Hey all,
I'm starting to get some results back from my first round of BW since I started TRT 6 weeks ago. I took the sample right before an injection so it's in the trough, 3.5 days since the previous injection. I'm currently not feeling any better than before other than my libido is up. Still tired all the time.
I'm currently on:
50mg Test Cyp 2x a week
.5 mg Caberoline 2x a week
Test results (I'll keep posting these as they come in):
Testosterone 430 241 - 827 This was 366 prior to TRT
Estradiol 41 0-39.8pg/mL This was 25 prior to TRT
Prolactin <0.3 This is very low because of caberoline
PSA 0.79 0.0 - 4.0
White Blood Cell Count 6.9 4.0 - 11.0 K/uL
Red Blood Cell Count 5.16 4.40 - 6.00 M/uL
Hemoglobin 15.3 13.5 - 18.0 g/dL
Hematocrit 46.5 40.0 - 52.0 %
MCV 90 80 - 100 fL
MCH 29.7 27.0 - 33.0 pg
MCHC 32.9 31.0 - 36.0 g/dL
RDW 13.0 <16.4 %
Platelet Count 211 150 - 400 K/uL
Sodium 143 136 - 145 mmol/L
Note New Normal Range
Potassium 4.1 3.5 - 5.1 mmol/L
Chloride 107 98 - 107 mmol/L
Bicarbonate 28 21 - 32 mmol/L
Glucose 92 70 - 99 mg/dL
BUN 12 6 - 25 mg/dL
CREATININE 0.8 0.8 - 1.3 mg/dL
Note New Normal Range
GFR Est-Other >60 >60 See Cmnt
GFR Est-African American >60 >60 See Cmnt
Calcium 8.9 8.2 - 10.2 mg/dL
Total Protein 7.0 6.4 - 8.2 g/dL
Albumin 4.1 3.2 - 4.7 g/dL
Total Bilirubin 0.5 <1.1 mg/dL
Alkaline Phosphatase 80 26 - 137 U/L
AST 14 0 - 37 U/L
ALT 19 15 - 60 U/L
So injecting 100mg of T a week only took my level from 366 to 430 which probably explains why I'm not feeling much. And also my E2 shot up like crazy already and this actually doesn't surprise me, during puberty I developed gyno and still have hard glandular tissue under my nipples, which sucks because I'm a pretty skinny guy.
I'm going to up my T dose but the only issue is even though I have a doctor prescribing all this, I pretty much write my own prescriptions. I really rely on the support I get on this forum.
I'm thinking about going from 50mg 2x a week to 80mg 2x a week, then retesting in 4 weeks. Since my E2 is already past 40 should I be taking and AI? What should I take and what dose?
I'll continue edit this post as the rest of my BW comes in.
Thanks so much guys!
Here are some new results:
VitD,25-Hydroxy Tot 58 30 - 100 (I'm taking 5,000IU Vitamin D 2x a day)
DHEA SULFATE 164 110 - 510 (Should I start taking Micronized DHEA?)
SexHormone Bind Glob 9.83 10 - 57 (This got flagged as low, maybe from vitamin D?)
Pregnenolone 41 13 - 208 (I don't know anything about this)
IGF1 402 126 - 382 This got flagged as high, I'm really beastin' in the HGH lol
Total cholesterol 149 <200 mg/dL
Desirable: <200 mg/dL
Borderline: 200-239 mg/dL
High: >240 mg/dL
Triglyceride 151 <150 mg/dL (This came down from the 180s since my last pull, very happy about that)
Note New Normal Range
HDL cholesterol 46 >40 mg/dL
LDL Calculated 73 <130 mg/dL
<100 mg/dL Optimal
100-129 mg/dL Near or above optimal
130 - 159 Borderline high
160-189 High
>189 Very high
Cholesterol to HDL Ratio 3.2 1.0 - 4.0
VLDL (Calculated) 30 5 - 40 mg/dL
Total Testosterone 534 250 - 1100
Free Testosterone 187.1 35.0 - 155.0 <-- This got flagged as high in the system