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Thread: On TRT: need some info.

  1. #1
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    I'm taking 3 pumps of androgel daily and 2 pumps of axiron. I get blood test every 90 days and all is good. I've been on TRT for 5 years. Should I switch to injections? My test is always between 900 - 1100. My doctor says everything else in bloodwork looks good every time. Should I add more test if I want to run a cycle of aas or just continue with what I have been taking threw the cycle?

    Any info would be great!

    Oh yeah: 6 '3' 225 lb. and 11% body fat 33 years old.
    I've been lifting for 5 years consistently
    Last edited by Chx beach 79; 10-14-2012 at 01:53 PM.

  2. #2
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    I tried androgel. It was too much of a pain in the you now what. Especially with kids.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by LT75
    I tried androgel. It was too much of a pain in the you now what. Especially with kids.
    Yeah. I here you. Plus if I want to go swimming in the morning it throws it off.

  4. #4
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    Hey chx you are on 2 different test gels??

    Man u must get a buzz from all that alcohol every morning!!!

    I would change over to the injections for sure if I had to rub on that much gel every day..

    I took 2 packs of the 5 g andro gel for 4 months when I first started and would never go back!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by J DIESEL3
    Hey chx you are on 2 different test gels??

    Man u must get a buzz from all that alcohol every morning!!!

    I would change over to the injections for sure if I had to rub on that much gel every day..

    I took 2 packs of the 5 g andro gel for 4 months when I first started and would never go back!
    Yeah it is not idea! I have never done injections, but I know it's time for me to switch. How hard is it to do the injections?

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    It's very simple. I'd venture to say, since I've been in your shoes, that once you switch over and get dialed in that you will wish you had started years ago, IMO. As long as you're instructed properly, use the correct pins for either I.M. / S.Q. or both, and your protocol is correct, it makes it very easy.


  7. #7
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    Like kel has stated it's so easy.

    Once you do a couple of shots yourself you will see what we are talking about.

    I changed from I.M. Injection to sub q and it is even better.

    Just try both and see what works for u. Good luck

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Thanks fellas! Lots of encouragement! It's funny the bigger I get I'm still scared of a stupid little needle! Haha

    Is it ok to ask for advice about steroids in addition to TRT in this thread?

  9. #9
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    If you are doing fine with the gel I would stick to that. IF you want to learn about cycles you can in the other sections

    You are pretty young at 33 for TRT no?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by bp2000
    If you are doing fine with the gel I would stick to that. IF you want to learn about cycles you can in the other sections

    You are pretty young at 33 for TRT no?
    Yes way to young! I've been on for 5 years! I had A accident that damaged one of my balls! So unfortunately I produce low amounts of test naturally. The TRT has helped miraculously. I will always have to take it. The downside is I'm on medicine till I die! The good news is, if I have no bad side effect we will be increasing it! So I will have the test of 18 year old as long as I live. Also because it is a medical condition my insurance covers almost everything! Blood tests every 90 days, Doctor visits, prescription test.

  11. #11
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Thanks fellas! Lots of encouragement! It's funny the bigger I get I'm still scared of a stupid little needle! Haha

    Is it ok to ask for advice about steroids in addition to TRT in this thread?
    You need to get settled in on your TRT before you consider cycling, IMO. If you switch to injections it will take a bit of time to find homeostasis. Then you need to just manage that for a while before that next big leap. Spend some time on the AAS Q & A Forum and read the stickies and follow the threads. You will see how much there is to it. If and when that time comes the guys there can help guide you or I can as well.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel

    You need to get settled in on your TRT before you consider cycling, IMO. If you switch to injections it will take a bit of time to find homeostasis. Then you need to just manage that for a while before that next big leap. Spend some time on the AAS Q & A Forum and read the stickies and follow the threads. You will see how much there is to it. If and when that time comes the guys there can help guide you or I can as well.

    Thanks kel,
    It just doesn't seem many of them have experience in TRT and cycles. What do you suggest?

  13. #13
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I would not suggest talking to your doc about cycles. He will look at you suspiciously from that point forward. It's about trust with your doc. Will your current doc allow you to switch to injections? If so then that's a start. Eventually you will need HCG and an AI as well. Many will not issue HCG saying it's against medical protocols. That's incorrect. It's actually on the product insert of many brands of HCG on the market. Gels don't aromatize as injections do, even though the aromatase enzyme lives in the skin. So you may need the AI as stated. BW is the key here and needs to be done around 4 weeks after you switch, IMO. So you see this is a process. Not simple but worth the effort if you choose. Start reading all the stickies here and following along with the incoming threads. You'll get a good idea what to do.

    There are many doc's who just don't know hormones and it's just easier for them to write gel scripts. Nothing wrong with gel if it works for you. Injections are another element all together. So, your protocol has to be weekly at a minimum. Many of us here actually inject half the amount twice weekly for more stable levels which helps with E2 conversion hopefully resulting in less or no AI needed.

    I'd talk to your doc about injections. Go in there knowing exactly what you want to be prescribed and why. If your doc won't help then continue with the gels and begin looking for another doc. Use the Finding a Doc Sticky to help if needed. Let us know how it goes.

    Last edited by kelkel; 10-14-2012 at 10:11 PM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    Yes way to young! I've been on for 5 years! I had A accident that damaged one of my balls! So unfortunately I produce low amounts of test naturally. The TRT has helped miraculously. I will always have to take it. The downside is I'm on medicine till I die! The good news is, if I have no bad side effect we will be increasing it! So I will have the test of 18 year old as long as I live. Also because it is a medical condition my insurance covers almost everything! Blood tests every 90 days, Doctor visits, prescription test.
    Ok that explains it. Sorry you had the accident.

    Like I said if you are on gels and your levels are high and it's working for you I would stick to that plan until it stops working. If you switch to injections you most likely would have to take an AI and also go on HCG. So that is two additional meds you have to take. And since your young I would keep it as simple as possible.

    Cycling is different. You could cycle with injections but that is your decision to make. IMO you can make plenty of gains just on HRT if you diet is good. Remember diet is 80% of your progress. If you did do a cycle there are plenty of way's to do it. I would look up Ronnie Rowland slingshot method. You basically run a 8 week cycle of 1 or two compounds then run your HRT for 2 weeks then go back to injections for 8 more weeks. And instead of PCT you would just resume your normal HRT regimental. He has like a 200 page thread on it here.

  15. #15
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    to op.
    just curious, are you having problems with gel that you are considering switching to injections? i was thinking if you are comfortable and stable with the gel, you may not want to change that. like Kel said, there's nothing wrong with using gel.

    a suggestion, if i may. if you decide to stick to gel, you probably can run a test only cycle for 10-12wks of injections, wait 2 wks for the cycle to clear your system(if you're using test E), and go back to your current gel program. the cycle for trt or non-trt guys are almost the same, except that you wont need pct.

  16. #16
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    Chx, I know you said the other blood work panels "looks good", but I'm just curious what other panels are being reviewed? Just for the sake of conversation, do you have some of these labs with ref. ranges? (E2 sensitive, free/bio test, SHBG, DHT, thyroid panels, DHEA, cortisol, vitamin D, ... etc.). Being that you're on the gels, I'm particularly curious with your E2 & DHT labs ... Well, I'm curious with everything, but whatever you can share (little or a lot) would be great. Thanks!

  17. #17
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    Yeah I have never gotten a copy of the results he just looks at it and tells me everything is fine. I sent office a email to send me a copy of the results. I will post when I get it. I didn't know enough accept to ask about my testosterone levels. I figured he would let me know if anything else is off. He always says liver looks good and cholesterol looks good.

  18. #18
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    If you are feeling good and your levels are good, don't mess with it.

    I used gel for 6 years until it stopped working for me. I'm on test cyp. now. It's not as good- I miss the more natural feeling of a daily cycle. I'm still figuring out a protocol. I'm pinning three times a week now to get things more even. With cyp. I need an AI, I didn't with gel. That's one more drug to deal with.

  19. #19
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    Yeah, but gel has a higher affinity for converting to DHT, via 5-AR enzyme. Look at splitting up the cyp dosages by method of Sub Q, and you will probably get a better handle with controlling the conversion of E2.

  20. #20
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    Switch to pellets and you can forget about HRT for months. I love pellets. Gels were effective, but a daily commitment AND a daily reminder.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by 61er
    Switch to pellets and you can forget about HRT for months. I love pellets. Gels were effective, but a daily commitment AND a daily reminder.
    What is a pellet? Who makes it? Dosages?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chx beach 79 View Post
    What is a pellet? Who makes it? Dosages?
    Just watch the video below and you will probably stay clear of those things. Talk about the last resort ... I'd rather stick my nads in a vise!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vettester

    Just watch the video below and you will probably stay clear of those things. Talk about the last resort ... I'd rather stick my nads in a vise!

    YouTube Link:
    Yeah! That Sucks! I would rather swim in test gel rather than shove pellets up in me! Lol

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