumstances, testicular atrophy is definitely not indefinite and no, cycling is not the answer for helping this side effect. This would be counter productive all the way through.

    3. If the testicle does shrink, is that it? No looking back? Answered above^

    Im asking these questions not because im going to cycle but want to be aware of the consequences: I am not saying that I wont cycle, I will cycle when the time is right e.g. slow gains, low libido, loss of manhood etc. The fool is the one not asking questions. No one here will judge your questions man, thanks for seeking help before it was too late as most do.

    I posted this in the HRT section as individuals here administer TESTOSTERONE ETC for medical purposes for prolonged periods of time at reasonable doses which are regular and accepted by medical practitioners.

    Looking forward to responses.
    There you go. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Here's another take on your questions:

    Quote Originally Posted by oscar1990 View Post
    Is there a safe dose of test one can take for prolonged periods of time? E.g. Test in the upper-third quartile 75% range for 30 years?

    So if one started administering test for 30 years from the age of 20 and at 50 had high test levels in the upper third quartile of the range compared to other 50 year olds what would the disadvantages be of extended use?
    If you're talking about "upper third quartile of the reference range" and it's a physiological level than there should be no consequence. There are plenty of young guys who are Primary Hypogonadal for reasons like Testicular Cancer or Injury who will be on Physiological levels of TRT for the rest of their lives and will most likely live in the upper third of the reference range. I will be 52 in a few weeks and live in the upper 90% of the reference range and I plan on staying there till they put me in a box.

    1. Is atrophy inevitable even with the use of HCG /clomid if testosterone was used for longer periods of time?
    The use of exogenous Testosterone causes HPTA suppression meaning the glands that produce the hormones necessary for your testicles to function normally cease. This causes a resulting self induced organ shut down...namely your testicles. If sustained for a prolonged period of time your testicles can end up as useless lumps of collagen. Read the sticky on the use of hCG it gets into it more and do some Google searches and you will learn.

    2.If your testicles do atrophy while off testosterone even with the use of HCG will doing another cycle bring back the johnsons? or do they become obsolete indefinitely? (While using test do your balls have ball juice even though your nuts have atrophied?)
    Your testicles are suppressed or stop functioning and don't do what they are supposed to do...and it's much more then just making sperm. Most cycles are short run so the boys can come back with the right PCT but long term Testosterone use like we use here for TRT the atrophy will continue and not's just how it goes. The Testes need LH and FSH and in absence of them = organ shutdown.

    3. If the testicle does shrink, is that it? No looking back?
    There's a line of demarcation somewhere and it's different with all men. Seems younger guys can sustain longer than older guys...probably something to do with the number of active receptor cells.

    Im asking these questions not because im going to cycle but want to be aware of the consequences: I am not saying that I wont cycle, I will cycle when the time is right e.g. slow gains, low libido, loss of manhood etc.
    If you're looking to learn more about TRT and not Cycling there are a number of excellent books on the market. Go find "Testosterone for Life" by Dr. of the better ones to start to learn. If you're looking to cycle go to the AAS board the guy there can help.

    I posted this in the HRT section as individuals here administer TESTOSTERONE ETC for medical purposes for prolonged periods of time at reasonable doses which are regular and accepted by medical practitioners.

    Looking forward to responses.
    In bold but still don't know what it is you're wanting to do.

  6. #6
    oscar1990 is offline Associate Member
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    Thanks for your response HawaiianPride and gdevine-

    also great DP- HawaiianPride.

    gdevine- just asking questions- I call it 'contrasting'

    lol thanks again

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