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  1. #1
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    First BW + Introduction. Hi!

    Hi guys,

    first post here, so let me introduce myself a bit.

    I'm 28, 5'7, around 120 lbs, the classic ectomorph type, which I obviously hate.

    After losing ~40 lbs, eating a low-carb diet, eliminating all stress from my life (I don't work), having money in the bank and 24 free hours a day, I still feel like sh!t.

    I am unable to gain muscle (it goes away in 2 days), my last morning erection was 10 or 12 years ago (can't remember), have exactly zero sex drive and a total lack of motivation or "care" about anything in life, including friends, family, money, travel, hobbies, woman, you name it.

    I do exercise 3x a week, but looking at the labs, I just don't feel it worths it.

    I was always in the background, the typical passive type and generally passed through schools / jobs / life without any emotion or zest.

    I don't live, I exist.

    One dentist said once quite casually, that based on the X-ray, my teeth are not so dense as they should be. They are robbing me blind, without offering real solutions apart from fillings and root canals.

    I've been to my GP 2 weeks ago, telling him all these symptoms and that I think I have some hormonal problems, namely low T + asking for a couple of tests.

    He agreed to CBC, Thyroid Panel, LH, FSH, Total T, SHBG, Renal Panel, Glucose, Prolactin.

    He also examined my testes, and said - quote - "not the biggest balls in the world".

    Now that I think about it, it seems to me my balls are shrinking.

    I checked seminal volume, well, it's less than half what it used to be.

    No varicocele.

    The interesting part of the test results are:

    SHBG - 28 nmol/L (15-55)

    Plasma glucose 4.6 mmol/L (3.0-7.8)

    TSH 2.01 mU/L (.3-4.2)

    free T4 15.0 pmol/L (9-23)

    Serum T 17.6 nmol/L (10.1-30-0) [ ~ 507 ng/dl ? ]

    Serum prolactin 140 mU/L (75-375) [ ~ 6.6 ng/ml ? ]

    Serum LH 1.8 IU/L (2.0-12.0) LOW

    Plasma FSH 1.3 IU/L (1.7-8.0) LOW


    Is this SHBG good?

    This T level (500) is not a typically "low" value, although it could be for me. What do you think?

    LH, FSH - well, this seems rather obvious. I'd say I'm secondary and I'd try to squeeze a more comprehensive bloodwork, MRI, bone density test and a Clomid prescription out from the Doc, take it for 2 weeks, see what happens.

    How is it possible that with so low LH FSH values the T is quite normal?

    I think I might have adrenal fatigue as well, I was diagnosed with IBS 2 years ago, but still experience gas and cramps in the intestines even without eating any starches.

    I lose the first 3-5 hours of the day because just unable to wake-up, I feel like a zombie and I can't do anthing except sitting in front of the computer and look out of my head.

    Today, after 8 hours of sleep, a whole mug of coffee and 5 hours of spacing out I went back to sleep for another 2 hours.

    TBH, I don't think this is normal.

    Appreciate the responses.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Welcome Chris. Great opening post btw. Your assumptions seem correct. Get the MRI post haste and determine if it's pituitary related. Your LH/FSH is just ridiculously low yet your testies seem exceptionally responsive all things considered. Imagine what your level could be if your LH/FSH were pulsing normally! That said, low LH/FSH is why your nuts are shrinking. The caveat is that you don't have a free or bio T listed. Serum means little quite honestly. You get your bang for the buck with the free T. In the Finding a Physician Sticky is a list of tests you may want to paruse for your next round and fill in the blanks.

    Your shbg is not bad if the ranges are normal. Lab Corp's range is 19.3 - 76.4. Remember shbg binds both T and E. You seriously need to fill in the blanks with some of the BW missed. Be sure to get vit D as no doubt your low and elevating your level will in turn lower your shbg and free up more T for use. Nice! A DHT level would also be good.

    I'm falling asleep at the wheel here. More will chime in. You should not feel the way you do and you need to find out why asap. Get the MRI and more complete BW and post it. Glad to have you here Chris!

    Oh, before you initiate a serm (clomid) get your MRI and other BW. In my opinion if it came to serms I'd go with nolvadex in lieu of clomid. Safer and you don't have to take as much.
    Last edited by kelkel; 08-01-2012 at 10:13 PM.

  3. #3
    xtitan1's Avatar
    xtitan1 is offline Associate Member
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    "I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you have a seat over there?"

    Sorry to hear you're having these problems brutha, but welcome to forum. I have similar symptoms of debilitating fatigue. People who see me when I first wake say I'm totally out of it like I'm drunk or something. I can't do anything but zone out for about an hour until it wears off.

    Reiterating kelkel's advice for labs:

    • MRI of Pituitary with contrast. A general brain MRI without contrast will not see what we are looking for.
    • Free Testosterone
    • DHT
    • Vitamin D
    • Free T3 would be nice

    When you were seeing someone about the IBS, were you ever tested for gluten sensitivity or at least Celiac's?

    If you are concerned about Adrenal Fatigue, you could get a 24/hr Saliva Cortisol test which samples saliva throughout the day. If you get just the 24/hr Urine you won't be able to see your levels at various times throughout the day, just a total number.

    I have no comment on the Clomid or other SERMs because I'm not really informed on that.

  4. #4
    bass's Avatar
    bass is offline HRT Specialist ~ Knowledgeable Member
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    hang in there bro, follow KelKel's advice then come back here and post your new BW.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Serum LH 1.8 IU/L (2.0-12.0) LOW

    Plasma FSH 1.3 IU/L (1.7-8.0) LOW

    In the tank for a guy your appear to be Secondary Hypogonadal and there is a reason for that at your age.

    You need to see a Physician who understands male hormonal balance and don't think any Endo can do this...most don't know.

    Do some research and read the sticky on finding a TRT Doctor that kel penned...and conduct your due dilligence.

    Getting the right care is the most important thing for you now as something is very amiss and could be anything so the correct diagnosis is critical for the correct care.

    You need help and there is no doubt about that...but get the right help and find the right Doc.

  6. #6
    JAMIE07652's Avatar
    JAMIE07652 is offline Associate Member
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    Welcome and your in good hands ..

  7. #7
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi kelkel,

    thanks, I put some effort in it

    Yes, MRI has to be done. For some reason, the doc didn't ask for free T, probably because total + SHBG could be enough, but Albumin is missing.
    Yep, SHBG does indeed seems pretty nice.
    I checked Nolvadex , looks pretty fine to me, but it's a bit out of reach atm., details follow later.


    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Welcome Chris. Great opening post btw. Your assumptions seem correct. Get the MRI post haste and determine if it's pituitary related. Your LH/FSH is just ridiculously low yet your testies seem exceptionally responsive all things considered. Imagine what your level could be if your LH/FSH were pulsing normally! That said, low LH/FSH is why your nuts are shrinking. The caveat is that you don't have a free or bio T listed. Serum means little quite honestly. You get your bang for the buck with the free T. In the Finding a Physician Sticky is a list of tests you may want to paruse for your next round and fill in the blanks.

    Your shbg is not bad if the ranges are normal. Lab Corp's range is 19.3 - 76.4. Remember shbg binds both T and E. You seriously need to fill in the blanks with some of the BW missed. Be sure to get vit D as no doubt your low and elevating your level will in turn lower your shbg and free up more T for use. Nice! A DHT level would also be good.

    I'm falling asleep at the wheel here. More will chime in. You should not feel the way you do and you need to find out why asap. Get the MRI and more complete BW and post it. Glad to have you here Chris!

    Oh, before you initiate a serm (clomid) get your MRI and other BW. In my opinion if it came to serms I'd go with nolvadex in lieu of clomid. Safer and you don't have to take as much.

  8. #8
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi xtitan,

    thanks for the answer.

    Have a seat, right over there...

    Yep, I got used to being a zombie in the mornings as well, I feel you. Sucks big time.

    Although, if it is cortisol, coffee and eating helps. For me, a bit.

    I've been to the gastroenterologist about 2 years ago, I guess?

    She did some bloodwork, and yes, I remember now!

    There were all kind of intolerance tests, like fish, oyster, gluten I guess and plenty of others, including a lactose-intolerance test (you drink 50 g pure lactose, if you crap yourself - voila - you are lactose intolerant!; they draw blood every 15 mins IIRC).

    Everything came back negative, but the thing with IBS is that you can't eat starches.

    If my theory - well... - is correct, it could be because of the low cortisol interferes with carbohydrate digestion and / or abdomen blood flow. It's just a theory

    We'll see.

    Salivary Cortisol Test - I can have it for 90 Łs, if I can't get it somehow else, I'll buy then, just to be sure.


    Quote Originally Posted by xtitan1 View Post
    "I'm Chris Hansen. Why don't you have a seat over there?"

    Sorry to hear you're having these problems brutha, but welcome to forum. I have similar symptoms of debilitating fatigue. People who see me when I first wake say I'm totally out of it like I'm drunk or something. I can't do anything but zone out for about an hour until it wears off.

    Reiterating kelkel's advice for labs:

    • MRI of Pituitary with contrast. A general brain MRI without contrast will not see what we are looking for.
    • Free Testosterone
    • DHT
    • Vitamin D
    • Free T3 would be nice

    When you were seeing someone about the IBS, were you ever tested for gluten sensitivity or at least Celiac's?

    If you are concerned about Adrenal Fatigue, you could get a 24/hr Saliva Cortisol test which samples saliva throughout the day. If you get just the 24/hr Urine you won't be able to see your levels at various times throughout the day, just a total number.

    I have no comment on the Clomid or other SERMs because I'm not really informed on that.

  9. #9
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi there,

    will do!


    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    hang in there bro, follow KelKel's advice then come back here and post your new BW.

  10. #10
    xtitan1's Avatar
    xtitan1 is offline Associate Member
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    Roger that brutha sounds like you know way more about IBS than I do. Make sure you get back to us once you get those results, very interesting. Hang in there-

  11. #11
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    tomorrow, hopefully...

    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    hang in there bro, follow KelKel's advice then come back here and post your new BW.

  12. #12
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi GD,

    thanks for the answer.

    Yes, this looks all really straightforward to me, it's just the doctors you know...

    I live in England and I just slowly getting to realize how sh!tty the healthcare is here.

    I'll try to talk to my GP when he's back from the holidays, maybe he'll be receptive to the ideas mentioned here.

    I'll keep this thread updated.


    Quote Originally Posted by gdevine View Post
    Serum LH 1.8 IU/L (2.0-12.0) LOW

    Plasma FSH 1.3 IU/L (1.7-8.0) LOW

    In the tank for a guy your appear to be Secondary Hypogonadal and there is a reason for that at your age.

    You need to see a Physician who understands male hormonal balance and don't think any Endo can do this...most don't know.

    Do some research and read the sticky on finding a TRT Doctor that kel penned...and conduct your due dilligence.

    Getting the right care is the most important thing for you now as something is very amiss and could be anything so the correct diagnosis is critical for the correct care.

    You need help and there is no doubt about that...but get the right help and find the right Doc.

  13. #13
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    I DO want to be in good hands, just takes time...

    Quote Originally Posted by JAMIE07652 View Post
    Welcome and your in good hands ..

  14. #14
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    update time!

    I've been to the GP last Friday, this is another guy because the first doc is on holiday (Olympics, summer,etc.).

    He had a look on the BW and said that if I'd have high LH and FSH and low test, that would be testicular problem (no way Sherlock...), but he has no idea what my BW means.

    My TT level is perfectly normal, so he is not referring me to an endo just yet.

    I suggested secondary hypogonadism.

    What happened next is, well, I just don't know where to put it. He fiddled around the edge of the table and pulled out a piece of paper, actually a cut-out page from a magazine, about how to diagnose pituitary problems.

    There were the tests to ask for, GH, IGF-1, ACTH, LH, FSH, the usuals, he's got no idea what ACTH is...

    OK, time to bring out the BWs I wish for - Vit D., ACTH, Preg, Prog, DHEA, E2.

    Apparently, those are the "fancy" tests, and he won't do them. He also can not refer me to an MRI scan, GPs can't do it.

    He ordered another test to confirm that numbers are in fact real and see what happens.

    The next BW will be TT, LH, FSH, Lipid Panel, 9am cortisol.

    I expect the same numbers, maybe with a minor difference, and really low cortisol.

    It seems like here with a 500ish TT, I'm f*cked, I might even be refused to be referred to an endo.

    I'll post the new BW when I get the results and keep you updated.

  15. #15
    chrishansen83 is offline New Member
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    Hi again.

    So, the BW result is back and is worse than ever:

    Serum cholesterol - 7.0 mmol/L (<5.0) [270 mg/dL] HIGH

    Serum triglycerides - 0.76 mmol/L (0.00-2.00) [67 mg/dL]

    Serum HDL cholesterol - 1.31 mmol/L (0.90-1.90) [50.5 mg/dL]

    Serum LDL cholesterol - 5.34 mmol/L (3.00-5.00) [206 mg/dL] HIGH

    Total cholesterol:HDL ratio - 5.34 (3.00-5.00) HIGH

    Serum testosterone - 14.4 mmol/L (10.0-30.0) [415 ng/dl]

    Serum cortisol (9am) - 261 nmol/L (160 - 550 nmol/L) ~ salivary 5.0 nmol/L

    Serum LH level - 3.2 IU/L (2.0-12.0)

    Plasma FSH level - 1.3 IU/L (1.7-8.0) LOW

    I had to specifically ask for the Lipid panel, how nice of me.

    Please help me understand these lipid numbers.

    I knew that the LDL will be high and cortisol low, this kinda proves that the LDL - Pregnenolone conversion doesn't work, am I right?

    I found a study, where the serum and salivary cortisol results are put together on a chart; page 4: .de/oa/degruyter/cclm.1995.33.12.927.pdf

    261 roughly translates to around 5, which is incredibly low. No wonder I can't do anything all day.

    LH is slightly better, that might be just the apex point of the pulse, no change in FSH...

    TT now close to 400, highly undesirable and dangerous on the long term. I might try to educate this doc.

    Next appointment with the GP is on Friday, see what he'll say. I'm afraid he will ride crazy on the LDL and try to prescribe me something stupid, or advise not to eat fats, the bastard .

    Cortisol will be normal by him, sure thing.

    I am committed to solve this for good, even by myself if necessary.

    I will start HM101 as soon as the ordered Preg. creams arrive, hopefully on next Tuesday.

    I also ordered a bottle of L-DOPA, to generally feel better, upregulate the neurotransmitters, plus help with the GH levels,

    Think I might be GH deficient as well, according to wikipedia: Growth_hormone_deficiency, I have all the symptoms, high LDL and low SHBG kinda confirms this.

    When I feel better, I'll go to another country where the lab prices are generally 50-70% cheaper and go crazy on the ticks .
    Tamoxifen , T3, MRI is for chips.
    Can't do this right now though, no motivation & energy to go out of the house at all, not even to travel.

    Appreciate the responses guys!

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