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Thread: New to all this

  1. #1

    New to all this

    New to this HRT. Started with Testim managed to get up to a 327 from a 127 level. Cannt give any more info then that. Didnt find this site till after that. My Dr. and PA wanted me to see someone else with more experiance. Switched from the testim to Fortesta. Another blood test after 2 monthes , and might add feeling like crap. Took me off of the fortesta to get another baseline test. At this point not impressed by the speicalist. Asked for a Estridol senstivaty test also this time he didn't want to order it. con vinced regular Dr and Pa to do it. Have a new set of lab results hope these will give the info to give me some insight.

    testostrone , total : actual 181 range 285-950
    testostrone free ; 52 range 50 - 247 pg/ml
    testostrone % free: 2.9 range 1.8 - 3.2 %
    sex binding globulin: 12 range 10 - 74 nmol/L
    albumin : 4.5 range 3.7 - 5.0 g/dl
    E2 Eistrodol male assay 22.7 range 10 - 42
    glucose : 85 range 74 - 118 mg/dl

    These are the only results I was given from the lab .

    Testim was 1 tube 50mg a day
    Fortesta was 4 pumps a day 50mg

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    First things first, you need to read and apply the thread about Finding a TRT doctor. You are in bad hands right now. I've been there, I can see it a mile away, and the end result is misery. Get out ASAP.

    Next, your results are predictably poor. These docs don't know what they are doing judging by a couple huge red flags in your post. if you want to bother, you could ask the Dr/PA combo to switch you to injections while you find a specialist. A simple thing like 80-100mg once per week will have you in better shape than where you are now.

    Once you find a decent doc, then you can really try to figure things out. But as I said, right now you're just getting screwed around.

  3. #3
    fit2bOld's Avatar
    fit2bOld is offline Knowledgeable Member- Recognized Member Winner - $100
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    grillin chicken
    Not good RJD Test level in in the dirt. Estrogen is ok. the other results in range. You need a full hormone panel to tell a bigger story.
    As HRTStudent says your care is not in your best interest and you should be on injections just by fact the results from other therapies were poor at best.

    A real protocol consists of Test, HCG, and AI (aromatase inhibitor if indicated, most are, some are lucky to not). Certain vitamin supplementation may be wanted such as ISO D3.

    You are the master of your own care and the Doctors work for you, you pay their salary. Start a log/journal and get copies of all blood work before leaving the office for your own records.
    I use a PA and am in great care, It's just a matter of find the right person.

  4. #4
    Don't know if I should thank you guys or not! Your answears are what I was afraid I was going to hear. I understand the reason my Dr/PA went the cream route . Start small work our way up . My PA is willing to read or listen to any information I hand her. She has been working with women for there HRT. Has really helped my wife.

    The spiecalist is the one I'm the most conserned with. First off doesn't seem to have a good bed side manner.

    Going to start looking for someone else.

    Thanks , try to keep updating.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Good advice above. Read all the stickies! Can you tell us your age and do you have pre-TRT blood work that you can post or relate to us. Low T can be caused by a multitude of things that may just be fixable with a competent doc. Or do you know what exactly caused the low T?



  6. #6
    I'm 49.
    Nothing as good as the last one . But see I'm still missing some test that would help.

    Testosterone total 137 range 285 - 900 ng/dl
    Testosterone free 38 range 50 -247 pg/ml
    sex binding globulin 2-8 range 1.8 - 3.2 %
    albumin 4.5 range 3.7 - 5.0 g/dl
    These were taken at my insistance to be checked for the low T. They were taken on 4-24-2012
    The next were taken 7-20-2012
    testosterone total 319
    testosterone free 88
    testosterone % 2.8
    sex binding glubulin 16
    albumin 4.5

    Just fighting chronic joint and muscular pain. No idicators of RA has shown up in the blood work done for that. West Nile , Blue Tick and Lymes Diasese has been ruled out.

    Anything else?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Well, the most obvious low hanging fruit here is that your testosterone is still terrible. Is this recent 137 level while you are on TRT?

    If so, you really need to get into a new doc. Can't stress it enough to find a true expert in male HRT even if you have to drive hours for an appointment. Its better than suffering for months or years.

  8. #8
    The 137 was after being off for 4 weeks. Really feeling terrible again. Have faith in my Dr/PA they are really open to my input. I wanted to try doubling my dose. They wanted me to see there "speiaclist" .They werent sure if that was a good option. They sought input from him. Not impressed by him. He just wanted me to try something else. His " product". Blood work after that month was down to 112 . This is the only BW report that I cant get .

    I really appecated everones concern. Going to keep swing at them.

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