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  1. #1
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    got an appt with endo tomorrow morning

    whatsup guys, i got an appt with a new doctor tomorrow morning after losing my first doc. (he just up and left one friday without telling me, and let me figure it out on my own...thanks bud) anyways i called around to about 20 different places and finally found an office that will do TRT and also will do injections. i was on the Testim gel @ one 50mg tube a day, and it DID do a little but if i have the option to switch to injections i want to see if they will work better. I was wondering what i should ask when im there? i mean i know they will do the injections but im not sure if they will let me do it on my own because if he says that im going to havto drive 25 minutes everytime i need rather stay on the gel as it will not work with my schedule. should i ask for more blood work and different tests? im bringing the last 3 sets of blood work ive had done with me. if he does agree to letting me self-med what would be the most acceptable protocol? im hoping twice a week but i dont think ill take it if its more than once a just afraid that any longer then that will be too long without it, and he will havto give me a larger dose at once which i assume would have a better chance of aromatising if i dont use an AI (and i dont think he will prescribe one either) i get really frustrated with this stuff because NONE of the doctors ive spoken to have jack sh*t for info on anything TRT related, but im trying to have a positive mindset. any input would be great THANK YOU all.

  2. #2
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    Make sure to take a list of the BW recommended at the top of the forum on finding a TRT Doc. Just covering your bases when you get there to see if they are ordering the correct labs.

    Also, make sure if you do go the injection route they let you do it at home. Tell them the drive and inconvenience is too much.

    Make sure they understand the use of hCG and AI's in your protocol. Some Endo's who say they know TRT don't and you will know fast when they tell you that they don't prescribe hCG or any type of AI.

  3. #3
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i have a feeling that he will not prescribe HCG or an AI but i might just be paranoid because all the doctors ive talked to said no way. has anyone been in the situation where they said they needed to have you do the injections in the office and you said it was too much of a hassle and they just said "ok do it at home?". is it a pretty common place thing to be able to inject at home? and yes, thank you i will bring the info on the BW that is needed, i would have forgot if you didnt say that.

  4. #4
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    Also, is there anything that i definitely should NOT say to him? i mean i have a pretty good idea of what not to say, but anything that someone here has said but wished they had not? i just really want to have a good relationship with my doctor, so we will actually work WITH me, and hopefully i can keep this doctor from here on

  5. #5
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    You need to go in educated and prepared to have a very informed and compelling discussion with the Doc if they don't know the proper protocol utilizing HCG and an AI.

    You may want to print off Dr. Crisler's papers on both, highlight them, and give them as leave behinds for the Doc to read if you run into resistence.

    You can also tell the Doc that many of the men you have seen here who are under the proper care routinely have HCG and AI's added in...and tell the Doc you understand that without them you will begin to have testicular atrophy and all the negative side effects of elevated E2 and you simply don't want them.

    You need to go in there prepared and confident in your knowledge.

  6. #6
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    thank you sir, i think you have just helped change my demeanor haha. prepared and confident...prepared and confident. im going to be saying this to myself on the whole drive over there. wish me luck boys

  7. #7
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    just came back from the doctors. he said no to injections and he wouldnt RX an AI or HCG even if he wanted to work with me on TRT. I specifically called the office and talked extensively with them about TRT and they said yes they do the injections they just wanted to meet with me first. this is the most frustrating thing to deal with

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Sorry to hear but it's a recurring theme here.

    Read the sticky on searching for the right TRT Doctor.

    Compounding pharmacies can be your greatest resource.

    Search for ones in your area and contact them as they can be a huge help to you in your search!

  9. #9
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    yeah i hear ya, i shouldnt have expected this visit would turn out any different then the last 30 places ive talked to over the phone or met with in person. ive tried the compounding pharmacy call, he didnt seem like he gets that question a lot but i dont know maybe it was just that specific one. ill havto try some other places. ive asked this a few times and havnt got an answer but anyone in the boston area know of a doctor? i just feel like giving up and trying to just live with low t, its so disappointing getting let down over and over again. sorry for complaining, just hating life right now

  10. #10
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    Are you covered by insurance or paying out of pocket?

  11. #11
    beeasy1689 is offline Junior Member
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    for the Testim its covered, well i godda pay $25.00 but my refills will be gone next month so i havto find a new doctor before hand, so ive been looking at anti-aging places that only take out of pocket but so far the ones ive looked at were WAYY too expensive. like $1000.00 for a 3 week supply...imagine having to pay 1000 bucks every 3 weeks for a full year. but they are the only places i can find that will do the test, hcg , and ai. and they throw in some inj. b12 as well.

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