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  1. #1
    startingnew is offline New Member
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    Blood thickness monitor

    My GP physician has a meter that checked my hemoglobin(which I assume would be blood thickness).Anybody know where I might acquire one of these?It simply pricks your finger and the machine reads the strip and lets you know within seconds what your reading is.I consumed a small amount of alcohol before my last blood work visit and may have "tainted" the results.I'm noticing that my libido is better a day or two after drinking three or four beer and thinking that is the result of thinner blood=better circulation in that area.I'm due for more blood work next month but going to get it done earlier.I've been on TRT for eight months and feeling great,except for the libido thing.Thanks for any advice on the meter question.

  2. #2
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
    Hackamaniac is offline King Without a Crown ~
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    Amazon has some for sale.... I don't know much about them, but did see them there.

  3. #3
    MuscleInk's Avatar
    MuscleInk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac
    Amazon has some for sale.... I don't know much about them, but did see them there.
    Consumer ratings on Amazon are low

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    these test kits are not very accurate, and to be honest are waste of money. i about a $250 cholesterol test kit and its worthless, the reading is allover the place, not consistent. the machines they use cost $1000s of dollars, its cheaper to get an online lab order.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by startingnew View Post
    My GP physician has a meter that checked my hemoglobin(which I assume would be blood thickness).Anybody know where I might acquire one of these?It simply pricks your finger and the machine reads the strip and lets you know within seconds what your reading is.I consumed a small amount of alcohol before my last blood work visit and may have "tainted" the results.I'm noticing that my libido is better a day or two after drinking three or four beer and thinking that is the result of thinner blood=better circulation in that area.I'm due for more blood work next month but going to get it done earlier.I've been on TRT for eight months and feeling great,except for the libido thing.Thanks for any advice on the meter question.
    ha ha ha

    your libido "improves" because your brain is going through dopamine withdrawals ya nut! Getting drunk really spikes your dopamine levels, and since your body cannot produce it's own alchohol to give it another dopamine fix, then your body finds another way.... by making you horny.

    other drugs will do the same thing when going through withdrawals.....
    ....just ask any heroine junky what happens when they try to clean up.

  6. #6
    startingnew is offline New Member
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    That's interesting Times Roman,didn't know that!When I first started TRT,my libido skyrocketed.Then the (new Dr) I now get my test from had me on 200mg/wk and lost all libido.I backed down to around 120 and it came back somewhat.I'm at 140mg/wk and it's not where it should be so might need to back off a little.Never thought(or heard of) the dopamine thing from the alcohol and how that would effect me downstairs.I know my blood pressure monitor is not accurate so like others said,the hemoglobin meter probably won't be either.I'll just let the Dr check it and I appreciate the advice from all.

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