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  1. #1
    Ricci82 is offline Junior Member
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    Finally got a doc to start TRT, but no HCG

    My doc is not going to prescribe HCG , I am on my own. I have been searching for places to buy online and all i keep finding is the HCG diet program injections. I will not take test injections without HCG, so i have to find it somewhere. I apoligize if i am breaking any forum rules, but this has been going on for months. I couldnt find a doc that took my insurance, now i found one and he wont get me HCG. His reasoning behind not using HCG is because my balls are already shutdown. I said No they are not, otherwise i would not have tested for 220. I know everyone is going to say find a new doctor but i have exhausted my searches.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Understand and sympathise.

    Go to my profile and send me an email...I will help you.

  3. #3
    GetItHot's Avatar
    GetItHot is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry to hear that. My endo wont prescribe an AI or HCG .

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ^^^^Now that's an avi!

    BTW, your Endo doesn't know what he's the sticky and see what's going to happen to your testicles.

  5. #5
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    I was told since I wasn't planning on having any more children then no need?

  6. #6
    GotNoBlueMilk is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I use HCG from an online source. Quite a few people have used it and are very happy with the site. Good service and good prices. IM me if you need more info.
    Last edited by GotNoBlueMilk; 07-30-2012 at 07:36 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Ricci - Check you gmail...sent you a number of viable'll be okay; and while I am not a fan of self medication in this case it is warranted.



  8. #8
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by GetItHot View Post
    Sorry to hear that. My endo wont prescribe an AI or HCG.
    I always lose track of the thread when I see that avi!

    Op, tell your doc it's listed on most HCG inserts as accepted treatment! @#$% WTF

  9. #9
    Doug350SD is offline Junior Member
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    I have been using Androgel for almost 2 years now. I can tell you from personal experience, as I only use the androgel, no HCG or anything. Testicles are going to shrink alot. My doctor wont even talk about adding anything to my treatment. Tells me he's not an expert in that field so he cant prescribe it... Yet he prescirbes my Androgel... Go figure...

  10. #10
    juice2012 is offline Associate Member
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    How long does it take for the testes to start shrinking while on TRT if you are in your late 20s?

  11. #11
    Ricci82 is offline Junior Member
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    GD, I got the links, they were very helpful, thanks alot. Juice, i am no expert, im sure the other members of the forum can answer better than me, but i have always been told that your body will recognize another source of test around 4-5 weeks, then say hello to two peas in a bean bag if not using HCG .
    Last edited by Ricci82; 07-29-2012 at 06:26 PM.

  12. #12
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    Guys, if you're new here please read the stickies they will help you.

  13. #13
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    hey, just HCG is available online? my doc will not prescribe hcg or ai. im looking for a new doc (mine just left the practice without telling me so im screwed anyway) but no luck yet, i dont really notice any shrinkage but then again...i got gargantuan nuts. kidding but any help would be great, im scared of the whole "two peas in a bean bag" remark haha

  14. #14
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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  15. #15
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ricci82 View Post
    My doc is not going to prescribe HCG, I am on my own. I have been searching for places to buy online and all i keep finding is the HCG diet program injections. I will not take test injections without HCG, so i have to find it somewhere. I apoligize if i am breaking any forum rules, but this has been going on for months. I couldnt find a doc that took my insurance, now i found one and he wont get me HCG. His reasoning behind not using HCG is because my balls are already shutdown. I said No they are not, otherwise i would not have tested for 220. I know everyone is going to say find a new doctor but i have exhausted my searches.
    Try running the testosterone alone for a 6-8 weeks.. Im doing 400/week of test cyp and have no sides and no estrogen problems and have been doing this for 5 months now (3 weeks@ 200/week split into 2 injections a week of 100 each then 2 weeks at 400/week split into 2 injections a week of 200 each)

  16. #16
    Hackamaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PetrX View Post
    Try running the testosterone alone for a 6-8 weeks.. Im doing 400/week of test cyp and have no sides and no estrogen problems and have been doing this for 5 months now (3 weeks@ 200/week split into 2 injections a week of 100 each then 2 weeks at 400/week split into 2 injections a week of 200 each)
    Why are you using such a high dose??? That does not sound like a standard trt protocol.... And why are you going up and down?? I'd like to see your estrogen levels...Hard to believe there not elevated....... I'm on 120mg a week sub q spit into 2 shots...And my estrogen was out of range.... And not too long ago I also remember you saying you were having bad anxiety, so I wouldn't exactly say no sides.

  17. #17
    PetrX is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hackamaniac View Post
    Why are you using such a high dose??? That does not sound like a standard trt protocol.... And why are you going up and down?? I'd like to see your estrogen levels...Hard to believe there not elevated....... I'm on 120mg a week sub q spit into 2 shots...And my estrogen was out of range.... And not too long ago I also remember you saying you were having bad anxiety, so I wouldn't exactly say no sides.
    my dr at the VA prescribed me 200 a week, but Im trying to get to 250 lbs so thats why I go from 200 to 400 for a couple of weeks then back to 200... as for anxiety, I cut caffeine out completely , i was consuming about 10 shots of espresso a day. I monitor my levels every 2-3 weeks since its free for me , my Estradiol was at 33 pg/ml <54 3 weeks ago so I have no estrogen problems thank god..My diet is very strict though and I believe that has helped a lot. Everyone is different i guess

  18. #18
    rollingthunder's Avatar
    rollingthunder is offline Associate Member
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    I have a similar situation to the OP. Dr prescribed 200ml test cyp EOW (i take 100ml, EW). Prescribed an AI after BW showed my estradiol level had risen to 40, but declined to accommodate my request for HCG - said he was not comfortable with the "risks".

    I did find an online source for the HCG, but am not confident that it is reliable.

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