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Thread: First eek of TRT

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Scottsdale AZ
    Finished up my first week. Most of what I've felt is very tired and run down. Is this normal. Sorry about the title. Meant to say week. iPad auto correct.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    TRT won't take effect until 4-6 weeks into it. Even then your body will go through few adjustments. Hang in there, soon you'll feel better. What is your complete protocol?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Scottsdale AZ
    Testosterone cypionate 100mgs twice a week

    Sermorelin M-F 30 units
    HCG twice a week 500 units per
    MIC with vitamin B and L carnitine
    Anastrozole twice a week

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Pete, did you by chance post up that BW from the other thread?

    I would explain what you're feeling to your doctor ASAP! To answer you, "No", it is not "normal" to feel that way your first week, unless there are other factors going on here as a result of your protocol, i.e., adrenal fatigue, hormonal spikes upstream/downstream, or stress markers associated with with the types of compounds being taken, or the dosages thereof. There could be a myriad of reasons, especially knowing that your body isn't used to anything, now it's getting hit full on! Keep in mind, the body will try to find homeostasis, and feeling tired and run down could be an indicator that it's trying to get relief.

    Your previous thread illustrated a pretty aggressive protocol for starting out. My suggestion is to possibly consider doing the exact opposite; meaning start out small and titrate to a manageable level. Just food for thought ...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Scottsdale AZ
    I agree. I also have started working out. And my wife has had flu like symptoms and I wonder if I have a bit of that myself. I backed off on the testosterone dose per all of your recommendations. I read on here that someone slept a lot the first two weeks so I wondered if that was possible.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    I agree with Vette, lower your dose, allow your body adjust to the elevated hormones little a time. I remember going through it myself, the clinic loaded me with way too much and too many things at once, and my body went into shock. Everyone reacts differently, some cycle 600 mgs a week with no problems, and some of us need to go little a time.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Chula Vista
    I can tell you that my doc loaded me with 175mg a week for the first 4 weeks,.. I had a little anxiety at first while my body adjusted, also had bad crashing by day's 5 and 6,.. then he lowered my dose to 100mg a week and bi weekly, just finished my first bi-weekly with a lower dose and got to tell you I feel incredable! It is tempting to want to get a higher dose but I'm waiting to see my first blood work. I'm the type of guy that has always ate right and worked out hard at the gym and never got results, Now Im getting lean, strong and the body I always wanted, not to mention I'm not lethargic anymore, and have energy to burn even after the gym and work, plus sex drive is perfect.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by HEVEW8 View Post
    I can tell you that my doc loaded me with 175mg a week for the first 4 weeks,.. I had a little anxiety at first while my body adjusted, also had bad crashing by day's 5 and 6,.. then he lowered my dose to 100mg a week and bi weekly, just finished my first bi-weekly with a lower dose and got to tell you I feel incredable! It is tempting to want to get a higher dose but I'm waiting to see my first blood work. I'm the type of guy that has always ate right and worked out hard at the gym and never got results, Now Im getting lean, strong and the body I always wanted, not to mention I'm not lethargic anymore, and have energy to burn even after the gym and work, plus sex drive is perfect.
    bi weekly? do you feel okay on days 9-14? your dose should be weekly not bi weekly, half life of test is around 6 days.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Chula Vista
    Let me clarify,.. Twice per week, Sunday morning, and Wednsday night.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AZPete View Post
    Finished up my first week. Most of what I've felt is very tired and run down. Is this normal. Sorry about the title. Meant to say week. iPad auto correct.
    I had a rough first week but I had sleeplessness instead. I started a protocol very similar to what you are doing.

    I agree with the others, it's quite a shock to one's system starting off at such high levels.

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